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Posts posted by Bizkitdoh

  1. Another long day.


    Despite my exhaustion with classes, it never fails that this bar brings calm to calamity. An empty stool in sight, I stumble my weary legs to the bar and raise one finger to the bar tender. One. He knows what I'm talking about- The best chocolate milk in town.


    As I turn to take my seat, I catch a glimpse of somethi-... SomeONE, extraordinary...

    M-Makise... Kurisu??!


    At first I didn't want to believe it- But... The hair... Her eyes- Hell, even the outfit, tie and all. The resemblance is uncanny. It has to be that wom- Well more of a girl than a woman, based on her features, but... I have to do something. It's not every day an intellectu- No. It's not every day Makise Kurisu is in the same room as you.


    I look the the bar tender and shoot him a peace sign and a wink. Two. He knows. The good stuff. Dr. Pepper. Irresistible beverage and scientist's best friend. He catches a glimpse of what I'm looking at and knows what to do. Good man.


    As I start towards her, mind in shambles, rushing to decide what I'll say, my phone vibrates. Of all times!!! I swear when I get back I'm going to tell that hostage of mi- Oh... What is... Ah.... It takes me a few moments to decrypt what it is I'm reading. The message seems to have limitations, but it gets the point across. Should I trust it though...? I guess I don't have much reason not to... I wasn't sure what to do anyways.


    Whoever this is, I thank you.


    Mind cleared and goal set, I continue towards my target. Taking my place on the stool beside her, she turns her head to me in a bit of surprise as the bar tender slams down a pair of ice cold ~Dr. Peppers~ in front of us. Amongst all the commotion, she seems to be at a loss for words. I guess this is my chance... As I take a drink of Dr. Pepper to calm my nerves and clear my throat, I look to her, right in the eyes, and say---


    A. <Nice weather we're having, huh?>

    B. <SCIENCE!!!>

    C. <So, you come here often?>


    Option B: 『Time machines are a completely absurd concept, no? So many theories about time travel but none of them are really all that logical, nothing but hypotheses contradicting one another. I mean there's neutron star theory, black hole theory, light speed theory, tachyon theory, wormhole theory, exotic matter the....』

  2. ... Could it really happen to me, though? Of course not...

    It's just a thing... A mere item. Surely materialism doesn't run so deep as to imprison a man for taking something so simple. Who would miss such a thing? The vendor? No... It makes no sense for one to feel attachment to the things they sell because everything must go... It's their job, after all. Very few like their job, I mean, look at me. Clearly I would have the choice whether to steal something or not if I had an occupation, but why do what you hate? These people- This individual- doesn't understand that he had a choice. He chose to be where he is, working for some hack who makes bank off the mindless enjoyment of those who pay for fun. Selling fun... It's our right as human beings to be able to find enjoyment. To find happiness. Not to buy it. You can't buy happiness... That's what I hear anyways... But apparently you can sell it.


    Empty excuses from an empty individual. Fitting, don't you think? The rusted bars that seal this damned box make that connection clear. Thoughts had while still able to think freely weren't enough to justify my actions. Justice has taught me that.

    "Didn't your mother ever tell you-"

    SHUT. UP.

    I never had a mother. Please. She got hooked right after I was born. You think someone with a caring parent turns out like me? No. My father did his best to make my childhood enjoyable, and for that I thank him, but in the end this life of crime is all I have now. Endless time to recollect about what I did. Mothers do that, right? When a child does wrong, they're punished and sent to a place to think about their wrongdoings...

    Adulthood comes with upgrades, kids!
    You get four corners instead of one.

    My father used to get me balloons at the fair. Being my first year without him, I went alone, finding my funds to be nonexistent pretty much instantly. It was at that moment I tried to make up a worthy reason for why stealing one shouldn't be punishable.

    You can guess how that went.



    I roll out of this stiff mattress after another worthless nights rest. I stretch, breathing in the moldy air I've grown so accustomed to.

    How many days has is been?

    We shuffled off to our morning showers while breakfast was prepared. Before I was able to eat the meal I was looking oh so forward to (Gruel again!), I was pulled aside. They told me I was free. They told me, after breakfast, that I could go. Someone had come to get me. But, who?


    Could it... No... My only friend-

    I inhaled my breakfast and went with the guards to where I would be released, and there he was. My one and only true best friend... He told me what it was to have fun. What it was all about. It was him that helped me live a life of happiness despite all my own poor choices. He's still wearing that ridiculous get-up? Those box shorts and that stupid tie... That's him alright. I asked him one question as he walked up to me, shoes squeaking on the hard floor-


    He grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye and said-


    "F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere and any time at all, down here in the deep blue sea."


