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Posts posted by seventhfonist425

  1. This one seems pretty cool, and the girl with purple hair [don't know their names] just caught my attention. She and the one with short white hair.

    Ochiba (long red hair) catches my eye... not sure about the Ichika (pink hair.) I'd say, holds potential.



    Show the other part, you can put it in spoiler.

    What he said. Don't worry, we won't bite.

  2. Incoming images for the additional material. NSFW, and sorry for the sizes being whack.







    And are you allowed to send these to America? I'll be living in a school dorm soon, so there's no way I'd use them, buuuut.... they seem like they'd be nice to have.


    Don't worry I haven't used them. They are completely sanitary.


    Shame. :(

    You're too much, Flutterz.

  3. I really want to get my hands on volume one of One Piece in JP but I dont want to wait weeks for it to get here and maybe get lost in the mail. Is there a place in LA where I can buy it?

    In LA? Uhh. Little Tokyo is around there. isn't it? Kinokuniya, a japanese book store, should be in that area. Don't know if they have it, but chances are pretty good. They have Touhou stuff there.

  4. Watched Little Busters, couldn't wait for the next episode during the Komari arc, read the whole VN before her arc ended. Felt satisfied and continued reading VNs as a hobby ever since then.

    Huh. Almost exactly like mine, though mine was further into the anime before I started. A friend sent me a link to "erogedownloads," (the website) and remarked, "See, you can get Blazblue here. Totally a VN." We both laughed, though, I noticed Little Busters! there. I'd heard about Little Busters! before, and it was by Key, so I decided to watch it. So I did, part of Season 1. I think I got to... the part with Haruka's route, then I went, "Okay, I'll just read it then. I read it, went through Refrain, and fell in love with the entire VN. And thus, the chain starts there.

  5. What do you mean Oo. While it might not always be that easy to hear, つ is definitely a thing. However, the sound tends to be shortened to ts a lot (liek, for an eroge example つきみや is said more like tskimiya). If you actually mean っ, that's not tsu, that's a consonant doubling marker. なって = natte etc. If you mean using っ at the end of some random sound, that means it's emphasized / harsher somewhat like the usual voicing marks (liek, your porn doujins probably have a lot of はっ and shit.)


    I don't actually know enough jp to know if this is 100% accurate, inb4 meph says im wrong


    Nah, I can confidently say this is exactly how it is. Though, I still call it "little tsu."

  6. Is it really that tedious to translate visual novels or is there really a serial killer hunting down anyone who even has anything to do with it?

    Punishment for piracy and/or translating without official consent. Screw you, world.

    There's a lot of stuff, I'm pretty sure. Like, actually getting the others to work with you. Or maybe if someone doesn't actually get their work done, or people work super slowly. From what I've seen, taking the role of say, translator, tends to be fairly time consuming. When people have responsibilities to take care of, translating can just end up becoming too big of a problem.

  7. I've been a bit interested in this myself. Persona 3 and 4 are fairly good as dating sims.


    Fureraba seemed like a good dating sim to me. You get to choose what you wanna talk about with a girl and stuff like that, which I thought was pretty cool, but there's no translation out for it at the moment... unless you can read it in Japanese of course. http://vndb.org/v11856



    Learn japanese, that's my best advice. It's not that hard you know, but you have to make free time on your day life.

    As for this... this process still takes uhh, for most, over a year, or even more for busy people, Unless you're really good, which I'm not.

  8. I would love to do something like this with my friends, but not quite to the point with charts. Unfortunately, none of my friends even know about my VN and anime interest. Anime's not really a very popular thing around here.


    I'm with Stanleys on this one. I generally don't have the time to watch anime. There's usually other stuff I wanna do. That, and yeah, my real life friends aren't really into anime and stuff like that, or at least, not to the extent that I am. At the moment, I'm trying my best to focus on what I'm trying to do.

  9. True, however the back of the head is not attractive. Backs and asses on the other hand...




    PS - I missed you seven... <3

    Thought I'd miss that first part, huh? I DON'T THINK SO. Perhaps you are suggesting that Life's avatar be panned downward?


    D: And I missed you too. We're always open, so you're free to come back whenever you feel you're ready.

  10. 1. First and foremost, no member of the Little Busters avatar group should feel left out. Everyone of her members is an integral part of the group, so make sure you let them be proud of the character they represent. The reason I bring up this point is that if I were Life, I would feel ashamed. Mio is a wonderful character, a character that solidbatman represented in full. Don't make her face turn away from the love of the group. Find Life an avatar that makes him proud to showcase her beauty.

    I'm willing to argue that the back should be considered just as beautiful as the front, and therefore both sides should be acceptable.

  11. Suzuki... surprised. You haven't finished Rewrite, yet you've already got the Kotarou mindset in you. Good, good. This have anything to do with your name?



    Randomly saw your name and felt like I had to comment on it. I wanted to ask if you've read any other VNs and how your Japanese is coming along.

    Anyways, welcome, and enjoy your stay here! This place is super swell.

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