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    Visual Novel's,Music,game making,football,anime,k-dramas,video games.

Otaku Web

  • Visual Novel Database (VNDB)

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Fuwa Novice

Fuwa Novice (2/11)



  1. Hi Ren i would like to volunteer for ep11(if you still have any slot). I'm just not sure if i would do a good job though, and english is not my first language,but i can understand it perfectly ><
  2. We are looking for background artists , if you are interested please leave a post. If you have experience with shading,using PhotoShop or Gimp and have a decent line work we could use your help
  3. Thank you to everyone that showed interest in our project We are trying our best to do make an interesting story and enjoyable experience, while at the same time trying some new stuff. I hope you guys enjoy it when its done If anyone is curious about anything you can message us via the blog or just ask here.
  4. Flash is not an engine its a platform,the engine is being built from scratch using action script 3,and it will be compiled using Adobe Air which runs on iOS,Android and Pc,also trying to make it work on Mac's,it also can be playable on browsers(doesn't mean we will have a final version that does, it depends on a few things). Thank you for you interest in the project,and i hope you keep following us.
  5. Pretty sure the point is to make unofficial ports,since some vn's only are available for consoles,and it is just has illegal has a fan translations since any modification of and redistribution of game files without permission is technically illegal.
  6. Hi,i'm making one because i thought it would be fun to make one also it might be more flexible,and if by any chance i'm not able to make it i will import everything done to a good free one. And welcome to the project thank you for volunteering
  7. sneakpool is the last one to be added to the story section. We already have enough people for the story so that section is closed.
  8. that would be very helpful thankyou But would the artists be willing to work for free? This project has no dead line so they could work on it when they have time just for fun,but still they might not want too. I know we can't really be picky since we don't have any volunteer's for the art right now but i would like artists that at least like the Visual Novel genre that's the only thing i would like, they don't even have to be amazing artists a decent one that loves the genre would be better than an amazing one that dosen't.
  9. Thankyou for volunteering! Any writer with some experience in visual novel or regular novel making will be very helpful.
  10. I was thinking about waiting a few more days to see if anyone else wants to join after that we would start discussing plot ideas.
  11. Thanks for organizing this aideed I also would like to be part of the story planing. If we can get at least one artist i think we can make something. Ideally i would like to make an ADV style visual novel,but if we can only get one artist i guess we can make something that would only have a couple of cg's with text over it kinda like Tsukihime. But let's hope more people volunteer
  12. if we are able to get that many people sure. In regards to the game engine i would like to make it myself.But if anyone want's to help that's fine too
  13. I agree,and all the Visual Novels i read also had at least 3 writers so it makes sense, we just need more volunteers.
  14. I'm not sure about using an engine,since i'm an indie flash developer i was thinking making a simple engine which i would be able to modify at will. I am a horrible writer and artist,but i really like to design games and create game concepts.I can also make music to some extent. So what we would need mainly is a main writer who would keep the whole story in place and someone who can do character art and backgrounds or a person for each. But anyone who want's to participate is welcomed too,be it to just give a story idea,proofreading,testing,etc... I think we just need to have a main writer and artist to keep everything consistent. Please tell me what you guys think
  15. Hi i'm looking for people who also like Visual Novel's that may be interested in making one. If anyone is interested just say what could you do on the project and we would talk more after.
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