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Posts posted by jeftai

  1. Section 1 - True/False

    Below are a series of statements. Please indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, please provide the correct response.

    1. Shimakaze was the fastest destroyer during WWII.

    • no Le Terrible was 45 knots
    • Shimakaze 41 knots

    2. I-19 (Iku) holds the record for the most destructive single torpedo spread fire during WWII.

    • true

    3. According to history, it is believed that Yamato and Nagato represented the epitome of Japanese naval construction and ability.

    • yamato more then nagoto but still true

    4. Unryuu was the last carrier sunk at sea during the pacific war.

    • false

    5. Yuubari was sunk by US submarine Bluegill on April 28th, 1944.

    • true

    6. Houshou was the world's 1st commissioned ship that was designed and built as a destroyer.

    • light carrier not destroyer


    Section 2 - Open Ended Questions


    Listed below are a series of questions. Please provide the correct answer.

    1. Only 2 ships from the Japanese naval fleet survived WWII and were actively retired from service years later. Name the 2 ships.

    • yukikaze(Tan Yang) [transferred to China]
    • hibiki(verniy) [transferred to Russia]

    2. What was the 1st fleet carrier commissioned by the Japanese navy during WWII?

    • light carrier hosho
    • regular kaga

    3. Though archaic, this ship's name means "thunder" in English.

    • ikazuchi

    4. Which destroyer was the first in the Japanese navy to be fitted with a radar?

    • yugumo class were the first to receive them

    5. Which Japanese destroyer captain (who helped command 3 different ships) was the only survivor of his type during WWII?

    • tameichi hara

    6. Which Japanese ship is nicknamed "turkey" by western fans?

    • shoukaku

    7. What was the name of the only specialized repair ship issued by the Japanese navy during WWII?

    • akashi

    8. What Japanese ship's name means "breaking waves" in English?

    • isonami

    9. Which Japanese ship received the most damage during WWII before finally sinking after attempting to beach itself?

    • musashi

    10. Which WWII submarine was the only wartime submarine to successfully sail a round trip voyage from Japan to Germany?

    • I-8
    • (also committed horrible war crimes go look it up if you're interested)


    Section 3 - Matching

    "Operation Crossroads" was a test conducted in 1946 after the war by the United States to test the affects of nuclear weapons on sea targets. There were 2 tests conducted during the operation: Test Able and Test Baker (Test Charlie was cancelled due to complications). Match the respective WWII ships with the tests they were involved in.

    A = Test Able

    B = Test Baker

    C = N/A

    1. Nagato B

    2. Mutsu C

    3. Akatsuki C

    4. Sakawa A

    5. Haruna C


    Bonus Question!


    The "5 fateful minutes" fiasco at Midway turned the tide of the war (and ultimately led to a defeat) for the Japanese when 3 dive bombers rendered a counter attack plane launch useless. Which carrier being damaged was the turning point of the battle?

    • akagi
    • [the pilots that flew the dive bombers were low on fuel and some of them had to crash land into the sea. 3 of them got fished up by the japanese and interrogated 2 of them were tied to water filled barrels and throw into the sea. 1 supposedly died after interrogation he received a burial at sea.]

  2. welcome to the forum.
    you should ignore ren since he's the biggest faggot on the forum.


  3. Kantai Collection gave me the obligatory guilty pleasure. I can probably enjoy this show. A good first episode. I am not expecting anything or know anything about story or lore.

    the lore is pretty much everything they crammed into the first page you see on the dmm site and the page for kancolle.

    like jibril said its just for fangasming.

    and the sole reason why iam watching this is for jintsuu.

  4. Yep.  I've never actually even seen an AP Jax before.  I bet his W would hurt like crazy.


    I started playing in the middle of Season 3, so I'm not enough of a veteran to remember weird builds like that.  I was there for AP Yi, though, and that was horrible  >.>

    his ult and w hurt like hell his jump q also scales of ap.

    but ap jax build is just nashor's tooth lichbane and some other items.

  5. you might wanna look around first on this site concerning any other problems.

    in this case yours is the generic omg it doesn't work halp problem.

    first off you might wanna add some pictures of the problem since that's handy for us so we can see what your problem is.

    second did you set your system to japanese locale incase you did not around 90% of the vn's wont work.

    incase you dont know how to set your system locale to japanese here's some images to help you around.


    first off go to control panel






  6. dunno since when we got so uptight with titles.

    inb4 shit hits the fan and we have to remove the titles because shitstorms about she/he/me/you being better then the other members

    only because she had spammed more then you.

    iam just gonna say either leave it like it is now or just make 1 standerd thing that does not give one a mindset that makes them think there better then the others.

  7. typical ts3


    <18:28:42> "OriginalRen": fucking

    <18:28:46> "OriginalRen": THIS IS THE 6th time

    <18:29:08> "OriginalRen": i dont know whats going on

    <18:29:09> "Ceris": ?

    <18:29:11> "OriginalRen": im sitting normally

    <18:29:17> "OriginalRen": and my ass keeps falling asleep

    <18:29:24> "OriginalRen": but its more like my balls fall asleep

    <18:29:26> "OriginalRen": and travels up my dick

    <18:29:30> "OriginalRen": and it huts

    <18:29:38> "OriginalRen": and is not comfortable

    <18:31:16> "Ceris": huts

    <18:31:23> "Ceris": Like a tent shape?

    <18:31:31> "Ceris": :scottsune:

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