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Posts posted by sim22x

  1. All Poison games use Krkr2Compat. I don't understand how to change the font in the game.
    I tried to change the userFix.wks file

    var stFONTNAME                           = "メイリオ, HG丸ゴシックM-PRO,MS ゴシック";
    var stFONTNAME                           = "myfont";

    Nothing's changed.
    I replaced the FONT_NAME variable, but nothing changed.

    I found this:

    SetPath("data/resource/frame/font/");               // font       フォルダ

    Created the data/resource/frame/font folders and put my font in there. 
    Nothing changed.

    I modified the k2compat.wtjs file to activate the top menu for font selection.

    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_MENU = 0) // MenuItem, Window.menu (menu.dll)
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_KAGPARSER = 0) // KAGParser (KAGParrser.dll
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_FONTSELECT = 0) // Layer.font.doUserSelect
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_INPUTSTRING = 0) // System.inputString
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_WINDOWPROP = 0) // Window.innerSunken, Window.showScrollBars
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_PTDRAWDEVICE = 0) // Window.PassThroughDrawDevice
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_PAD = 0) // Pad
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_DEBUG = 0) // 下記のDebugクラス周りの実装一括
    //		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_CONSOLE = 0) // コンソール (Debug.console)
    //		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_CONTROLLER = 0) // コントローラ (Debug.controller)
    //		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_SCRIPTEDITOR = 0) // スクリプトエディタ (Debug.scripted)
    //		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_WATCH = 0) // 監視式 (Debug.watchexp)
    //		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_HOTKEY = 0) // Shift+F1~F4のホットキー
    //// System.desktop{Left,Top,Width,Height} の仕様を変更します(要windowEx.dllプラグイン)
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_DESKTOPINFO =  1) // 常にプライマリモニタのDesktop情報を返します
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_DESKTOPINFO = -1) // Window.mainWindowのあるDesktop情報を返します
    //  ※未指定の場合はZ本来の仕様(全モニタ統合した座標情報)のままになります
    //// System.screen{Width,Height} の仕様を変更します(要windowEx.dllプラグイン)
    //	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_SCREENINFO = 1) // 常にプライマリモニタのDesktop情報を返します
    //  ※未指定の場合はZ本来の仕様(mainWindowのあるScreenサイズを返す)のままになります
    //// k2compat.tjsのデバッグログ表示を有効にします
    	@set (K2COMPAT_VERBOSE = 1)
    //// ダミープロパティ(Window.innerSunken等)に書き込まれた場合のログ出力を抑制します


    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_MENU = 1) // MenuItem, Window.menu (menu.dll)
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_KAGPARSER = 1) // KAGParser (KAGParrser.dll
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_FONTSELECT = 1) // Layer.font.doUserSelect
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_INPUTSTRING = 1) // System.inputString
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_WINDOWPROP = 1) // Window.innerSunken, Window.showScrollBars
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_PTDRAWDEVICE = 1) // Window.PassThroughDrawDevice
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_PAD = 1) // Pad
    	@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_DEBUG = 1) // 下記のDebugクラス周りの実装一括
    		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_CONSOLE = 1) // コンソール (Debug.console)
    		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_CONTROLLER = 1) // コントローラ (Debug.controller)
    		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_SCRIPTEDITOR = 1) // スクリプトエディタ (Debug.scripted)
    		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_WATCH = 1) // 監視式 (Debug.watchexp)
    		@set (K2COMPAT_PURGE_HOTKEY = 1) // Shift+F1~F4のホットキー
    //// System.desktop{Left,Top,Width,Height} の仕様を変更します(要windowEx.dllプラグイン)
    	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_DESKTOPINFO =  1) // 常にプライマリモニタのDesktop情報を返します
    	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_DESKTOPINFO = -1) // Window.mainWindowのあるDesktop情報を返します
    //  ※未指定の場合はZ本来の仕様(全モニタ統合した座標情報)のままになります
    //// System.screen{Width,Height} の仕様を変更します(要windowEx.dllプラグイン)
    	@set (K2COMPAT_SPEC_SCREENINFO = 1) // 常にプライマリモニタのDesktop情報を返します
    //  ※未指定の場合はZ本来の仕様(mainWindowのあるScreenサイズを返す)のままになります
    //// k2compat.tjsのデバッグログ表示を有効にします
    	@set (K2COMPAT_VERBOSE = 1)
    //// ダミープロパティ(Window.innerSunken等)に書き込まれた場合のログ出力を抑制します

