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Posts posted by Lolrider

  1. That's not what he said. There's no point in trying to get an ETA for the full patch, because anything can happen.


    Yeah, after all the problem last time was that the team couldn't release the patch, but were sitting on a full translation for a couple of weeks.  Dowolf seems like a pretty competent translator, but it's hard to foresee certain problems in advance, and sometimes there isn't an easy way to solve them.  Likewise, it's hard to know how much time one section is going to take compared to another because each could have their own problems.


    For example, you wouldn't expect UI translations to take up a lot of time, at least for the translator, but the team has been working on it for as long as Dowolf was working on Kazuko's route, and it's still in progress.

  2. yeah, we are doing those, this is pretty much just a draft of what we've got so far for one of the scenes:




    how is editing video clips compared to editing text?  Is it just pulling the video out, hard subbing it, and then inserting it back in, or is it more complicated than that?  There are a couple of games can think of that pretty heavily involve video clips (Rondo duo, etc.) so I guess I'm wondering how complicated it would be to translate those compared to a more "traditional" vn.  Does it depend on the game engine?

  3. Pretty much. I finished a few of them using ATLAS and a bit of translation work. My Japanese is kindergarten level but I feel I understood most of it. I was honestly most disappointed with Miyako's route in S, moreso than I was in the original. Not only was it quite short, but it.. is describing the setting a spoiler? I'll spoiler it anyway..

    is just a continuation of where they left her off in the original in which she is getting ready to go to Germany. So she gets ready to go to Germany with a few disappointing H scenes. That's literally all of it. No "future" at all. Nothing. Also, she has a sort of personality change that doesn't fit her character in my opinion. (I get that she was supposed to have reformed, but being less selfish doesn't change her being Miyako, or it shouldn't)

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, even if you're as big a Miyako fan as I am, and were expecting a bit of redemption from the original, don't get your hopes up too high.


    Yeah unfortunately, Miyako's route was pretty underwhelming in the end there.  She's an interesting character but she doesn't... feel like a main heroine?

  4. Ah well... that is nice.

    I can't wait to have some more funzies with Kazama Family.

    Can also Confirm i didnt have any problems with Kazuko atleast.

    One thing is buggin me though.

    Understandable that Koyuki route is last since her route is also last... besides one.

    "Future where you are an acquaintance of Takae" (unlocks after you cleared Koyuki+future with Koyuki route)

    But pah, you ain't be releasin' any partials so why bother.


    My guess is that people are having problems with a fuwanovel version or something like that.  As much as I like the service they (used to) provide, it was pretty notorious for having problems.  I haven't tried Kazuko's route with my version, but there's a thread out in the internet somewhere that has a link to both the actual game (not pre-installed) and the patch for it.  If the problem persists after the 100% patch I would probably try that.

  5. *slapped the activate account button*

    Man this project gives birth to new members.

    Dropped lurking mode because i saw it was still 0%

    Though i see there was nothin' to worry about.

    Hope you arent going to stay silent for a decade and then finally come with a update where it says "100%!" with no updates in between lmao.

    I was like that when Miyako QC hit rock bottom... then it got silent so i thought you went slowly, but suddenly you slapped me in the face that Majikoi patch was finished.

    But man gosh allmighty-ye'old, i didnt know i wouldnt finish Majikoi that fast, i even finished (Translated parts) Majikoi S.

    Didn't know i would be THIS into Majikoi, but now here i am... going to lurk because i got nothin else to do... haha....ha.... :mellow:

    April Fools be comin' up, i demand that Miyako shall be on 85% and stay there for a while :D


    Nah their situation was a bit different.  They didn't update for a while but they were pretty upfront about the fact that the thing holding them back was an inability to make an actual patch for the game.


    Unfortunately it doesn't say when a post was last edited, or at all, so you kind of have to pay attention to the OP and just catch in differences that they make.  My guess is they'll update when they finish one of the routes and are moving on to another (according to the list).

  6. I have to say, when they said that "Kri" sounded like "clit" I was pretty confused.  "Krit" makes more sense, even if you don't go with the stereotypical "L = R" Asian accent.


    As someone that knows almost no Japanese, I salute you.  If you don't give context to an untranslated word, I'm forced to alt+tab and search the internet for the meaning myself.  I don't like not knowing what something means -_-


    For some reason, I felt compelled to make an account to elaborate on this.  Just to be clear, my knowledge of Japanese as a language is at a beginner level.


    Starting from the beginning, Japanese as a language is largely phonetic, with most hirigana and katakana "representing" consonant and vowel pairs.  The only one's that don't are し (shi),つ (tsu), and ん (n), unless I'm missing some.  An easy way to think of it is that each individual character in Japanese is treated the same way a sylable would be treated in English.  That's why, if you listen to Japanese cadence, they emphasize things strangely compared to what we are used to as (presumably) westerners, with the beginning of each individual character stressed.  Each of these characters takes roughly the same amount of time to pronounce in conversation, which can make the language sound kind of... mathematical??  If that makes sense.  Or maybe formulaic is a better word; in any case, once you know the rules Japanese is remarkably straightforward in terms of pronounciation and syntax.


    Chris, being a name, and clitorus, being a loan word, are spelled using katakana (clitorus might have a kanji too but I wouldn't be able to tell you what it was).  They look like this:





    Both share the same initial two katakana, as well as the final katakana.  Which I guess makes them similar in a way.  Regardless, the characters make a nickname based on (presumed) perverseness and Chris' name.


    Rather than thinking of it as a combination of the two words, it's more appropriate to think of it as Japanese word play.  Because the nickname クリ would be both Chris' name and a shortened form of clitorus, so saying it with one meaning could call to mind the other meaning depending on who you were talking to.  Or, more accurately, it would mean both at the same time.  It's similar to Okami, which means both Big God as well as being the pronounciation of the Japanese word for wolf (trivia). 


    Homophone is the word I'm looking for.  Japan loves the stuff, which is why you get things that say "written as _____ but pronounced as _____" and it's also why new students write their names on the board when they are introduced to the class, because there are multiple ways of getting the same sound combination, and kanji can have multiple pronounciation.


    *deep breath*


    For a couple of reasons, these jokes don't transfer well or easily to English.  In this particular instance, the fact that we differentiate between r's and l's means that essentially the original joke can't exist in English.  "Kri" is faithful to the pronounciation, but doesn't convey the joke.  "Krit" is inelegant, but manages to combine the two words, essentially, and thus carries the original joke meaning across, even if it's a bit cumbersome.  "Chrit" would probably be a more accurate alternative, but that just looks funky to me for some reason.


    Also, since this is my first post on this website I just wanted to say thanks and good luck to the translation team for agreeing to translate Majikoi S and, especially, for already translating Majikoi proper.  I definitely appreciate the hard work you guys are doing, Majikoi is a fantastic series and I am enjoying your translations immensely.

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