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  1. Hi Narcosis-sama, i've read some of your post related to eroge and they are some great Eroge. i really like Cat Girl (Kitsune), and i currently stick for Tenkiame and just download it for gigas size. but unfortunately my Japanese is really bad T_T and i can't understand the Game well, could you help me translated it? or could you help me is there any translation tool or maybe a previous English patch? help please Narcosis-sama T_T and also nice to meet you Narcosis-sama and everybody.
  2. Hi Narcosis-sama, i've read some of your post related to eroge and they are some great Eroge. i really like Cat Girl (Kitsune), and i currently stick for Tenkiame and just download it for gigas size. but unfortunately my Japanese is really bad T_T and i can't understand the Game well, could you help me translated it? or could you help me is there any translation tool or maybe a previous English patch? help please Narcosis-sama T_T

    1. Narcosis


      I presume you could propably hook it with ITHVNR (it uses SystemC, so it should work), albeit reading machine translated vn's will fry your brain. Sadly, there's no translation available and as much as I'd like to get into translating it, I don't think it will happen anytime soon. You're propably best off learning japanese, if you want to read vn's that badly.

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