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Posts posted by Virtuesque

  1. I wouldn't recommend a rape nukige on the first date.  It tends to leave a bad impression.  Showing off one's loli collection to a divorced mother (especially of a young girl) is also usually ill-advised.  While I can't find a logical explanation, it's useful to think of such reactions as "reflex behaviors".  You don't have to understand, you just have to know the triggers and avoid them.

  2. Finished Sora route in Ever17: while I do agree with Funyarinpa that there were both feelings and intrigue in that path, I would probably have been more affected emotionally if the plot hadn't taken a turn I did not especially enjoy.

    I'm really not fond of cheating and, whereas the cheating with Tsugumi was great for the overall plot, it lowered the respect I had for Takeshi and thus the strength of my reactions to his subsequent suffering and sacrifices.

  3. Well! Must be old news for most of the honourable members of this forum, but I've just finished You's route in Ever17 and I enjoyed it more than I expected! I did not know the storytelling would be like the Zero Escape one, a big mess of questions that will (hopefully) be resolved when all routes are clear, like a puzzle being slowly assembled. My two complains would be some music tracks that really annoyed me and the artstyle that I found lacking at times (but since it was released in 2002, it definitely hold up very well).


    Since I find myself reading VNs to feel (as in Muv-Luv, Eden*,...) or to be intrigued (Ace Attorney, Zero Escape... and now Ever17), I'll be sure to continue reading assiduously.

  4. If I set it to my speed, they wouldn't be able to keep up with the text.

    If I set it to theirs, the problem would persist. 

    If I try a speed in between that, I'll get bored and they won't be able to keep up with the text.


    This. Totally this. I could never find someone with the same reading speed (especially in English) as me, and I really see myself in the situation you just described, whatever the language the VNs are in.


    However, in my case the language barrier makes the experience impossible. My wife (yeah, don't hit me) isn't really fluent in English and, even if she would mostly understand the text we would read, she'd take too much time for me and I'll lose patience after 5 minutes. Even in French our reading speeds are different and the result would mostly be the same. 


    So while the idea isn't bad per say, it believe it's really difficult to find the autospeed that suit two people perfectly. It would even be easier, as with real books, to read the same VN at the same time but on two different screens and agreeing to wait for the other after each chapter to discuss of what has been read and move on.


    I'll stick to vostfr anime, personally. :amane:    

  5. For those who like horror game/stories, Neverending Nightmares is on sale and quite cheap. The gameplay is almost non-existent but the art style, environments and general atmosphere of the game more than make up for it.

  6. Recently finished Axiom Verge on normal and hard. It's really a must play for anyone enjoying a Metroid-like game, not only for the game play but also for the environment and musics. As opposed to many recent Metroidvania games you really have 0 indication on where to go and will probably be lost for a while on the first playthrough, but I find it part of the fun. The powerups are imaginative and not just copy/pasted from the Metroid games, too.


    Now I just beat stuff up in Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds. It soothes my nerves when I need it. ^^


    Glad to see some Hotline Miami fans out there too, by the way.  

  7. Well you can also explain it simply to them by comparing VNs to mangas or movies. For mangas you can explain with simple categories like there are Shonen/Shoujo (target teens: usually sfw stories without nudity or sex, except for occasional fanservice), Seinen (target adults: sex can be used in the plot but rarely central to the plot -there may be counterexamples but I can't think of any at the moment) and hentai (target adults too, but sex is central to usually non-existent plot).


    For movies it's the same... PG-13 for teens, R for adults and finally plain and simple pornos. Each have their purpose, each are different. Same for VNs.


    Then again it's up to you and your amount of patience. If you believe they can be interested, why not try? If you know them enough to believe they won't care, why would you?

  8. If you are interested in the heroine routes/endings in C;H Noah, you can read the summaries.


    Wow. That was quite the interesting read. I'm kind of disappointed now that I could not experience the "full" novel myself since it'd have probably changed my opinion of it, my second main complain being the lack of development of most of the characters (the first being the MC himself, but it's a matter of taste - I can't argue he was perfect for the story).


    I'll really try to give that VN another look later this year while it's still fresh in my mind. I wouldn't be surprised if I enjoyed it a bit more. Thank you for your advice and, of course, for your translation!

  9. I'll look like a wrinkled old man by saying that but know that when I was your age *cough* I did exactly the same! So don't hesitate to use the sales, humble bundles or anything that suit your needs to support the developpers and, as an added bonus, free some space on your hard drive(s) that won't have to contain these old dusty .iso anymore. :D

  10. Just finished Eden* and Chaos;Head (all endings). I quite enjoyed the former (short touching story with decently fleshed out characters - and the fact that it seems I'm a sucker for nakige elements) but could not enjoy the later due to a main character I could hardly stand for most of the story. I believe the community's opinion on that VN is quite split so I won't talk about it too much. :D  


    Mor precisly for Eden*, I enjoy characters with troubled pasts and a jaded view on things, even if the military archetype isn't the most imaginative. I still found the story interesting and the ending perfectly adequate.


    Now, onto Ever17...

  11. Same as the two before me today: thanks a lot for the help with the registration.


    Hello everyone!


    It's been quite a while since my last presentation on a forum but I'll try not to ramble too much.


    So! I began reading visuals novels two or three years ago (earlier if we count the Phoenix Wright saga, but at the time I did not know what visual novels were), beginning with Katawa Shoujo since I heard about it quite a lot (but can't remember where exactly). I enjoyed it looked for more with the Visual Novel Database, looking for "top" VNs that had a story that could interest me.


    And so I dove in the Muv-Luv trilogy and Steins;Gate. I. Was. Hooked. I had a lot of time on my hands at the time and I literally couldn't stop reading. And so I discovered other titles (G-Senjou no Mahou, Saya no Uta, etc.) and really enjoy most VNs ever since, despite long pauses in my reading from time to time. Thus my presence here wanting to participate in subjets I love!


    Apart from that, like many others, I watch anime, read manga and play video games (mostly single player though). My taste in these subjets will most likely be discussed in other topics later should the occasion arise!


    But enough talk, have at y... *hm* thanks for having me!

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