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Posts posted by littledaimyo

  1. 9 hours ago, Clephas said:

    The farther east you get in Europe, the less they like free speech (with the exception of Germany, possibly).

    Definitely shows that you've got 0 idea of what goes in Europe. Yeah, man, sure East Europe is not "free speech" loving (whatever you consider that word to be btw, would you consider "hate speech" not being free speech? :thinking:) that's why whoever talks about the communist regimes in those countries go to jail all the time, oh wait... they don't, but then you have the haven of free speech, Germany, (definitely not leading the 4th Reach in Europe right now with their policies that affect all the member states with things that literally no one wants btw) and their policies that let everyone speak about whatever the hell they want, but wait a minute... Nazi imagery in any way shapee or form prohibited even in History education? Prohibition to talk about Nazi Germany or whatever related to them unless you want to be jailed or fined? You can't talk about the fact that they let in hundreds of thousands of "refugees" each year and they're destroying the country from the inside unless you want to be fined or jailed? I'm sure that those women who got raped in Cologne really loved that moment when they couldn't speak against the "refugees" that raped them because of muh bigotry and muh raysism. But yeah, Germany is definitely the best state out of every Eastern European country.

    PS: friendly reminder that "free speech loving" Germany has had several terrorist attacks (definitely not tied to the massive immigration at all btw) but the free speech "haters" at Poland and Hungary have had 0 attacks but they're the meme-lovers and bigots xDD.

    10 hours ago, Clephas said:

    That said... while it is a troubling trend and the bill itself is a bit too far-reaching, I doubt that it will get abused horribly anytime soon (give it twenty years).

    Hey guys, don't worry about the refugee laws that the European Union imposed on every state! I'm sure they'll be correctly regulated and nothing big will change! *looks at Sweden crumbling down, Germany accepting hundreds of millions of immigrants and France getting terrorist attacked left and right* 

    Idk why being American you pretend that you have an idea what goes on in Europe, but it ain't pretty I'm telling you, if the "scary" far right is rising again its because people are pissed off at what's happening, and the Brexit happened for a reason and Italy wants to leave for a reason as well. People passing this law tells me a lot of how the European Comission or whoever decides that crap are a bunch of people that are disconnected with reality and they don't understand neither meme culture nor the mentality of the newer generations, they are also the ones that believe that the frog meme is a nazi symbol, like lmao if you get triggered by that just quit the internet.

    10 hours ago, Clephas said:

    PS:  YAY!  They are killing memes!  I hate memes.

    What a sad life you must be living then to hate pictures with text embedded on them (or videos or whatever), also, no need to hate on yourself.


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