    Spongebob Squarepants. My... Best friend.


    One more time... WITH PICTURES!!!





    "F is for friends who do stuff together,



    U is for you and me ~!




    N is for anywhere and any time at all,




    Down here in the deep blue sea ~!"



    Tl;dr, I stole a balloon. Spongebob got my back. He sang the FUN song.

  3. To make up for my lazy haiku:


    “When reason fails, the devil helps!”


    I slumped against the cold steel wall of my holding cell. In the hours following my crime, my head just hasn’t been working right. Perhaps it would be fairer to say that my head wasn’t working right the moments leading up to my crime. Perhaps it would be best said my head has never been right, and all its misfirings and all my misgivings were just piling up over the years, culminating to this point along with a very poor choice.


    To say I don’t know what came over me would be a lie. What I felt at the moment was just too vivid to conveniently sweep away as being a lapse of judgment. No, what came to me… what possessed me, was a rage unfiltered.  It was a conscious act, done unflinchingly with full awareness of the malice behind it.


    Perhaps some people would laud what I did as justifiable. Those people would lack perspective. Lofty ideals like justice should never be used to cover up our baser sides.


    Justice didn’t raise the head of that fire axe.  

    Justice didn’t bare it down!

    At the brunt of the impact, justice was no wear to be found!


    Alas though, what was found in the midst of broken glass and assorted snacks was that damn candy bar. The one that refused to acquiesce. The one that hung there taunting me. The one that sought to deny me satisfaction. The one that was stuck in that damn machine.


    Well, it’s mine now.

    It’s mine now, along with a few minor lacerations to my hand.  

    It’s mine now, along with this cell.



    An hour passed and a guard came to me. He told me someone posted my bail. I couldn’t imagine who would.


    He told me it was the strangest damn thing too. He said the bail was posted in rupees.  


    A profile came into view in the threshold behind the guard.  It was a young man. He had a well-used physique adorned in a green tunic. Atop his head sat a… green cap. He had blonde hair and, strangest of all, pointy ears.


    The guard unlocked the holding cell and waved me out. The man approached me. His sharp eyes locked with mine. He said to me:






    Wakerlink.jpg    “…”


    ..... Amazing..... O_O

  4. The Second Challenge.


    October 17th.

    Ye- Oh, who cares.


    A poem~...?



    Look, I'll be honest,

    For me, poems are hard....

    But it's best to be modest,

    And admit when you're charred.


    Being annihilated aside, I have a story to share.

    A tale of true courage, and one of despair.


    It's a muggy night in Gotham, no pun intended.

    A lone schoolgirl seems lost, but her life is past ended.

    It's a city of ghouls, that's easy to say,

    But here we have a true ghost, who's long lost her way.


    Nearby rests a man with booze on his breath,

    Fed up with life and looking for death.

    That aroma of alcohol all he has left,

    A 'reward' from that last paycheck: Intellectually bereft.


    The sound of a bottle, hitting the pavement.

    Drained of it's worth, gone is his last payment.

    A married man, his ring would tell,

    Avoiding his home, expecting true hell.


    His drunken gaze scanned the street,

    He had nothing else to do from his concrete seat.

    In the distance he saw a girl walking. Blurred.

    He raised to his feet, his goal absurd.


    He staggered right up to her, she was a whole lot shorter,

    "E-Excuse me m-miss," *hick* "Could you s-spare a quarter?"

    She jumped back, surprised and filled with fright.

    Hachikuji Mayoi ran into a drunk this night.


    She stepped back afraid and filled with disgust,

    She didn't know the intentions of this man with an inebriated must.

    Filled with anger from her reaction, no cause for it he could distinguish,

    Hachikuji Mayoi knows nothing of English!


    A palm becomes hidden, a hand closed to a fist,

    This man is not thinking but is clearly quite pissed!

    Pulling back to swing with all of his might,

    Hachikuji raised her hands with no desire to fight.


    Before he could strike he was slammed to the ground,

    To hit an innocent girl, this man is really unwound!

    All the man sees is a fluttering cape fall to rest,

    But he knows for sure he's been struck by the best.


    A hero stands tall, a loser sobers up.

    Batman just pounded out his last hiccup.

    "Get back to your home, while you still have one.

    You need to clean up your act. With help it can be done."


    A crime is prevented,

    A man was reinvented.

    Hachikuji was a target for a fool to try and rob.

    For Batman? Just another night on the job.

