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Posts posted by Crimrui

  1. Pledging is no issue for me (especially seeing a good price for physical+art book combo) but before pledging I would really like to know what kind of VN it is? Is it dark-heavy or lighthearted? How are the characters and how MC behaves? For example, I see the company making more of a nukige type of VN and with that line on their page saying ''MC getting an urge to suck blood'' it can lead to rapey like situations. Although, since it's on steam those things won't be there so I'm guessing it's not the main focus and you can enjoy story? A small English demo would really help in making me decide how much to pledge...

  2. I think maybe because There was an anime for Total Eclipse, while Sumika & Meiya only had the VN's...Although Yui was in NONE of the outfits that they gave the figure...idk. & Nope, I don't plan on playing it either. Just something pretty to look at with my TSF's.
    More looking forward to Altered Fable being completed (I Want to know what happened in Ayamine's route!) & the Photon Series

    True that. And yeah, looking forward to complete Altered Fable and Photon Series myself.

    I'd love for Total Eclipse to get a English release...with all this money, it's a mistake not to set it as like...a 1.1M stretchgoal. Fully possible, too.  Going to hit 900k, without issue. A waste to not have a stretch goal for Eclipse.

    Total Eclipse is too long of a VN to have a stretch goal for it. It will probably be a stand-alone campaign later on. I really want a physical limited collection of that as well.

  3. Seriously though, what can be worse than a H-scene with no voice?

    A h-scene with English overacting voice-over? I think that's cringe-worthy at best.

    You know what's worse? English dubbed hentai in general.

    I think it's fine when they are just moaning. When they start talking, then everything falls into water. :P

    Still, have to be objective about the Sakura Fantasy. Still too short, but it was better then their previous work. At least for me. Maybe cuz' yuri makes everything better?


    That hasn't really bugged me in a lot of VNs mostly cause I ignore most h scenes unless they fit well into the story, but now that you mention it, it's really weird to see that unrealistic experience for a first time.

    Yeah, I ignore it too these days but it somewhat breaks the immersion for me. I can say that there are good ones but most of the time, they are not needed. I would rather have them having a tender and kissing moment then just switching to 1-2 hour sex as soon as they expressed their feelings XD

    Oh I forgot one important turn-off for me : Sei Shoujo's Character Designs :ph34r:

    Oh? Just curios what is the reason? I liked the one from Dominance, but the new ones aren't that bad. I guess they are too voluptuous for your taste?

  5. The Males were drafted when the BETA's were deemed a threat, majority left now is mostly females that are of military battle training age. Takeru met with like 3-5 other males but they were much older than the Extra group.

    Expensive stuff... at least for me. And Sumika figma? Don't like her all that much, but it will be good for those that want it I guess. But I doubt we will hit the final stretch goal anyway. And speaking of figures,  I'm quite satisfied with my Cryska and Yui figmas, standing proudly on my shelf. ˇˇ

    I seriously envy to people who can pledge 300$ and above for this. You're filthy rich...


    YUI!!! Still my favorite.

    But yeah, $300, Damn you, now, $3K?!? *shakes fist and throws bananas at those people*

    I love all of Yui's figures that were released. If I had the money, would probably get them all. ˇˇ Strange that Meiya and Sumika don't have that verity... Is it cuz' they are old characters? But that doesn't make any sense. Tamaki from ToHeart2 still has figures even today. Guess she is too popular, eh?

    I think that I'm the only person who will buy this and, like... not play it again. I just can't handle it.


  6. Not really a turn off but I want to mention one more dislike, the H-scenes in most of VN's. Cuz' in most cases, the MC virgin will be a pro at the first night. He knows all the erogenous zones of girls, able to make them go crazy and splash his seed in a never-ending tomorrow.  What is suppose to be a tender and discovering experience we get a full blown professional porn movie with edits. It's inconsistent and becomes a more of a fantasy then whatever VN is all about. Even worse when there is a lusty and assertive girl, chasing the clueless MC and then ends up not taking any lead during the intercourse, and is seen crying of joy... of sorts. Where are my naughty and lewd faces...?  Guess monster girl games spoiled me. -_-'

     couldn't agree more there, the sex is always professional even when they're both virgins, could have been better if they at least showed a realistic side, maybe showing one if them screwing up from nervousness lol

    Exactly. They could  be in awkward situation and left them unsatisfied. This should be present more in the VN. They don't need this in nukige, but in those where they spend hours on building the characters to that extend that they feel too real, this little thing could also help. ˇˇ

  7. Expensive stuff... at least for me. And Sumika figma? Don't like her all that much, but it will be good for those that want it I guess. But I doubt we will hit the final stretch goal anyway. And speaking of figures,  I'm quite satisfied with my Cryska and Yui figmas, standing proudly on my shelf. ˇˇ

    I seriously envy to people who can pledge 300$ and above for this. You're filthy rich...

  8. Not really a turn off but I want to mention one more dislike, the H-scenes in most of VN's. Cuz' in most cases, the MC virgin will be a pro at the first night. He knows all the erogenous zones of girls, able to make them go crazy and splash his seed in a never-ending tomorrow.  What is suppose to be a tender and discovering experience we get a full blown professional porn movie with edits. It's inconsistent and becomes a more of a fantasy then whatever VN is all about. Even worse when there is a lusty and assertive girl, chasing the clueless MC and then ends up not taking any lead during the intercourse, and is seen crying of joy... of sorts. Where are my naughty and lewd faces...?  Guess monster girl games spoiled me. -_-'

  9. Like all the heroines so far, but Ruriko and Ayaka are just so awesome I'm having trouble deciding on who is best, with Rise fallowing along nicely. They have such good points in my book that is definitely hard to wight it out. That limited edition looks like a nice buy, except it's a shame that, if your least favorite character is selected for the wall, you're stuck with it.

  10. Netorare and rape pretty much for me. I find no pleasure in someone else's misery, fictional character or not. That's pretty much not my thing and I avoid it like a plague. As for little things that bothers me, I guess when the MC is too much of a dick or too much of a pervert aka he thinks more with his balls then his brain. It's not a game breaker, but just my personal dislike.

  11. Characters from School/Shiny Days feel like they haven't been eating for days. They have such a slow and boring response. And my God, they have such booring conversations. Characters are mostly in blank state unless they suddenly shift from sad to happy triggered by a line that they like or hate. It gives me such a eerie feeling. Even if I manage to pull a happy ending, it just doesn't feel like one. I feel empty after playing this. Yup, I liked Setsuna, but for other routes, I'll pass. :blink:

  12. Tried some, I'm indifferent towards it. I don't hate them but I don't enjoy them ether. They have a nice art, but it's too short and it definitely needs more work on the conversations and characters. But if I have to chose, I would say that I enjoyed it more then those sex filled VN's with mind-breaking heroines themes, which I don't like. All in all, there are better ones out there, it's a shame for those people who form opinion of VN based on Sakura series.

  13. Well I was keeping a close eye on translations a while back, would check for news for every two days. But the waiting is painful, especially if you're into it and you want it at that moment. And then if the translation projects fades away, they are canceled or key members who are doing the translation are missing, you feel disappointed and you kinda cool down after a while. So I rarely follow the progress closely these days, so I get positively surprised when I see that some huge progress is made or project is successful.

    The ones that I'm aware are in translation work and looking forward to are:

    Akatsuki no Goei
    Clover Day's
    Fortune Arterial
    Ikusa Megami Zero
    Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki
    Yoake Mae
    Muv Luv Total Eclipse

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