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Everything posted by Stormwolf

  1. Ok, as suspected then, thanks! One more thing. I heard something about the skip read text feature being troublesome. I'm nearing the end of this path, so i'd love to know what i should do if i need to do something for the skip read text to work properly for when i start out with the next route.
  2. Fonts are acting weird in the game now for some reason. Had it running in the background for an hour or so and alt tabbed to fullscreen and it looks like this regardless which font i use now:
  3. Is there a font that is recommended above all else in this game? Having a bit trouble getting it right with the text.
  4. Thanks. Wouldn't be a dealbreaker regardless since i enjoy this vn, and for some reason i find his sister pretty charming I just don't like when vn's do things the vn's i mentioned did.
  5. Well, this was certainly a downer. Getting this crash each time i try to pass this dialogue. Is this a known error? Thanks, worked brilliantly. Although i don't know if it was the complete english patch or the bugfix that fixed my problem. I have no idea if the bugfix was even installed since i don't understand a thing it says
  6. Ok, then it's definitely no point waiting. But i've already decided to finish this VN now! Ohh, and i asked before. Is the options and such untranslated? It's only the main menu and in game text that's in English here, and all options are in Japanese.
  7. Ok, thanks for the clarification. I don't know anything about Mare, but as for what i see in the start, it's the person the main character is looking for so i guess i didn't want anything anticlimactic when i know the continuation is being translated atm. True route unlocking after the rest of the heroines in the end is nothing new to the genre.
  8. Well, sounds like i'm better off putting it on hold until the eternal heart has been translated. I don't know anything about it, but i know now that it expands on the routes. Sounds like this ends with a cliffhanger or something thats bad enough to piss people off. If it wasn't a 30+ hour game i wouldn't care, but investing so much time and getting some unfulfilling cliffhanger is not appealing. Guess i'll try Majikoi instead. At least both games are translated.
  9. Ok, thanks. Doesn't sound like something to look forward too though the way you guys talk about it but i'll go ahead and play this. This is a bit off topic, but is the menu untranslated or something wrong with my game and patch?
  10. His post wasn't properly quoted for some reason :S Wait what? The one they lay out in the beginning as the main heroine is the only one without a route? What on earth is this?
  11. I'll give this a try. thanks! I just hope the drama doesn't feel as forced as implied here seeing as that's bad storytelling. As said, i don't really mind drama, i just mentioned earlier the type of drama i don't want to read right now Hope this doesn't mean the protagonist keep desperately clinging to girls who aren't interested until he prevails in the end. That would be a pathetic read. Anyway, as i said, this VN is worth a short at least.
  12. Well, that sounds like quite the handful. Are they as unlikable as that sounds? and how is the ending? as i said, i want to read something happy for once and not someting turns into nakige/utsuge in the "true ending" although i like nakige if it ends good, ohh or harem endings. Indecisive endings such as those are utter garbage and i'd ignore this game at once if it ends harem/slice of life style.
  13. It all depends on the nature of the drama i guess. Instead of me simply selecting something else to play, can you please explain in a as spoiler free fashion what type of drama is included here? Love triangles and such is the type of drama i hate the most, well man-female-man triangles. But i wouldn't call it kittens and rainbows if that was included
  14. So this is a really happy game right? I thought i'd try something different this time. I've only played Key VN's, Eden* (still recovering from this one) and G-sejnou so i thought i'd try something that is relaxing and not chock full of drama.
  15. I'm an classical overthinker, i won't deny it, but this scenario isn't really far fetched. She's pretty damn ambiguous and explaining in a round about way instead of being direct.
  16. Well, they were gunning for the feeling at least, otherwise they wouldn't introduce this guy so abruptly and rather have her live with some heroine in the story. You can only imagine what she'd do to thank this guy for all he's done for her and her daughter or for emotional support during hard times. 8 years is a long time.
  17. Not really much of a spoiler, but i'll use spoiler tag anyway.
  18. It's a relatively fun read as long as you don't think too much about the bad bits.
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