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Blog Comments posted by proxygames

  1. Sorry, but I can't agree with you. At the end of the day, it's a game about a dad sleeping with his kid and in my and many other opinions that is morally wrong. As for people self inserting themselves on a character like this, you cannot prove they won't go after kids. Games like this can stimulate them more and make them do a horrible mistake. I know there's arguments about how, for example, violent games like GTA won't cause someone to suddenly shoot someone in real life, but can't be sure of that. The girl here is young and kids are easily influenced. In a way, the dad is taking advantage of his naive daughter and that is wrong. He's using her to fuel his sexual desire. 

    As for why it's morally wrong in my eyes, stories can have a strong impact on someone and can influence them to do something wrong or right, depending on how one sees this. Just because it's fiction, doesn't mean it can't impact someone to do something. 

    As for the whole loli argument, I won't get into that. It's far better then incest. To be honest, I do wonder if someone wrote a similar blog to this, but was instead backing a story about racism being okay and that the story can't do harm because it's just fiction. Like I said, even with it being fiction, it can do harm depending on who the person is. 

    Also sorry, but there's a difference between a dad/mom loving you as their child, then them loving you in a romantic way. There is a big difference. 

    And yes, telling the story with an older girl would be different. She would at least have some experience when it came to guys and how to feel. This girl is a child. And it seems she hasn't experienced things like romance or liking someone. It's clear the dad is taking advantage of her, maybe even knowing she won't say no. After all, in a kids eyes parents usually are the ones who know best and they look up to them. I read your post, and if you mentioned it I do apologize, but it doesn't seem the story shows how the father is abusing his daughter in this way and that she's too young to understand And even if they do, that just shows he's a jerk for letting his desire take over. And I've seen this company's other games. They clearly make the games to stimulate their readers.. And I do believe this game didn't need h content. The premise is creepy enough, they didn't need to add h scenes. Again, if they didn't, I'd maybe have some slight more respect for the story. But it's not like that. 

  2. There's a huge difference between a moege protagonist and a dad being in love kid. The latter exists in real life. It's not often I see many people acting like a protagonist from a visual novel. Even if it's telling a good story, it doesn't always mean that's a good thing. Maybe if the game didn't have h scenes with a little girl, I could believe it was focusing more on the story, but I'm sorry I just can't. And no, I'm not saying adult content is bad. It can further the story. But in this case, it's will a character that looks barely over the age of 13. 

  3. At the end of the day, it's still a game about a father falling in love and impregnating his daughter. Even if the story is good, there are a lot of moral questions about what they are doing. I'm sorry, but even if it's something that might have an impactful message, it's not right. Would you think this would be okay in real life?

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