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ホアー ビち

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Posts posted by ホアー ビち

  1. Asuka.(Hataraku.Otona.no.Ren'ai.Jij

    TOP 10:

    1- Hataraku Otona no Ren'ai Jijou (~10373 copies) (Increase of 113% from previous game)

    2- Hanikami Clover (~9200 copies) (Drop of 50% from previous game)

    3- Tsumamigui 3 (~8625 copies) (Increase of 2% from previous game)

    4- Tokyo Necro (~8579 copies) (Increase of 70% from previous game)

    5- Gears of Dragoon 2 (~6624 copies) (Drop of 41% from previous game)

    6- Lovedori Halation (~5428 copies) (Increase of 136~160% from previous game)

    7- Kouyoku Senki ExS Tia 2 (~3657 copies) (Increase of 14% from previous game)

    8- Sengo Muramasa (~1978 copies) (Increase of 43~50% from previous game)

    9- Love Rec Mini Theaters (~1955 copies) (Drop of 66% from previous game)

    10- Angenehm Platz (~1748 copies) (Drop of 42% from previous game)



    Source: http://blog.livedoor.jp/twode_perf/archives/55380061.html

  2. On 2/24/2016 at 9:29 PM, Kaguya said:

    Lesse... I say I have bad taste from time to time. Mostly when I can recognize the flaws of a work and still really like it anyway. Aselia comes to mind as something I most likely overrate, as does Hanachirasu, though both are genuinely good games from the start, so I wouldn't exactly call it bad taste.

    I wouldn't be able to comment on anime, though I imagine it's the same. 

    but evrything has flaws. its not hard to recognize em.

  3. 4 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    It's the market size. Visual novels are a niche within a niche and they can't afford to be priced too lowly or they won't return the investment at all.

    isnt it the contrary? isnt it niche cuz its priced high?

    i thought the whole vn decline and small market was cuz theyr expensive (CGs and VA especially), meaning teens cant afford like they buy manga and LNs, limiting the market to adults (the reason there is H in vn is cuz the market is ruled by the grown-ups)


    1 hour ago, Rooke said:

    Anyway, this is one of the reasons why voice acting spoils games

    this is wrong, yo. good voice acting can enhance the vn experience. even if the writing's bad, theres the va to make up for it (it wont be able to heal it magically, but still makes better).

    i mean, whatd be of vns without the cute loli voices or the teasy oneechan voice? or the moe tics voiced?




    va is one of the reasons vn is a diffrent medium, cuz it adds what a book doesnt.

  4. 1 hour ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    There isn't one.  My favorite example of such a story that I'm currently reading is Death March.  The main character could literally lie to someone and they would believe him, he created a railgun in a fantasy setting, and killed the demon lord with meteor showers.  The story is entertaining because you get to see him romp around in a fantasy world doing stupid shit and solving every problem while thinking of how to turn said problem into food. The character himself doesn't develop, he is basically forcing his modern world ideals on to a fantasy universe and you get to see that universe and his harem develop instead.

    conclusion: gary/mary stus arent necessarily bad. MAL anti-sue pattern is questionable.


    1 hour ago, Palas said:

    Who cares about her dark past? It's not the story. The story is the story. If her friends have struggles, she can always just... solve them. No mystery. No setup. No looking forward to what's going to happen because you already know. A Mary Sue is, basically, the author's will manifested. And it destroys our suspension of disbelief.

    u have a point tho. 

  5. 23 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    Once upon a time there was a woman.

    She never struggled with anything

    The end.

    ....yeah doesn't seem like a very compelling story.


    the woman had her friends who struggled and also a dark past that motivated her to win against any obstacles. 

  6. 23 hours ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    Yes, but you can write anything about any character and they can have depth.  Take superman and take away his kryptonite weakness. You now have a Gary Stu, the male counterpart of the Mary Sue.  Superman still has his back story and motivations that drive him to do what he does for character depth.  Character depth and character development are two different things.  Mary Sue/Gary Stu only ever hurts the character development portion of those two aspects.

    in this case, mary sues dont rly hurt much, since character development isnt always a must. whats the problem of having a story in which the characters never change?

  7. 2 hours ago, Palas said:

    It's... controversial. Indeed, Mary Sue means flawless and perfect, but this is hardly the reason why a character would be hated for being a Mary Sue. Instead, it's about being flawless and perfect in what concerns the story: Cinderella, perfect as she is, can't fulfill her wish, around which the story is built.


    A Mary Sue never fails and her success is so implausible that you end up seeing the strings behind the puppet. 

    ok, ur helpful. so lots of ppl when they actually call something mary sue and thus criticize it for it, its probably cuz they didnt like the character and r tryin to find something to blame. 

    now whenever some1 tries to criticize a character i like calling gary stu/mary sue i will tell him the reason mary sues are bad is cuz they can overcome any obstacle and that makes the plot pointless, not cuz its just a perfect character.


