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Posts posted by Berilium

  1. At first it was kinda akward because I am not used playing VN's without voice acting.


    But I tought "So what?" and now I can say it's one hell of a VN. If you are interested you won't stop reading, otherwise it may take some time. Or maybe I am exaggerating. My opinions tend to be overrated.

  2. Oh how could I never saw this. Count me in!  The probability is low but still exist, you never know 


    And a extra question of sorts: the extra h-scenes are collector's edition only? I will be really dissapointed when I play this game in the near future and discover that they are :C


    I think I just answered myself...

  3. Well It ended up being a discussing topic it seems. Thanks for the answer, now I know a little more about this (0.01% maybe)


    Now I have a doubt about this kanji 好.


    For what I searched I can narrow these singles words regarding "liking". 好き(when you like/love something) 

    く 好み (these two has the same meaning: to like/love but the latter maybe is used when you prefer something?) and  好み (liking aswell, but it seems it's used for tastes/choices as the meaning says)


    This is my general understanding of these meanings. If someone would explain it to me in full detail if that's how it is and when they are used it will be apreciated. And if there is another word that I missed out and has the same use of "liking" please share it (limited to only this kanji of course).


    Well looks like the font (or something) changes when I type in Japanese so the text is now bicolor. I don't know how to fix it and I'm too lazy to think it over. >.<

  4. I think they are only 3 rapes in the game? Maybe 4 I don't remember. Actually 5?


    I don't like that stuff and I felt sorry for the victim but It wasn't horrible. Don't worry. Little spoiler but nothing bad happens later.


    Or maybe it's because I am a sadistic and I secretly enjoy it. The sumission part not the abuse one, I still dislike that. And I find gang rapes not arousing at all.

  5. So I noticed that there is a Japanese help thread for translators but how about a thread for beginners/starters who has questions or doubts regarding not so much specific content and rather more so amateur problems and silly questions. How to use this, when to use that, why does this work like this, etc.


    I posted a doubt I have in other topic so I'll just paste it right here:



    I need help with these 2 kanjis: 己 and 自. Pretty simples ones.


    Or so I tought.


    Both of them has the same meaning of "self" and I can't seem to figure out what differents uses they may have for specifics situation.


    And holy tacos Batman, there is 自己 that also has the meaning of oneself.


    So I'm basically killing two birds with one shot.


    How about it?

  6. I started studying the basic stuffs about a week ago. Really motivated you know?


    Then I started playing a LOT and stop doing that.


    Now I am trying to get back to it. I have the motivation but sometimes it just suddenly disappears.


    And for the record my real life is as free as it can get.


    Halp pls.

  7. When I played Muv-Luv Alternative I couldn't stop reading it once I started it.


    I was glued to this VN. I think it's the first one I've been like this. I didn't take a single break between the reads except for sleeping and basic needs of course. It took me 3 days to finish ol.


    I really like long VN's for the extended story and just because I don't like when something ends too quickly (this rule also aplies to "12" anime chapters but that doesn't mean I don't watch them) so I prefer that they last so I can enjoy them.



    Well lately I haven't been playing too much VN's. Right know I'm with Kamidori but I still have Ever17 in the queue (I finished Tsugumi's route and didn't play since), Umineko and last arc of Gendeki Stryker. A profile is on the hold aswell as Kagetsu Tohya. I don't know why I don't have the excitement for reading right know. Maybe it's that time of the month, even tough I am a guy =_=

  8. When I played my first VN I decided to do it blindly and see what I would get.


    My first try at this was an inmediate bad end with the curren heroine I was on. Since that moment I was traumatized for life thinking that my choices in life will always led me to a bad ending with every decision I would had to make. [/joke]


    Conclusion: I always make sure that my decision is the correct one that will led me to the good ending. Bad ends are depressing as hell.


    Luckily I used a walktrough when I read Fate S/N. I suspected that I would have got all the death flags plus some bugs for dying too much.


    I know this takes all the meaning for the choices but I just do not want to not know what happens next >.>

  9. I am feeling SO akward playing Maman Kyoushitsu.


    Every 5 minutes I stop and think: "What the hell I am doing"


    But I can't stop.


    Please kill me.


    -If you drink my semen you'll have enough proteines for your baby

    -Ok thanks.

    WTF was this.

  10. Awesome thing? I started learning Japanese grammar and I was doing just fine learning Hiragana, Katakana and simple sentences. Feeling like I can do this you know?


    Bad thing? I just had to install Kamidori in the same schedule as my learning lesson.


    The results? I have been addicted Kamidori this last 7-8 days and I already forgot everything that I learned.


    God damnit games, god damn it.

  11. Don't worry. It's suposed to be that way, its a common life story nothing too exciting. Just read the two main stories in Extra and then you can come back and do the rest. If you are interested you can do them all first . In my case I did Meiya and Sumika's first then after I finished Unlimited I did all of them except Chizuru's and the Marimo ending (guess is the "same" as Yuuko's in Unlimited).


    Don't let the opinions get the worst out of you and enjoy the game because even when they say its bad and all that stuff its still worth playing both Extra and Unlimited. 


    My opinion and suggestion? Do the other routes if you are interested in the other girls, if not, don't bother. It's not big deal. 


    As Nagisa said, Unlimited is all the same except the ending when you choose a girl. And when we say the same is literally the same lol.


    Hope you have nice dreams.


    You will know what I mean.


    I love foreshadowing this to people lol.

  12. Well yeah, I used it just when I finished my first playtrought to level up a few levels so I can reach Lvl 70 for the class change of the main heroines and some of the rest aswell. I don't want to over use it so that is all that I did. My gamer dignity was itching so that is why I won't use it anymore lol >.> 


    And for Suina and Aht...no real reason, I just like more the new chars so I stopped using them.


    Especially Ragsmuena......if you know what I mean.


    Her teleportation move...



    So sexy...

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