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Posts posted by Norah_Crisis

  1. Hey there

    I'm looking forward to all the many releases of this year. 

    Its nice seeing more and more great titles and even whole companies stepping foot into the English speaking world. 

    Though there are still a lot of other great titles being left behind. 

    Now, we simply have to read them with translation tools (or limited amount of reading skills ;P). 

    Though I'm always wondering. 

    Even if there is a title that I want to read, isn't there a way to determine the level of difficulty of Japanese?

    It would sometimes be really helpful. 

    I think you get what I mean^^. 



  2. @firecat I have to say, that you are harshly generalizing
    if you want to realise an project of this scale (be it game or movie) you need to have an company under which the creator team works
    while I do admit Sekai pushing it a bit with myself, you can´t compare that to every other company based on that

    Rayark is an relatively small studio and needed this Kickstarter to let this movie become a reality
    they already had funds set aside, but were in need for the rest to make it happen

    if you want to further discuss this I would like to ask you to create a new thread
    I will gladly join you there to have an fair discussion

    Now then in addition to the funding, the ZERO_DAY campaign was marked as an favourite project from Kickstarter



    Also for those more interested in the staff who will shape this movie - here is something to indulge (I´m sure you´ll be surprised!):









    Listen up folks! These guys from Rayark already teased once again, that there is supposed to be coming even more...



  3. The mobile gaming industrie has seen a lot movement from different companies in recent years.
    Along with those is the indie company Rayark Inc. from Taiwan.
    Rayark´s portfolio include the high quality games of "Cytus" and "Deemo" along its latest title "Implosion: Never Lose Hope".

    This AAA title was published in April 2015 and is an ARPG for iOS and Android. (This is the Preview from TGS 2013)
    Like in their previous games this title boasts high art and graphic quality along an great soundtrack and immersive futuristic story.
    Proving this is it became the "GAME OF THE YEAR 2015" on the iTunes Store.



    Now exactly the same company has officially launched an Kickstarter to make yet another ambitious project reality - Title:



    Their plan is to make an full-length feature animation about what happened 20 years prior to the events of the game and because of its various span of genres the creators hope to captivate a lot of audiences.

    "A digital odyssey that urges the viewer to reconsider the way we interact as a species, and how we think about our place in the universe."
    (Quote from the Kickstarter page)



    Along an 6 minutes concept movie there are a lot more of artworks, speedpaints and interviews coming with regular updates of the campaign.

    If you like Mechas and Sci-Fi Action paired with an intersting story - "Implosion: ZERO_DAY" is the one for it.
    Additionally the staff of Rayark already teased that they have amazing stretchgoals in mind for the project.

    As the campaign is approaching its end a lot content is already available for eye candy:

    Lastly, if you take a look at their Updates Section and main campaign site Rayark undertook a lot of efforts to get a lot of talented people and media sources support their project.
    ...and more is to come.
    Nonetheless there is still much needed support for this project!

    Let´s talk about this.
    Have you played "Implosion"?
    What do you think about this project?
    Would you support it? Or why not?



    Ah, so you were brave enough to read even this... Now then, one last favour:
    Please take part in the poll of this thread or help spread the word should you have liked it!



    UPDATE: As of 11th January 2016 the movie project HAS BEEN FUNDED!
    Now comes the next level: Stretching Goals.
    Visit the campaign page to find out more!



  4. Congrats to the top 3 from me as well

    Ha I never would have thought to make a tie with someone less than winning anything

    Even with all the flaws (we ought to make it better next time ;) ) it was a lot of fun

    especially the very first tasks

    About the tie with MasterWizard

    how do we solve this with choosing?

  5. Hi there

    I would like to ask, if you could make a signature for me as well.

    As you can see I already have one, since I´m already playing around with PS myself.

    However I´m still not really satisfied.

    It would be great if you could help me out^^

  6. so are we just telling you what we drew?
    ok in that case, how much are queen, King etc worth?

    edit: found queen, king & Joker to be worth 10 and ace 11

    heres my draw:

    yep, sounds good... or not
    let´s see if I get punished by fate for being so risky...


    edit 3: sooo many people having 21P...

    It´s gotten kinda suspicious around here...
    Well, who am I to say this when I got 20 Points as well.
    Thus, if it is valid I will withdraw for this turn.
    It´d would be not worth winning, if there is no trust.

