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Everything posted by Hendo

  1. Curses! I've been spotted! Uh, I mean, hello to all! I have been informed that I am supposed to introduce myself here as an official writer for the Red Lattice team, so... I guess I've done that now. Huzzah! Helv also said that I should provide some sort of information about myself as well... Hmmm... Okay. I'm an English teacher, my eyes are different colours, I'm an advocate for the telling of stories, and I love lasagne. To give you an idea of some of the sorts of things that I can and do write, you can check out https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o8i7uk8bnkfakfv/AACq_3DjH-TzNLIg0Z_n7wiTa?dl=0 In theory that should work. If not, sorry - Dropbox is a reasonably new thing for me to use. And...that's all from me. Bye!
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