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Posts posted by Vince

  1. well, honestly i don't know what i would do then if the situation where i should pick one of the three of my (provided i really get married and have a child) family. But, really, idealistically i'd pick my child's life over me and my wife. since if by that time there's someone who i will love and the feeling is mutual then she'd understand why i'd pick that option and would support me with smile (not trying to be the mr know-it-all asshole and shove my ideal to my will-be-wife though).


    given my sentimental personality i'd probably regret at whatever option i pick after i really do it. i'd probably even regret my option of saving my child and giving my will-be-wife to the reaper, and not even trying to save the other one even if the probability is literally nil, or the opposite of it. but all this talk only positive if i have time to think about it.


    but really, if i really got no time to think about it and i just have to rely on my reflexes and time, i'd probably either :

    - try to save everybody and got all three of us killed.

    - froze on the spot and watch the two of them got killed (by whatever it is, srsly) and spending the rest of my life as a miserable fussy sissy who couldn't let go of the regret.

    - saving my child/wife. probably my child.

    - got somekind of hidden abilities triggered up and beat the fuck up whatever is killing us. :makina:


    because you know what? the strongest emotion is fear, and fear of death is natural for whoever (whatever) is alive.

    the only question is which one do you fear more. death, or the fact that you'd lose someone precious to you?

  2. I have Edelweiss in my HDD Ariurotl-san. 

    But I haven't touched it since the time I read its first paragraphs.

    It just doesn't click with me.

    I have aggregator, TyR-san, but it wasn't a nice experience. 

    My reading speed become drastically slower than a walking snail. 

    The translation is also not accurate and messed up sometimes. 

    About the list, I'll check them up. 

    Can you give some reviews about those VNs, TyR-san?

    you're not using aggregator to read the english translation, are you? cause you just don't use aggregator that way, ask google translate why.

    i use them to read like this, and so far, i'm confident i can read most of untranslated VNs. excluding few titles where the japanese is just simply mind-fuggin hard.

    (hello hello dies irae and muramasa :makina:)



    i'm using katakana setting now since i want to improve my katakana skills.


    This is the guide that showed me the way of untranslated. :wahaha:



    as for reviews, i've never done any review... :makina: so if you want it better try asking clephas-san there. :sachi: honto ni sumimason!

    • akatsuki no goei trinity - "The story takes place in a little bit future. The police has no control and a lot of crimes happen here and there. To deal with this problem, the government establishes a bodyguard training school. Kaito, the main character, enters it and becomes a bodyguard through hard training. On the last day of school, other students look happy, but he doesn't. "I'll hire you as my bodyguard. Good luck," she just says arrogantly. "What...?" Her atmosphere really makes him think.... He just wants to protect her...."

    akatsuki no goei trinity has 3 story (obviously), akatsuki no goei ; akatsuki no goei-principal tachi no shuumatsu (fandisk) ; and akatsuki no goei tsumibukaki shuumatsuron (sequel). and i consider the tsumibukaki as the 'climax' of the story. though the story of the first two title a bit slow, you definitely won't get bored. i'd really recommend this one to someone who's going to delve into the untranslated vns.


    more so if you're the type who loves vns with many heroines route, boke protag, and OP protags

    and the language is a bit high, but, not to the degree of unreadable.


    the only minus point of the series (this probably, no, definitely my subjective opinion) is the lack of variety of the bgms, so when i played it back then i'd mute the bgm, and play other vn/animes bgm on my player when the scene and the bgm is quite unaligned. i probably the only one on the earth who does this, but forget that, i really enjoyed the series.


    • nanairo reincarnation - Makoto was in his third year at university when his grandfather passed away and transferred his property entirely to him. He was ready to start living alone, but when he moved in, he was greeted by the zashikiwarashi Iyo and the oni Kikyou. They were only visible to him since he had inherited a special power which allowed him to see spirits. He had also inherited the ‘duty’ of the Kagami family, which had been passed on from generation to generation. With the support of the oni, he must use his power to appease the wandering souls in the town and help them rest at peace.

    damn, just read this. why turn a blind eye on a piece of this kamige? no words needed. just read it. really, this vn is one of the rare vns which still could make my eyes watery even when its the second time i read it.



    • majikoi - Kawakami City is famous for its strong dedication to its samurai ancestors. A strong fighting spirit is always valued and it's even an important factor in succeeding in school there

      Yamato, a second year student from Kawakami Highchool is always with his close friends (4 boys and 3 girls). They have known each other since they were young and have done loads of things together. They have many other friends, but this seven people is a close-knit group, they even have a secret base where they meet...

      With the new semester, they welcome two girls into their group and shortly after things start to change...

    this one really has great comedy, and i fav the art of this one. and top of that, a really colorful routes (heroines). from the light love development to the dark heavy momentum. the classic boke-tsukkomi, the chara stereotypes, and the jokes brought out by all the combination of the aspect of the vn  just hits the bullseye. also, one more thing, who would get bored with those 10++ heroine routes? :wahaha:


    • hapymaher - After an accident, Tooru experienced lucid dreams every time he slept. Realizing that he’s in a dream all the time means that his body cannot rest, leading to him getting rest only when he collapsed from exhaustion. One day, a girl who he hadn’t seen since the accident appeared in his dream. The girl Maia was the cause of his current condition and is a nightmare to him. However, another girl named Alice wandered into his dream, vowing to save him. Maia whispered in his ear: “This is the story of a sweet happy nightmare”.

