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Posts posted by Albedo

  1. Obviously the good stuff is going to be longer, harder or both, so don't worry that much about quality, after all, it's just to try and read something. Anyways, I guess I'll try Tayutama even though I really, really don't like moeges (it's Tayutama - Kiss on my deity - right? There's 2 of 'em on vndb), thanks for the recomendation!

  2. I'll give it a shot, but my japanese still needs a lot of work.


    Genre: Don't care.

    Linguistic level: 4

    Stimulus preferred: Again, don't care.

    What is your list of no-nos?: Eh, I probably can laugh at anything, so nothing, I guess.

    Other: Must be short (2-10 hours tops), since it's gonna be my first VN in Japanese.

  3. From what I remember, FF games have been sony console exclusives and PC for the MMOs (11 and 14).  That includes the handheld PSP and Playstation Vita along with the larger playstation consoles.  There were only a few that were ported to the nintendo portable devices but that was several years later.  For the most part I do believe that the FF franchise will continue to be an exclusive on their consoles/devices, I mean if not that kinda kills the main reason I'm getting a PS4...


    Yeah, but at least in FF14's case that's probably due to Xbox Live. 13 and 13-2 came out for the 360, and so will 13-3. Moreover, Vs... whoops, 15 has been in development since god knows when, and it's easier to recoup costs going multiplatform.

  4. I think FFT took more risks... FFXII was born of an abortive attempt at imitating it because they were based in the same world.  The ideas and non-physical setting of the game were interesting, but the way they told the story and its progression varied from boring to absolutely senseless.


    Maybe, but FFT was not a numbered FF, and also was Matsuno being told to do Tactics Ogre with Chocobos, and he did, and it was great. But plot wise, it was a lot more obvious who you were supposed to root for in FFT than FFXII, except maybe for Delita.


    By the time Final Fantasy XII came out, all traces of creativity had been eliminated from the story-writing, leaving a rather bland narrative and a rather pathetic reliance on 'cutting edge visuals' and voice-acting to cover it up.


    Funny, FFXII was the Final Fantasy game that took the most risks with its story, and despite the forced inclusion of Vaan and Penelo, it shows; its plot is so far removed from the typical jrpg formula that it isn't funny. If it has any faults, I'd say its awful pacing and that perhaps it was expecting too much from its audience.


    Oh, and Mass Effect is mediocre (except for 2, which was a pretty fun action movie on its own, even if its irrelevant to the larger plot) and Planescape:Torment is the shit.


    For me, VNs are simply a form of entertainement where I can get kinds of stories that I can't get anywhere else. Sure, having graphics and sound is a plus, but most of the time the graphical aspect of VNs is underused, and they tend to fall back on description... which sorta defeats the point of a graphic medium, as anyone reading a 1970s Marvel Comic could tell you. Also, lots of times they do need editors to cut back on redundancy/purpleness or to fix glaring logic holes or pacing, but they don't have them because they'd rather spend the money on a cg of a loli eating a cake with her onii-chan. But still, I'd say that having unique stories make up for all of that.

  6. If you want novels with multiple routes and not *that* long, Steins;Gate would be a good option. Ever 17 and Rewrite are also pretty good, but Rewrite has 2 routes (out of 7) that are way worse than the others... and are mandatory to play if you want to get the true end.


    Or, like Wahfuu said, you could play Muv Luv. I hated Extra (first half of Muv Luv) but Unlimited was pretty entertaining, and Alternative is fucking awesome, even though it only has one route.

  7. I'd say Snake Eater is my favorite in the series. It's sooooo good. The final fight is so damn beautiful. It's enough to make you tear up.


    Same here. I didn't like it that much when I played it the first time, mainly because the top-down camera was awful. Substinence fixed that, however, and it was awesome.

  8. You're right, it is pretty fucking expensive. But a lot of those costs seem bloated, comically so even (800 bucks for ONE image?) not to mention there was no mention of the average production time of a VN nor of the cost of voice acting.

  9. I don't know if anyone read it, or if its been mentioned in the previous thread but J-List sent out an article a few weeks back about Japanese companies and how their "common sense" differs from that of Western consumers.


    Japanese fans generally pay 10,000 yen for an anime blu ray disc with 2-3 episodes on it or 12,000 yen for a visual novel with maybe 5 hours of gameplay, so it has become "common sense" to Japanese companies that this is the price to charge.

    Western consumers are used to paying £9.99 for a partial TV series, £30 for a full one and £40 for a video game, so this price has become "common sense" to Western gamers.


    The problem that exists is the conflict of "common sense" between these two groups and this conflict makes it very hard for Western companies to license Japanese visual novels. It's why the most widely distributed and affordable VN titles are over 5 years old, because similar to a bargain bin in a supermarket these titles have saturated the Japanese market so the creators are happy to give publishing rights to Western companies for much less than they would have on launch day.


    That's my view on the whole situation anyway, the west is the Visual Novel Bargain Bin.


    QQ :'(


    That article sounds interesting, do you have the link or could you post it here?

  10. There's lots of moments I love from videogames, but off the top of my head I'd say exploring the Dead Sea in Chrono Cross, playing with a Necromancer with just summons in Diablo 2 for the lulz (30+ skeletons!), the last boss battle in Planescape:Torment and anything with Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising (he's HILARIOUS)

  11. Honestly, the show would have been a bit better imo if they didn't use actual ancient heroes and epic heroes. If they created their own characters with different names the series would have been a bit better, (and more tolerable for me) imo. However, they insisted on using these mythological heroes, yet it's as if they did no research about these figures at all. The least they could have done was remain faithful to the descriptions and characterizations of these heroes from the cultural mythologies they came from, yet evidently they didn't put the least bit effort to do that. 


    That might be true, but personally, I don't have much of a problem with it unless the characters are boring/uninteresting, and there are some of those in the Fate series. Not like they couldn't include fictional "heroes" anyway, the fate series does play very loose with its own (clusterfuck of) rules. I do kinda agree with the pseudo-intelectual bullshit criticism though, you only watched the first season but in the second one there's a slippery-slope argument that is just cringeworthy.

  12. Also King Arthur as a girl! Are you fucking kidding me? It's not only King Arthur whose mythological character was completely butchered, but most of them! 


    In Urobuchi's defense, gotta say that

    King Arthur's thing as well as her motivations

    were not his fault. Hell, Fate/Extra does something even more lulzworthy with Red Saber... but Red Saber is hilarious.


    Rider is a true bro, though. Best character is best.

  13. I'm really not sure whether I should give this one a go. On one hand it looks like it could be really exciting to read and on the other...well...



    That CG of the guy nailed to a chair...yeah...



    It is really funny, but expect to see lots of stuff like that.

  14. Formally dropped Grisaia today. It's unbearable to read at this point for all the wrong reasons. It's also put a damper my enthusiasm towards starting anything new. Might give Leaves a go though. 


    I'm curious, how many hours did you play before you dropped it? I have a lot of issues with Grisaia (Forced drama, "Ichigaya" being run by a bunch of morons that would make 24's CTU look competent, a common route that is effectively plotless and goes nowhere for about 20-25 hours, among other things), but I think it was fun enough, and Angelic Howl was definitely the highlight of the game. You should at least give that part a chance.

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