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Noxy Poxy

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Everything posted by Noxy Poxy

  1. - I hate when the main characters do something idiotic or out of character for the sake of advancing the plot - Most people seem to like voice acting but I'm not a fan, I normally turn it if I'm given the option - I also dislike H scenes normally, especially if the're blatant fanservice
  2. I play every now and again, I'm not great, I usually just play the 4 Star songs with the 2x Mod because I find the 5 Stars too difficult. I mainly play the normal mode but I sometimes play catch the beat. https://osu.ppy.sh/u/2129506
  3. I'm currently playing Higurashi, started a little slow but I'm enjoying it, just finished the second arc and I don't really know what to believe; although that's probably the point
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome, I will join the IRC chatting with everyone
  5. From what I've played so far probably Saya No Uta, it had a very creepy atmosphere that reminded me of Lovecraft and a pretty awesome soundtrack.
  6. Hi all, I'm new here my name is Jamie, I found this site by accident and it seemed like a nice community so I thought I'd join, I'm relatively new to Visual Novels (been playing them on and off for about a year) but I really enjoy the medium, I'm an avid reader so it seems a natural fit. . I used to watch a lot of anime but not as much any more, I also enjoy reading manga and playing video games I'm quite a shy person naturally and tend to lurk but I hope to get better at involving myself in the discussions and getting to know you all.
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