    The menu with settings did not show up.
    Game: https://pixeldrain.com/u/Pw7o79qq

  2. @Mayaya
    I had a look at the DLC: Dasaku ~Arisu to Kuroe, Musubareru Hi~.
    You can unpack the data.xp3 archive with Garbro (run GARbro.GUI.exe)
    Unpack the data.xp3 using 'no encryption' mode.
    Delete the data.xp3 archive after unpacking.

    The 01_scenario folder contains the scripts. (ds001 - ds020 files)
    You can use VNTranslationTools to convert them to .json format like you did before.
    Move the translated files back into the 01_scenario folder.
    You don't need any additional .dll files or ext_sjis.bin. The game displays characters well by default.

    To run the game, you must use the Locale Emulator program.
    Make sure that the game path contains only English characters and does not contain any special characters.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K7Z5eDQ
    My version: https://pixeldrain.com/u/ZKQ9Lb2q
    (The game archive is already extracted. VNTranslationTools and Locale Emulator are in this folder.)

  3. @Mayaya I decided to watch the ~Nuiawase~ version and found the main difference. This is the HD version! I tested the translation and it looks just like the old version. Test this version:


    HD font settings

    But for some reason the scripts are less heavy in the new version. Looks like the patch for the old version somehow added new content.
    I think you can easily transfer the translation between versions since most of the lines are the same. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Mayaya said:

    I'm using the files from the version I have , which is the nuiawase + alice to kuroe

    Put your version aside. And come to mine. Convert my spt files to json and try to translate them. Maybe this version will show the special characters in the right order.
    I can't insert your translation into my version, the game crashes.

  5. 2 hours ago, Mayaya said:

    When I try to imput all the letters to change it, this is what it looks like in opposed to the pattern




    I don't understand why you have character shifting.
    I suggest that you replace characters in the json file before converting it to .spt format

    Open the file with text in the Notepad++ program.

    Flag 'Match case' ON
    Flag 'Regular expression' ON

    Click to tab 'Replace'
    Find what:


    Replace with:


    Click 'Replace All' button.




  6. 19 minutes ago, Mayaya said:

    Didn't work with the winmm.dll but it did work with your version.

    Is your the nuiawase version? Because the layout seems link of different to me.

    Yours and mine. Probably that's whats causing the issue. I have the nuiawase version, along with the "Arisu to Kuroe, Musubareru Hi".

    Hmm.. It's Dasaku v1.0 + update 駄作_Ver1.10アップデータ
    [141128][806098][CYCLET] 駄作 パッケージ版
    [141128][806098][CYCLET] 駄作 パッケージ版 Update Ver1.10


    『駄作 Version.1.10アップデータ』









    4.「駄作_Ver1.10アップデータ」 フォルダを開き、フォルダ内にある




     「駄作 version1.10」と表示されていれば、アップデート成功です。


                        (C) 2014 CYCLET All Rights Reserved. / RaNBa amuse


  7. I think I've found a solution to the first line.
    You need to skip only the very first line in the script (put space+\r\n)
    The rest of the first lines in other messages will display normally.

    26 minutes ago, Mayaya said:




    You can try running my version.
    Or remove the ddraw.dll and put winmm.dll
    If the problem persists, then the problem is somewhere in your system. Try running the game on a different system.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Mayaya said:

    I don't think the English capital letters broken, it seems like an issue that only occurs in the first line of the first dialog box of the game (i think).

    Yes, the first line breaks the font. Perhaps the remaining three lines would be enough for you to translate. I can reduce the font to fit more words on one line.


    36 minutes ago, Mayaya said:

    My unicode programs are set to be read in japanese, if that's what might be causing it.

