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Posts posted by bigfatround0

  1. 5 minutes ago, Flutterz said:

    You do realize all of your posts can just be deleted, right? o.O In which case it wouldn't matter if you complained publicly or in a PM.

    You might want to call out the Illuminati too, you never know when they might come for you if you keep quiet...


    They can but people will see them before they're deleted.


    I was actually expecting you to come out .

  2. 7 minutes ago, Down said:

    If you don't have concrete complaints and examples to formulate I can't do much to alleviate your persecution complex =/


    It's not a persecution complex if it's the truth. You might not favor the guy but some of your fellow mods do. I also don't have concrete evidence cause I don't bother to waste my time and screenshot convos. I've talked to at least 2 people about this before on /r/vns and they both agree that he gets blatant favoritism. And they're big name posters here too so you know they know that  ya'll do.

  3. 1 minute ago, Decay said:

    I thought that's what littleshogun's post was but sometimes it's impossible to decipher his engrish.

    None of this has any relevance anyways. Here's the deal: Is ren making this up? Did he really lose the scripts? It doesn't matter. Nothing about the current situation changes at all.  Do the mods play favorites? Yeah, a little, but there's nothing to even apply favoritism to here so I don't even know why this is being brought up. Actually, I don't know why you're so mad at literally everyone here. Why are the mods suddenly a target?


    It's not relevant to the topic at hand but it was relevant to littleshogun's and to the mod post. I was offhandedly warning littleshogun to watch what he says in regards to ren cause the mods are basically in love with him. Their favoritism isn't really "a little". I only browse this sub occasionally but even I can see that their favorite poster is ren and that they treat him above others. The favoritism here is way more noticeable than in other forums I visit. And that's counting /r/VNs where you can clearly see mod favoritism there too. I'm also not mad at anyone. I don't really care about the situation at hand and I was actually in ren's favor on the /r/VNs thread. The mods are a target cause I don't like that the "little guy" gets treated unfairly compared to the more well known posters.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Rooke said:

    Standard rule which applies to everyone. It's possible to be critical of a project without being abusive to the people involved in it. Abuse is 'not kosher' and that shit can be taken to 4chan, or wherever the sewer of the internet is currently housed.

    Besides which, calling for 'hate mail' is just childish. I miss the good old days, when people could express disappointment without lashing out at people.


    Standard rule but you can't deny that they favor ren. They would probably straight up ban an offender in this case instead of giving them a warning.


    The mods have such a blatant raging boner for the guy that it's not even funny. They probably cream their pants every time ren likes one of their posts or replies to them.

  5. 2 minutes ago, littleshogun said:

    Mod @Zenophilious

    Sorry, guess I just caught up in emotion from @Maxel post. And if you said that Ren already learned from his lesson, then he should (Although if he's not, well I didn't know what to said other than lame for very polite word). But if my word was offensive to @Maxel, I'm sorry. I'm just once again slightly annoying of how he couldn't calm down and instead write his anger. Although I was also disappointed, but it's not like if @Maxel really need to represent the people who disappointed very much with this case imo. Once again I'm sorry. And about hate mail, well Ren will probably delete it anyway from the moment he saw the subject. Writing hate mail was more useless than not anyway, since Ren state that he didn't care about that anymore iirc.

    TLDR - I may be disappointed by this incident, but I'd far more disappointed by @Maxel reaction. And no, once again by saying he didn't look forward to it will not convince me at all. And to all of the people here who was disappointed because of this incident, let's just follow @OriginalRen progress for now (To me at least until December).


    The only reason that mod cares is cause originalren is a big favorite of the mods. They wouldn't want their precious ren to get his feelings hurt.

  6. On 3/14/2016 at 3:50 PM, Funyarinpa said:

    Since you people are the only ones who'd understand, I'll just leave this here. 

    My dad called my gaming habit an addiction an hour ago. I can't bear to even look at my gaming stuff right now. I can't sleep. Just opening Fuwa agitated me. I made rashes on both of my arms by scratching, deliberately. I think I was seeking that sharp feeling self-cutters (I have the perception that) feel. It helped in that it reduced the mental chaos a bit somehow. Maybe placebo. Still doing it, to a constant rhythm.


    Anyways, this is a testament about what gaming is for me. There's addiction, but there's more to it than that too. The best part of my day is always gaming or talking on gaming forums (Fuwa being my favorite website and community ever). The people I befriended through gaming are most of my close friends at this point. Actually, the only people I hang out with outside school are schoolmates of mine I formed a clique with. All of us like memes and stuff (I find it cringeworthy myself but it's what it is). We're all gamers, from casual CoD player to a swindler on Roblox (he's actually in the top 5000 players or something) to me the Japanese niche stuff enthusiast. Then there's the internet. The people I meet through gaming are the people I want to talk to. There's much more common interest. They're more willing to talk. I can't really comprehend how one would go about living without gaming, people without gaming in their life are people I never feel I truly understand. IRL, I'm surrounded by people who I don't understand or relate to. Gaming let me meet people I want to be friends with. Nothing else provides the same connection.


    And now my dad's banging on the door and trying to take away my consoles.



    Your dad is right and you need to seek some medical attention.

  7. 42 minutes ago, andzalot55 said:

    So... I am trying to understand this. The translation is being delayed due to arrogance? Well in all honesty, the translators need to take their time. I say its better for it to be late than to never deliver.

    He put the project on hold when he received backlash. There's supposedly another group on fb that's translating it but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  8. On 3/16/2016 at 8:25 AM, littleshogun said:

    Wow, just yesterday I talked about if some of fan translator could be attention seeker and now this. Probably they were some troll or as I would said just attention seeker (Another example would be Natsuyume Nagisa translation group, who after 6% progress suddenly no progress). Although it sucks to be @OriginalRen though if you forgot to make back up script and loss everything because Google Drive suddenly crashed because of technical error from server or something like that. About the translation of all routes, I would like to give suggestion just try to work it by yourself, but you already did that anyway and made the backup data, since contacting @astro may be futile (His twitter last active at 11th January and his last post here were at November 2015, so he might busy with work and not online anymore, just like TakaJun when he abandoned Yandere Translation imo). And I hope you could get through all of this, @OriginalRen.


    Pretty sure astro is a regular on the /r/vns discord channel so he's pretty easy to reach.


    I think originalren isn't giving us the full truth here since a lot of people on /r/vns have said astro has said that he's lying.

  9. 4 hours ago, Novel21 said:

    I want to watch Inuyasha again after not watch it for long time and I have come very far.

    But the problem it's at I don't remember which episode I stopped watching and need hjelp with that.

    Here it's what I remember about episode.

    Inuyasha and his friends meet Koga again, Inuyasha and Koga start to fight together.

    They fight in mountain ground and Kagome was watching.


    Sorry that it's all I remember about the episode, so I hope it was little help.


    Ep. 118?

  10. 11 hours ago, Arcadeotic said:

    Yeah, but these things can die out really fast or not at all

    This thread is half dead, but as you see from my Signature, it's still going on


    You think you can make me a banner like the honoka one you made except the middle picture changed to another one?

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