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Light Darkx

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Posts posted by Light Darkx

  1. On 7/8/2014 at 10:44 AM, Mr. Meogii said:

    Hey Fuwa!


    I've been thinking a lot lately. Mainly on how I will be able to contribute to the community. This was hard because I'm not particularly good at the technical side of visual novels and I'm not a translator either. However, recently I've been making signatures for other users here and it turns out that I really like it.


    And So I thought why not make a "signature thread" for all the users here who would like signatures. All you have to do is let me know what you like by following the requirements below.


    1.) Pm a link to your favorite picture

    2.) If any text is desired, please pm the specific text with the picture.

    3.) Do me a favor and post back your signature here so everyone can have a look at it

    4.) If you by any chance cannot think of an image but would still like a signature, Pm and i'll try my best.

    5.) Give Honest Feedback. I need to Know if there was something you did not like. Speak Ya mind! So at the end of the day we'll both be happy with the transaction. :P


    Here is a link of my work :).

    Link to Za Album


    Hidden Content



    Please take a moment to review the rules concerning Signatures. Thank you


    Signature and Avatar Guidelines


    • No explicit nudity (genitalia and female nipples are in this category)
    • No pornography (this includes implied sexual acts and bodily fluids)
    • No gore (disembowelment, dismemberment, torture, etc.)
    • No offensive content (profanity, hate speech, offensive symbolism, etc.)
    • No seizure inducing GIFs (or GIFs that make people's eyes bleed in general)
    • No signatures exceeding 400 Kbs in filesize

    how do u add signature??

  2. On 29/8/2016 at 6:17 AM, Deep Blue said:

    Well I started learning Japanese just to read VNs and then at some point it kinda became like a personal goal.

    If you really enjoy doing something you don't see it as a tedious task, like you said, once it became a hobby is just a fun thing to do, for instance like it would be learning to play an instrument, it takes a lot of time and effort but people don't feel or see it that way, learning is also part of the process and they are having fun while doing it. The same thing applies to learning a language not just Japanese.

    I have learned the kana.

    What should I do next??? (Please don't tell just to learn Kanji, but elaborate)

  3. On 12/3/2017 at 5:58 PM, activi t said:


    I want to start of by paraphrasing that my intention is not to mock your hobby or to stir the pot in a niche discussion board, I've come here simply to understand more about visual novels as a medium and why people enjoy them.

    So I'm a longtime albeit casual anime fan and after watching the White Allbum 2 anime adaptation, decided to check out what these so-called visual novels were. My prejudices of VNs being little more than otaku fap material were rebutted by this anime, and after some googling and Wikipedia-research, I though that VNs sounded quite cool and I might actually enjoy them. I decided to give visual novels a shot. I actually didn't begin my journey with Katawa Shoujo, I thought trying an "original" Japanese visual novel would be more appropriate as it might give a better representation of the medium. I started off with Kanon and soon after that read Fate/stay night and Grisaia no Kajitsu, and was thoroughly disappointed.

    My main gripe was the writing. It was pretty obvious from the get-go that these stories were written by amateurs, and I found the writing no better than in some of those trashy harem light novels I tried before. The pacing was awful and the plot dragged out way too much. For instance, you don't need rows upon rows of mind-numbing dialogue to flesh out the personality of your characters or have the reader develop a connection with them, that is simply bad writing. Not to mention that the dialogue in these situations often felt forced and unnatural. The VNs I read lacked any sort of literary merit or narrative quality, from start to finish there was no subtext to anything of what I read. Everything was presented to the reader carefully arranged on a platter with little room left for individual interpretation. I felt like your average Hollywood flick or live-action TV series has more depth to it than the stories and their presentation in visual novels. When written text is the center of the medium, lacking any stand-alone narrative quality is a huge problem.

    I felt like the visuals and music simply encouraged this lackluster writing, but didn't add enough substance compensate of it. When an emotional scene hits, you don't need to use any fancy prose when you can rely on a recycled song and change the facial expression of your sprites, right? These audiovisual characteristics weren't developed well enough in my opinion. It's just some static background images on top of which you throw a sprite with a couple of different poses and facial expressions. Done. It felt like the visual, the audial, and the written parts were developed completely separately from each other with little connection to the overarching story which would incorporate all three, and at the end just mashed together with all departments expecting the other one to do all the hard work to capture the essence of the moment.

    I realize I've only read very few visual novels, but considering that these seem to be some of the most highly-acclaimed ones out there (at least among the translated ones) and that all three of them exhibited the same flaws, I believe it would be safe to assume these flaws were rampant in the medium as a whole.