    2 hours ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    That is the primary reason why people don't like characters that can solve everything/get anything they want: there is no conflict in the first place to actually warrant any development, and when there is, it can only be construed as arbitrarily contrived.

    but character development isnt necessary to any story. most ppl when talkin bout char development actually mean just character depth (like showing more bout said character), which is needed. now, development is just change; a story can survive perfectly without char development.

  8. 2 hours ago, Palas said:

    And yet she can't go to the prince's ball. No amount of abilities or good nature help her solving her conflict, which is why she isn't a Mary Sue.

    A Mary Sue isn't a character with good values but a character that can always overcome any obstacle. And characters that can always pull solutions out of their asses don't need the story to grow, so they make the whole setup feel worthless. Why bother if she can defeat any villain and solve any problem at the snap of a finger?

    i didnt kno that was a mary sue. is it rly that? i thought mary sue = flawless and perfect girl


    this is from the laconic tv tropes:

    "An implausibly flawless character and/or an idealized stand-in for the author."

    there aint anything about overcoming whatever obstacle

  9. 2 hours ago, Decay said:

    There's nothing to prove when it comes to personal taste. A perfect heroine can be pretty boring. If you don't find it boring, then that's fine, too.

    im not talking bout taste. i wanna know how it hurts a narrative and why it is considered bad as a pattern. like, ppl never see mary sue as personal taste, its always considered inherently bad.


    2 hours ago, Palas said:

    How is Cinderella a Mary Sue?

    she knows how to sing, she cooks, she can do all the house stuff, shes pretty, shes good, animals like her, shes gentle, and very innocent. hows that not a mary sue?

  10. i get that an author writin for wish fulfillment isnt a good thing. but what if hes just trying to write an idealized woman for escapism (of the audience, not his). do mary sues rly hurt the story? if so, prove me. cinderella from disney can be considered a mary sue, yet it is critically acclaimed. hows that?

  11. okay, let me be more specific:

    vns probably wont do it (unless its a series and the twist only happens in the 2nd). i want something that has developed a normal plot with no twist, can be appreciated without the twist, and stays without twist for quite sometime (that is, until the twist happened). like gakkou gurashi but if the twist happened only, like, in the 7th volume or something.

    EDIT: just pick up a random highschool SoL anime, manga or LN. then imagine a second season of it with a big twist like that. i want that kind of feel.

  12. 23 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:

    Higurashi somewhat comes to mind (it was initially advertised as more of a moege if memory serves) but nowadays its stigma removes all surprise factor. 

    Try YU-NO and Cross+Channel.

    Premise of C+C: 

    "Gunjo Academy is a facility designed to gather and isolate those students who got a high score on an adaptation exam (Scoring high on this exam indicates that the student is less likely to be able to be adapted to the society) mandated by the government.

    After a fa'iled summer vacation with other members of the school's broadcasting club, Kurosu Taichi and some of the other club members return to the city, only to find that the world had completely changed."

    Premise of YU-NO:

    "Takuya Arima is a young student whose father, a historian who has conducted various researches, disappeared recently. During a summer vacation Takuya receives a peculiar package from his missing father, along with a letter containing information about the existence of various parallel worlds. At first Takuya doesn't take it seriously, but soon he realizes that he possesses a device that allows him to travel to alternate dimensions. Is his father alive, after all? If so, where is he?"

    Premise of Hitagushi:

    " Higurashi no Naku Koro ni takes place during June 1983, at a fictional rural village called Hinamizawa, which has a population of approximately 2000. The main character, Keiichi Maebara, moves to Hinamizawa and befriends his new classmates Rena Ryugu, Mion Sonozaki, Rika Furude, and Satoko Hojo. Keiichi joins their after-school club activities, which consist mostly of card and board games (and punishment games for the loser, usually him.) Hinamizawa appears to be a normal, peaceful, rural village to Keiichi. However, the tranquility abruptly ends after the annual Watanagashi Festival, a celebration to commemorate and give thanks to the local god, Oyashiro-sama. Keiichi learns that every year for the past four years, one person has been murdered and another has gone missing on the day of the Watanagashi Festival. Keiichi himself soon becomes drawn into the strange events surrounding the Watanagashi Festival and Oyashiro-sama. In each story arc, he or one of his friends become paranoid, and a crime is committed. Usually, the crime involves the murder of one of their own friends. While it seems impossible to tell their delusions apart from the mystery of Hinamizawa, slowly the truth is revealed."



    I dunno for you, but all those had already a premise that a big plot twist didnt seem unlikely.

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