  5. The First Challenge.


    October 16th.

    Year: 2013.


    Intro shenanigans within~ (but not really all that important to the entry, just fun.)


    "Congratulations! Your life has proven interesting enough to warrant an anime adaption! ... In fact, your life is so popular, every anime studio that has ever existed wants to adapt your life! "


    ... Cool.


    "So then, who do you pick? What anime studio (past or present) do you want to see adapt your life into an anime and why?"


    Oh, those guys who did that Clann-


    "Be sure to name the studio please! "




    "... Be sure to name the stu-"


    K-Kyoto Animation!


    "... and why?"



    Okay, so after hours of extensive thought, I decided that KyoAni is absolutely the perfect choice for me. At first I thought, well, why would a studio so prestigious even think of animating my possibly uninteresting life!? But the answer was obvious. I'm so awesome (for some reason) that they offered to do it, so it doesn't matter!! Woohoo!!!


    I mean, come on, the bonuses to having KyoAni share my life story with the world are endless. I think it makes a lot of sense to pick a favorite studio based on their work because you enjoy it, but I saw more opportunities beyond my admiration of a few of their creations... Opportunities that are totally not sparked from my enjoyment of flexing my false ego, because I know for a fact that I'm not awesome. At all... Totally not that. . .


    1. So first things first, they would make me hot.


        - I mean everyone knows KyoAni makes the prettiest pretty boys after seeing Free! They wouldn't make the protagonist not awesome and not ultra fit. People can't dislike me. The almighty KyoAni will prevent that! I mean I'm a pretty average looking guy, but they'd totally fix that and I'd be a legend.


    2. Everyone would watch it.


        - Let's be real, KyoAni kind of have a flawless record, or pretty close to it. No matter how uninteresting my story may be, everyone will stick with it until the end hoping for it to go somewhere. Everyone could talk to me about it after they all watch it (because everyone would, KyoAniiii~) because it's a true story. I could show them stuff the show was based on and everything. Their work does vary a bit, but generally Slice of Life style animes (partly or largely comedic), with a handful of them having romantic aspects and heavy themes present, are arguably their best. Since this story would possibly fit into this popular genre of theirs, everyone would be excited for it, which brings me to my next point~


    3. It actually does kind of fit... Sort of...


        - I suppose the Slice of Life genre is pretty much perfect for me. I mean it is meant to be close to home and realistic day to day life stuff. Up to this point I've spent time with a fantastic family moving all over the country, getting to go to places and monuments that many my age may never see, or will never see. I've also grown from those days to see them go, because such things have become more difficult in recent years, leaving me to start my own journey and see new sights. I've loved and lost. I've tried my best, met with success, and failure. I've dabbled with many hobbies from music to photography, some possibly natural talents, and some met with adversity and requiring hard work. There are lessons to be learned that were, both the easy way and the hard way. I do legitimately think that they'd do a fine job, whether the source material (my life) actually is all that interesting or not.


    So there you have it. This is getting pretty lengthy, so I'll call it here. (^ ^ ;)


    What kind of sorcery did you use. Lols
    You're new here right?? Welcome to the forums xD


    I wish I had some magic on my side. Hahaha xP

    My sister is one of those talented people, and I let her look at it as a quality check, but I didn't let her touch it. (She's /seriously/ amazing. O_O)


    I still don't really like that arm. . . I also wanted to do even more but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. So I can't say I'm 100% happy with it. But I'd also be lying if I didn't pass my own expectations and have tons of fun drawing it!!


    And thank you for the welcome! I've used the sight before, but I just had to sign up for this.

  7. You never draw?

    What kind of black magic did you use to make that work of art? Please teach me and I will be your apprentice


    I really don't. x_x

    Not counting the backdrop, the thing took me all day, save for being busy for a few hours.

    I've only ever doodled in notebooks and drawn small things. I've also seen a lot of art that's blown my mind and so I think it made a mental barrier to the point of me never trying. This would be the first time. :x


    Thank you so much for the kind words, though! Ragnar was my motivation. xD It was a lot of fun ^^


    You're right!! No one can beat original drawing (Pencil and Paper), I love the way he draws hachikuji..
    She looks cute and beautiful!!


    Thank you so much!! :')

    I saw your entry this morning and was wayyy amazed and knew I had to give it my all. xD

    I never draw so it was really tough. >.<


    I actually used this image as my reference for Hachikuji. The Batman I had to piece together using a bunch of random images as reference. The main change I made was making the backpack look nervous. xD As well as using the cape to cover for my fear of making legs ._.


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