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Posts posted by Scarf

    1. Have you read Hatsukoi 1/1? (same developer, actually their first VN), if not, give it an opportunity, it has a long story, likeable heroines, pure-love centered, a bit of drama and good endings (also, 3 append stories or after stories for 3 heroines)
    2. Grisaia series is also one of best VN out there, a good worldbuilding, an amazing soundtrack, a catching story that is also very long (considering if you play the trilogy).  
    3. I also enjoyed Sanoba Witch, maybe I just like Yuzusoft art, but anyway it has good heroines, its story is not that bad and it has after stories for all heroines.
  1. On 4/3/2019 at 9:44 PM, Heliostorm said:

    I'm looking at the VNDB page for the Japanese version then back at the Steam page, and it looks like they've cut out an entire route?




    This screenshot shows 7 stories while the English only has 6. Anyone know what's missing?

    If I am not mistaken, they cut off Ageha's after (I remember it vaguely, but the main plot of that after story were the H-scenes)

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