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Posts posted by Percon

  1. Promo1.png



    Five strangers find themselves trapped in an abandoned hotel that’s set to collapse in 24 hours.
    To escape alive, they'll have to solve their captor’s riddles and unravel the mystery behind their abduction.





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    Project Introduction

    Hey, everyone. I've been making the rounds promoting my game here and there, and now I turn my eyes to fuwanovel! This is an episodic mystery VN I’ve been working on for way, way too long.
    This is a passion project that I've been making in my spare time. I was very much inspired by 999, so you may get some ZE vibes from this. Hopefully in a good way!
    Oh, and the game is 100% free. I'd be very happy if you at least gave it a try!



    As the thread title may suggest, Exit/Corners is OUT! You can play the game right now by following the link below.

    Episodes are short - around 10-20 minutes each - but new episodes are released every week. We're already at 8 episodes, so I'd say it's a good time to jump on in!

    The first arc is a 17-episode series, with new episodes released every Sunday until September 17th of this year.

    Aside from fixing up what I've already got, I'm currently working on the second arc. It is scheduled for release next year.

    Play Exit/Corners
    Play in your browser on the official site: http://exitcorners.com/play.html
    While I do have the game on itch.io, I'm fixing an issue with that version, so please play on the main site for now.
    More Useful Links


    If you’re having trouble with some aspect of the game, please let me know on social media (reddit or twitter) - it’s the fastest way to get in touch with me. 

    If you’d like to report a bug (and there will be bugs), the subreddit is a good place for that, too.
    I’m happy to answer any questions you all might have.
  2. Not going to answer every question systematically, but I've been a big FE fan since it first made its way over to the west. I've played all of the translated games, save Echoes, and played FE6 and part of FE4 with translation patches. I generally play Hard Classic.


    I share some of your sentiments in that I'm a little worried about where the series is heading. Awakening had an awesome style and lots of polish but the story and combat felt overly simplistic. I did like the return of the child mechanic, though, and anyone x anyone supports were nice. Maps were pretty 

    I actually liked Fates a lot from a gameplay perspective. Conquest had some great and varied maps, and other than overpowered royals I liked the unit/class variety and room for lots of strategies. Story was even worse than Awakening's, though, with some one-dimensional and/or underdeveloped characters, silly plot points, and very little consistency.


    Personally I'm indifferent to the whole 'Waifu Emblem' thing - and if gameplay in future titles was like Fates, I'd be OK with that - but I'm mostly just worried about the lack of a compelling plot, flat characters, and nonexistent world-building from here on out. Now I'm not saying that PoR/RoD was Shakespeare, but there were some fun politics, sympathetic units, and cool plot secrets all wrapped up in an interesting world. I'd like to see an entry like the Telius games again, but alas, those two sold pretty poorly while Awakening sold like hotcakes. One can hope, though...

  3. On 14/07/2017 at 0:57 PM, Jun Inoue said:

    I've heard some people say the game didn't click with them until the very end, when they had a "oooooooh" moment and they changed from "it's not bad" to "this is fantastic". Or it's simply not your kind of game, ofc.

    Yeah, I've heard the same thing, which is one of the main reasons I'm sticking with it. 

    I generally DO lIke action games but the combat seems a step below, say,  DMCIII or Bayonetta.

  4. On 7/2/2017 at 1:21 PM, Fred the Barber said:

    I finally started NieR: Automata a week ago, wrapping up route A yesterday (and then quickly thereafter finishing route G as well... oops.). It's been a great pleasure to play, on all fronts. I'm playing with the English dub rather than subs, since I found both that the dub is excellent and that I was missing some things occasionally with the subs, when the action was a little frantic and someone was trying to tell me something. N:A is probably the most thoughtful and thought-provoking story I've experienced in at least the past year, and it never becomes either pushy or preachy. Really, it's just been a pure joy. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to go resume my second playthrough...

    I just started NieR: Automata a little while ago, and while I don't dislike it by any means, I feel like it hasn't quite gripped me yet. I've been playing small bits at a time - just finished fighting that big sea monster thing - but something about the way the action plays out doesn't feel quite right. The story is interesting so far though I wouldn't say it's groundbreaking (yet - I'm sure there's more to come). I'll be sticking with it, of course, but I feel like it hasn't 'clicked' yet.


  5. For me, I play VNs for strong mysteries. I think the medium's two biggest strengths are mystery/suspense games and romance/dating/ero, but since I'm not super interested in the romance side of things I tend to stick to whodunits and speculative fiction. I also personally like games with some light Gameplay or puzzle-solving to help break things up. 

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