    Again, I don't want to offend anyone with this, these are simply my personal experiences and observations with visual novels and why I didn't find them enjoyable. I ventured to visual novels with a positive attitude, I believed I would find enjoyment in them. I might have looked at things the wrong way or my analysis may simply be completely off the track, which is why I decided to post this here to hear the opinions of more experienced VN enthusiasts, and I'm ready to give visual novels another chance. But from what I've seen so far, I don't know why anyone would find this medium even remotely interesting. If you enjoy reading, why not read books which handle the writing much better and more imaginatively? If you like the tropes or audiovisual characteristics, why not watch anime or read manga which handle those aspects way better?

    I hope we can have a constructive discussion on the ideas presented here and the nature of visual novels as a medium. Cheers!


    Try Kara no Shojo or G-String no Maou, then tell me if ur disappointed.

  4. On 12/3/2017 at 6:33 PM, Dergonu said:

    I personally enjoy the combination of visuals and music in addition to the text in VNs, which makes them more enjoyable than normal books for me, where all I have is the text alone. It makes it easier to visualize the story, and the music + sound effects usually help setting the mood/ atmoshpere in the scenes without any "effort" from me as I read, and in turn makes me feel more immersed in the story.

    You comment a lot on the writing and such in the VNs being terrible, and personally just straight up disagree with this. I can't really say much about that particular point to be honest, as I don't really understand specifically what you thought was so terrible compared to "normal books". If anything I find the writing in most VNs I have read quite enjoyable. (And as an avid book reader, I see little difference in quality when comparing "normal books" and VNs in my mind.)

    The choices in VNs was another one of the things that drew me to the genre. A book where I as the reader get to make choices that impacts the ending of the story is an incredibly cool feature. This is certainly one of the most appealing things about VNs to me, even in pure love stories where the only real choices is choosing a heroine. Just the fact that I can somewhat choose where the story will be going is tons of fun.

    The combination of "mature content" and serious stories utilized in eroge was another reason I got interested in VNs. Games that can actually utilize 18+ scenes in the story well are quite enjoyable to me, as creepy as that might sound. I mostly read untranslated VNs nowadays, but one translated example would be Euphoria.

    Lastly, I guess just having been a fan of manga, anime and light novels since I was a kid has made me enjoy the artstyle and storytelling in these mediums, which in turn makes me enjoy VNs quite a lot, as VNs utilize a lot of the same stuff you find in other otaku mediums.

    How did u learn Japanese.

  5. On 14/3/2017 at 5:58 PM, littleshogun said:

    Well, both of those could be quite subjective (If you knew what I mean). Although if I may suggest perhaps you could try both of Noble Works and Yoake there. Hope it'll be help, even though maybe those recommendation was not alike White Album 2 (The closest thing would be Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, and it was untranslated as of now) 

    Thanks for the reply. I think I'll add them to my list.

    But I don't particularly like the art though.

  6. On 15/3/2017 at 4:32 AM, Clephas said:

    For future reference (when your Japanese is up to the mark: 

    Gin'iro, Haruka

    Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai

    Shit man, these are the stories which make me have the "FEELS".

    Thanks for the answers. But can you tell me a way to improve my Japanese fast.

  7. On 14/3/2017 at 11:03 PM, Khazit said:

    If you're open to Yuri I'd suggest Kindred Spirit on the roof.

    There're ghosts, but aside from the fact that they're ghost, almost no other super nature element.

    Sorry, but I don't prefer homosexual materials.

    Thanks for your opinion though.

  8. On 14/3/2017 at 3:11 PM, Okarin said:

    I haven't played White Album, but if you want a decent romance VN, then you have Hoshizora no Memoria.

    It has quite a lot of supernatural elements though.

    It also can be described as a nakige, and an imitation of Key's works, where half of it is slice of life and then you arrive at the drama.

    The romance (and even H scenes, oh boy) is pretty good. The protag, while he didn't wholly satisfy me, isn't your typical hetare, he just has some issues that are deeply described. Also he has pretty good chemistry with most, if not all heroines.

    Also Crescendo, if you haven't played that, some routes in there are cookie-cutter stuff, some are just classics (my two favs: the nurse and Yuka).

    I have already played Crescendo, it was good. Plus Hoshizora no Memoria, I don't think it's my cup of tea (Even though I don't have any problem with H scenes -"played Euphoria" ).

    Anyway, thanks for the advice.

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