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Posts posted by Manaka

  1. Is it something that is still needed? IIRC during the w10 installation I added the japanese language to the supported languages and I'm fine with playing anything most of the time. Am I out of touch or similar? Because it is possible, I don't open an Illusion game from some time now...

  2. Hello,

    I spent a lot of time now to try figure out this but without results. My problem is: I can't understand how to translate it.

    I was able to unpack and repack the file (thumbs up for the user in this forum who wrote the solution about that) for the translation but the game doesn't load it.

    I tried with the edited exe (from the english translation) and the original one too, again, with no luck. I do know that's probably about the encode of the text in the files and I tried understand it but my head just asakldfhaiodf

    Can someone take my hand and guide me to the end of this riddle?

  3. 3 hours ago, bakauchuujin said:

    Figured I would tell you as it is quite hard to find information on most VNs that are based on anime

    Even find the DMM page was harder then I expected lol I'll give priority to others vn then, like the Date a live one, that contains the 3 games in the english release iirc

  4. 7 hours ago, Clephas said:

    full of tentacles opens in response

    Damn, I'm more into vanilla type of... "contents".

    4 hours ago, bakauchuujin said:

    The Ditzy Demons Are in Love With Me

    I do have that title in my steam's wishlist. I did play it in japanese for some cg's but I wanna buy and play it properly in english asap o.o/

    4 hours ago, bakauchuujin said:

    are you able to read japanese?

    Via textextractor for now, but I'm studying the basics now and I wanna be able to do it in the future. Also, I use that wishlist for the games that are not on steam. If the english versions exist, it's in steam's wishlist (most of the time).

    2 hours ago, mitchhamilton said:

    hello and welcome!


  5. Hello, I'm Manaka and after some years of "yeah I know that site but" I decided to join the club.

    I did try some visual novel sometimes in the past but only lately I was able to fully enjoy the genre o.o/ My first experience was with Honey coming ( royal sweet ed.) just for the lewds, indeed I wanna re-play it when possible.

    After that episode, I left the genre apart for some times and retry with "World end economica" because I'm a Spice&Wolf fanboy but I wasn't able to even finish the first episode. That was a hard hit for me.

    Some time passed and I push the start button of "Sounds of her love" and... the seed of love was planted.

    I played Aozora Meikyuu and some more small VNs and after that, I decided to make a bigger step into the genre with KoiChoco (that was stuck in my head for the uniforms for years). 

    After KoiChoco I played some more ( I'll share a review of mine about one of them if possible, in the right section if exists ) and then here we are.

    Sorry for the boring story. I'm the usual weeb: anime, manga, videogames and I like to take photos, mostly to cosplayer but I'm a newbie.

    Hope to have a good time together o.o/


    ps: +10 points for who know where my nickname comes from (spoiler: not a vn's character)

    pps: thank you "I don't remember who" guy that made the route guide for KoiChoco.

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