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Blog Comments posted by Zodai

  1. 3 hours ago, Bolverk said:

    Minori manages to create stuff well. Then the characters act out of character for the sake of drama. For me this utterly destroying the immersion. Ef does this as well ass Eden to some degree.. And it infuriates me. It's like some shitty drama made in hollywood inserted at times when stuff starts to get too predictable.

    This feels like a different problem than what Clephas' is describing.  The one stated here is an issue with the plot interfering with the characters, where the themes and direction of the story's intentions take priority over the motivations of the characters.  There's obviously a balance to be struck but if the reader can pick up on it (Either what you're describing or the other extreme of 'What's the point?' because they're so preoccupied with characters the plot loses coherency) there's obviously a flaw.


    As a writer though I can't actually tell how to use Clephas' comment about Minori games in a meaningful way.  How would one work to improve upon this problem, I suppose?

  2. Know your target audience.  For one I'm assuming this is an OELVN since you're posting it on Fuwa.  Put a post up on the site, maybe check out the subreddits - see if you can get into the anime fanbase as well, as there's a lot of overlap and I'd certainly like to let people know.  Just be sure you don't over-do it.


    If it feels like hard work, that means it's starting to work.  After that there's just figuring out how to put that effort forward effectively. If you're using Ren'py as an engine I'd advise putting it up on a PC platform as well - most of the core VN audience still uses PC primarily.


    You're also going to want to ask for feedback - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  As this is a demo I'm assuming the full game isn't finished yet.  Never underestimate the power of feedback, and if you want to get fancy about it use the feedback-gathering areas to generate buzz as well, though this takes a bit to get right.


    You're not going to get much interest out of the 'standard' gaming audience.  The primary target is the anime/otaku/Core VN audience.  Focus your marketing and attention-gathering there, and make absolutely sure the writing can hook them from the first scene.


    Just know I'm assuming this is a VN since you posted it here - it could be something completely different in which case half my advice is useless.  Just focus on what your audience is and polishing and editing and re-editing (Yes, you need to do it more than once) so that it can be the best it can be.

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