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Everything posted by EyePatched_Oli

  1. Amazing taste indeed ! Same goes for me ! When I set foot on the darker path, I cound'nt come back ahah Happy to see you here
  2. Well, first of all, good morning to all of you. It's my first experience in a forum like this so, please understand my weird behavior ! By the way, I'll be honest we you all, I'm actually on a little time out, we could say. I've quit my job and I took a session off from university, so I have plenty of time to chat with you people I think we will have fun debating and discussing about everything that crosses our mind.. by the way, sorry for my bad english, I actually speech french ahah So, Je vais essayer de faire de mon mieux , To begin with, I would like to make some friends. So if your think I might make you laugh some times to times, add me Secondly, I would like to know you all a little bit better ! Why not commenting your favorite anime character and explaining why you like him or her ? It could be a great start ! For my part, it's Kaneki Ken ( DAAAAhh my profile pic... looks like a humor of a 6 grade.. it is actually pretty pathetic sorry, just woke up ahah) I like him because of all the events he went through and for how much he sacrifice himself, even ready to change his own personnality and perception of the world, to protect the ones he loves. I respect that. I know it was because of torture... But, I think we all have that survival instinct inside that makes us who we are deep down our heart. Well then , Your turn everyone ! And, by the way I hope you will like my company, because you really look like a good gang of people , just saying ahah !
  3. Same has Eclipsed ! Don't quit the potato guys :3 !
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