    My system is not set up to run Japanese programs. I run the game in normal mode. No locale emulator or region switching.


    35 minutes ago, Sisulizer said:

    Try this link

    Fixed the problem with the first line, but returned spaces between characters. Changing the font does not help.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Mayaya said:

    The "o"s are what seem a bit broken? 

    As an example, õ displays as à and ô displays as ê. Any idea what might be the issue? My unicode programs are set to be read in japanese, if that's what might be causing it.

    I have these letters displayed normally, as in the screenshot above. Give me the text string you are outputting in the game. Maybe it uses different Unicode characters

  10. 34 minutes ago, Sisulizer said:

    Decrypted fxf link

    You can't just rename the decrypted file to .fxf. The game engine won't accept it. But it is not necessary, I already know how to work with encrypted files.


    54 minutes ago, Sisulizer said:

    The proxies are already compiled in release

    The ddraw.dll and winmm.dll work fine, but the English capital letters are a bit broken.


    @Mayaya https://pixeldrain.com/u/hrNuMedP

    Unzip to the folder with the game. 
    In nnnConfig2.exe, uncheck the box that you previously checked to change the font.

  11. 5 hours ago, Sisulizer said:

    fxf files are in plain text when you decrypt it lmao

    You have provided a screenshot of an unencrypted .xtx file from the game Dead End Aegis.
    Here are the encrypted .fxf files from the game Dasaku. 

    I don't understand how to get the game to take an external font using d2d1.dll+ext_sjis.bin. Maybe Sisulizer can make a font patch for the game.

  12. 8o7VO8X.png


    I created a custom font based on unifont.ttf. English characters look fine. But special characters with spaces. They will probably need to be increased in width, like English characters. To do this I will need to modify the font file again. Please let me know exactly which special characters you need.
    I replaced the Japanese Katakana characters with these special characters:


    in json script:

        "message": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\r\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\nァアィイエォオカキギクコサザゴセゼソ\r\nチヂッツトドナニネノハピフブビホボポ"


    Font: https://pixeldrain.com/u/DkFAiikK

    Install the font on your system.
    Then select it in the nnnConfig2.exe

  13. Quote

    Kept saying that VNTextPatch was not a command or something

    Maybe you wrote the wrong path to the VNTextPatch folder. Where is your VNTextPatch.exe file?
    My work folder  https://pixeldrain.com/u/LeiJ6nuV
    It is possible that your system needs to explicitly specify an executable file. Add '.exe' to VNTextPatch
    The command will look like this:

    VNTextPatch.exe extractlocal script json



    Ho do I turn the files back in .spt? Making the reverse process?

    Create new folders for the translated files. For example 'json_edited' and 'script_edited'
    Put the translated .json files in the 'json_edited' folder.
    Go to the VNTextPatch folder via windows command line as you did before

    cd "path to VNTextPatch folder"

    Then command to insert the translation

    VNTextPatch.exe insertlocal script json_edited script_edited

    The converted .sp files will be in the script_edited folder.

  14. https://vndb.org/v?q=&ch=&f=022genN6830P-&s=200

    OVERDRIVE games are made on the ethornell/bgi engine. Unlike other games, they compress files with game scripts and pack them into an .arc archive.
    I can unpack the archive using ae vn tools. But it does not know how to compress game scripts. When creating such an .arc archive, the game crashes on startup.
    Is there an algorithm to compress game scripts in DSC FORMAT 1.00?

  15. VNTranslationTools
    For working with .spt game text


    The command line (windows CMD) syntax is as follows:
    cd "VNTextPatch folder path"

    for Excel format:
    VNTextPatch.exe extractlocal <folder containing original game files> script.xlsx
    VNTextPatch.exe insertlocal <folder containing original game files> script.xlsx <folder to receive patched game files>

    for JSON format:
    VNTextPatch.exe extractlocal <folder containing original game files> <folder to receive .json files>
    VNTextPatch.exe insertlocal <folder containing original game files> <folder containing .json files> <folder to receive patched game files>

    AE VN Tools

    To unpack/pack image archives
    .gpk .gtb files must be in the same folder

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