    Another kamige.


    • Deardrops - Shouichi was known as one of the ‘nobles’ of the violin world. Having started playing the violin when he was 3, he won the national violin competition when he was in middle school and went to Germany to play in orchestras. However, due to unknown reasons, he returned to Japan, gave up playing the violin and became a freeter. One day, he starts working at a live house and meets many other amateur musicians who are living their lives their own way. Together they will have to overcome obstacles in both their personal lives and as a band. To Shouichi, the live house is a new beginning in a new place… a new world which has opened to him when he thought that his future as a musician had closed.

    i just slipped in this one in because i thought you haven't read this one yet, since deardrops is translated to eng. i really had fun reading this one. i love the story, art, and OSTs. one piece of advice if you haven't read this and planning to read this. DON'T read Riho's route first.

    you really have to save the best for the last on this one. bcause the other one is just too meh compared to Riho's. just my opinion.


    • Hello, Lady! - Many problems lie ahead for society in the 21st century. The best youths in the country are gathered at the super-elite Amakawa Noble School where they are trained to lead us to a brilliant future. They are led by five bishoujos known as ‘crowns’. One day, the leader of the crowns Saku was the target of a terrorist attack. She was saved by Shinri, who was invited to the school as the sixth crown. However, he is at odds with the school system. He vowed to do things under his accord and bring change to the school. Saku decided that she must keep an eye on him.

    yeah, there's a LOT of gags in this vn. overpowered, boke, arrogant bastard protagonist. he holds deep grudge and dark past behind his cheery and light poker face. and i just simply can't hate this type of protagonist. lol. but a bit high language level. better read this if you have 'defeated' akagoei.

  3. Thanks for your list Clephas-san, but I'll settle for the translated VNs. I'm suck at learning kanji. I forget to mention, but I'd refrain from reading otome, Yuri/BL VNs, somehow my heart feels restless and uncomfortable each time I try to read them. Akatsuki no Goe is an otome, right?


    well, just my opinion, if you only want to just 'read' vn, you don't have to know and understand 1000++ kanji. just use ith and aggregator, and if you meet with some difficult word, just flash the cursor and you get the meaning. you'll get whole sentence by then. but of course you'd enjoy more of the vn if you've learned kanji firsthand.

    it's a good way to got yourself accustomed to the grammar, and kanji, if you're using hiragana on top of the kanji settings. in my case, i went for furigana, so now my kanji sucks.


    clephas-san has listed all i can think of, :makina: 残念

    but the ones i'd highlight :

    -Akatsuki no goei (really, you should read this one)

    -Nanairo reincarnation (this too)


    -hello, lady!



    :wahaha: :wahaha:


    That title sounds like the aladdin song xD

    sorry, had to do that.

    the title could sound dirty if placed in the right conversation.


    well then, welcome to the fuwa, feel free don't be scared to ask anything, we don't bite, mostly.

    if you confused where to start, just tell us what genre and type you want.  :sachi:

  5. Confession: As of today, I'm wearing clothes with my own logo.




    Get on my level. 





    I luv me some alcohol taste. Tastes soo gud

    Nah its fking disgusting -.-

    re u trippin' babe?


    Sake is nice, and wine can taste pretty good, but pretty much everything else is nasty.

    can't agree more. :wahaha:

  6. Confession: I hate beer and wine, wine is like drinking vinegar and if I want to drink something bitter I drink tonic water <3

    have you tried adding sugar? or milk?


    Confession: I don't drink often... but when I do... I drown myself. Like... that last time I got REALLY drunk, I actually blacked out. Blacking out is a scary experience.. I woke up in the morning with no idea how I got onto my friend's couch with a bit of a gash on my forehead (according to video evidence... I full on faceplanted into a bunch of gravel). Needless to say, I have avoided consuming that much since then.

    Chances are that I'll be picking up my bottle of scotch from my friend's place after exams are over and celebrating.. alone. xD

    yea, you don't know how annoying it is to deal with a bad drunk while you yourself are sober.


    confession : a mosquito got sucked into my nose when i was sneezing. it's fucking disgusting

  7. Yeahhh...he wasn't drunk.  I've been around enough wasted and stoned people to tell when someone is wasted and or drunk off their ass.  This guy was most definitely seriously sick.


    And really?  I'm underage and my parents frequently let me have sips of booze, slowly introducing me to alcohol so I wouldn't be tempted to go out binge drinking like a "winner".  Good sake is amazing.

    well, i'm the opposite of yours, actually.


    confession : see, my father is a drunk.

    so i've been telling myself not to become a bad drinker (person) like that constantly, since, what? 6?

    though every year my mom makes strong arak-ed chicken so i more or less have some resistance to alcohol. and i sipped my mom's precious wine and sake a bit cus of curiosity. :wahaha: well, i'm not saying alcoholic drinks are bad, it's the person's self control.

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