  7. edit:
    it really would be great if solidbat dropped another clue
    at least something to give us some backup to know if we´re even on the right track
    -> ahaha clue for confirmation found *facepalm*
    ~I´m so sorry~
    oh and I would like to ask the same as Zodai:
    how are we supposed to give the answer? through PM or on the board
    ->still stands...


  8. So another challenge straight out of hell, eh?

    well bring it on
    again if the following counts as invalid please tell me
    All words are proper english - except that obviously letters are being replaced.
    As a small help for better understanding:
    x = the letters from yesterday (a-e-s-d-w)
    Y+Q = one of the letters of today respectively (i-o)

    PS: If one of the replaced letters of today is written small, it is the real one
    PS2: I did tweak the "story" a bit at a few parts - so no total copy/paste ;D



    tYtlx: x&Y&Q= lQxt lxttxr Qf Qnx xQrx Qr xxprxxxYQn xnx vQcxblx


    Yf Y juxt rxplxcx xll Qf my chQxxn lxttxrx xYth xn rxplxcxmxnt lxttxr,
    Y cxn Qnly hQpx thxt thx „pYckxr“* xYll xtYll knQx, xhxt Y mxxnt.
    Xhxn Y xQ thxt, Y´ll hQpxfully xtYll kxxp xll thx rulxx xxt up by Qur gQQx hQxt
    Qf thxx gxmx: xQlYxbxt.

    NQx, lxt mx fYnxlly cQmx tQ my xtQry.
    Xs yQu cxn xxx Yn thYx xtQry, tQ xrYtx xhYthQut xll Qf thx YmpQrtxnt lxttxrx
    cxn bx quYtx hxrx. It rxxlly Yx hxrx tQ fYnx x rQunxxbQut mxthQx.
    Juxt YmxgYnx xhxt Qur lYfx xQulx bx xYthQut prQpxr lxttxrx - Qr xQrxx,
    nQ lxttxrx xt xll.

    XxtQunxYngly thxrx xrx xtuxYxx Qr lxt mx cxll Yt ´invxxtigxtYQnx´ xbQut thxt thx humxn mYnx
    cxn xutQmxtYcxlly cQmplxmxnt lQxt Qr xvxn rxplxcxd lxttxrx Yn x txxt**.
    Xt lxxxt tQ x cxrtxYn xxgrxx***.
    Xq, lxt mx xxk yQu: xYx yQu gxt xll Qf thx xtQry?

    ...Qr Yx Yt xvxn x xtQry xt xll?



    *Qf cQurxx Y mxxn rxxxxr
    **cxrxful, thix xQrx hxx Qnly Qnx "x" (Qthxr xorx fQr thix bunch Qf lxttxrx)
    ***hxlp: xQrx fQr “txmpxrxturx”

  9. The following was not excluded as an possibilty

    If it was please tell me and I´ll come up with something new ;)


    titlx: x= mixxing lxttxr of onx xorx or xxprxxxion xnx vocxblx


    If I juxt rxplxcx xll of my choxxn lxttxrx xith xn rxplxcxmxnt lxttxr,
    I cxn only hopx thxt thx „pickxr“* xill xtill knox, xhxt I wxx trying to xxy.
    Xith xoing thxt, I´m hopxfully xtill kxxping xll thx rulxx bxing xxt up by our goox hoxt
    of thxx gxmx: xolixbxt.

    Nox, lxt mx finxlly comx to my xtory.
    Xs you cxn xxx in thix xtory, to xritx xomxthing xhithout xll of thx importxnt lxttxrx
    cxn bx quitx chxllxnging. It rxxlly ix hxrx to finx x rounxxbout mxthox.
    Juxt imxginx xhxt our lifx xoulx bx xithout propxr lxttxrx - or xorxx,
    no lxttxrx xt xll.

    Xxtounxingly thxrx xrx xtuxixx or lxt mx cxll it ´invxxtigxtionx´ xbout thxt thx humxn minx
    cxn xutomxticxlly complxmxnt mixxing or xvxn rxplxcxd lxttxrx in x txxt.
    Xt lxxxt to x cxrtxin xxgrxx**.
    Xo, lxt mx xxk you: xix you gxt xll of thx xtory?

    ...Or ix it xvxn x xtory xt xll?




    *of courxx I mxxn rxxxxr
    **hxlp: xorx fox “txmpxrxturx”

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