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Everything posted by Hisoka

  1. The only thing I can think of that is the same is the 1st episode which is the same as the later part of the Momoyo route. Everything else from the show is completely new material, just using the characters. And maybe the riot at the end of the show is similar to the route.
  2. Thank you for continuing this hero train. Are any of the routes yet to be translated in Majikoi S as long as the main routes? Or are they all short side routes that are mainly just sex? I vaguely remember Wairu say they weren't doing the "after" routes because they were all sex and no story.
  3. Hey guys, looooong time lurker here. Thank you so much for all the hard work. I've been following the updates (everyday) since summer 2014 and I've been following all majikoi updates since I was in college which was 5 years ago. Started with checking in on yandere, then wairu, and finally here. I am so happy to see how close this is to coming out and just want to say seriously thank you for doing this and I love you all!
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