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Natsume Kyousuke

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Everything posted by Natsume Kyousuke

  1. I tried FreeArc, and it gives me this image: Can you please try some things out for me?
  2. I probably should've used a better word for it: I want to edit the .arc files. Basically extract the stuff in the .arc file, and put them back inside.
  3. Hi, I want to try some things out with the game 365 imoutos https://vndb.org/v8037. I can find extractors for .arc files, but I can't find compilers. When I checked the arc file using a hex editor, I found out that its encryption is Tactics_Arc_File. Can somebody help me out? Here is the link to the folder for the .arc files : https://mega.nz/#F!JANgWByZ!8eMIrmA8k5DiXVGFs4hA8w
  4. You won't need to. I'll create a thread on both Fuwanovel and Reddit when I finish the partial patch. Thanks for everything you've done.
  5. I'm going to finish day 7 of the scene and create the patch. I forgot to mention your name in the thank yous. Sorry about that. Thank you for creating the wordwrap patch, you've done heaps for us.
  6. I tried renaming it to siglusengine, and now it works. The wordwrap is working perfectly as well. Thank you so much!
  7. The exe isn't starting up for me, for some reason. When I click on the exe to start it up, the only thing I get is an hourglass next to my cursor. It'll also refuse to be deleted, moved or interacted. Seeing how my regular siglusengine works, I think it's a problem of the modified siglusengine. Can you help me out? I can't even kill the process using process explorer. It comes up with "Error terminating process: Access denied"... EDIT: One of my QC's are saying that it's working for him, so it might just be me. Do you have any idea why it might not be working for me?
  8. Thank you so much! I'll try it out when I get back home. Also, what is the kdays dll? First time hearing it...
  9. I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have a older version, and I don't have my windows with me at school, so if you don't mind, Here is the Scene folder. You just have to delete the - Kale part, and here are the tools to pack it. You have to drag the folder into the tools folder, set your UNICODE option to Japanese, and click on the packscene-compressed batch file. If you can't be bothered, I can create the scene.pck file when I get home, which is in about 6 hours. Sorry, and thank you so much for volunteering.
  10. Thank you! I hope it works. Uhhh... Wait about 2 hours, I'll give you one of my old ones.
  11. Do you mean you just did the wordwrap? May I have the siglus exe and check it out?
  12. Thank you! I messaged him just now, hopefully there are good results.
  13. Hey, I'm the translator for Angel Beats. First of all, thanks for taking interest, and going out of your way to post this on fuwanovel for me. I honestly had no idea until a mod on fuwa reached out to me via reddit mail. So, just like what I said in yesterday's update, I'm currently desperate for a hacker. You guys are talking about binaryfail, but I have no idea who that is, and if you guys could help me out, that would be extremely thankful. Also, I'm ready to accept any kind of criticism, suggestions, tips, questions, and opinions regarding this project. Again, thanks for taking interest!
  14. Hello again, I'm currently trying to translate キャッキャウフフ into something more English-like, since I didn't like how the sentence flowed when I used kya kya ufufu itself. Context: A:「やべっ! それやべーーってぇっ!!」 B:「とまんねぇーーぜーーー!?」 A:「やめろっ! やめろって! このやろぉーーー!!」 しばらく、ふたりでキャッキャウフフした。 Just in case you didn't realize, A and B are having some kind of homosexual interaction while taking a bath together. How would you translate キャッキャウフフ into something more English-like? Thanks in advance.
  15. So, I'm currently stuck on this line. It says, じゃ、ひとまず解散! after a daily meeting between staff members has ended. I have no idea how to translate that kaisan in English. In Korean, I can do it, but I can't find the word that fits in English. Can you help me?
  16. I'm working on my own. I'm doing this to try and improve my Japanese, but I'm going to try and finish this as quickly as possible, and hopefully release a patch.
  17. This guy has no memory, and he doesn't remember his name. So his 'friends' suggest a lot of different nicknames such as: Lolicon, Japan's Mental Math Record Holder, Slasher, etc. You have the final word, and you can pick one out of all the different options. 微妙すぎるイケメン is one of the options that was suggested.
  18. Can someone help me translate 微妙すぎるイケメン It's used as a nickname for a minor character. I'm thinking of translating as: "Way too Subtle of a Popular Guy", but it just doesn't click with me. Can somebody help me?
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