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Posts posted by AmamiRiku

  1. Yes, that is definitely the reason. Especially because some of them are super adorable.


    Also my luck is continuing to be horrible. I'm now 2 for 5. Usso (Poochyena) keeps killing all newcomers. I now have a Poochyena, a Torchick and a Marill. If I don't catch anything else soon I am all kinds of screwed.

    I found that Ralts is pretty common in that area,

    also,why not use marill to weaken the mons?

  2. RIP Sumika the Shroomish, she die while helping me catch a pokemon, she shall be missed.

    As tribute to her death she will be replaced by the pokemon whose capture she assisted in, Mamoru the Aron


    Also, seeing as Brawly is massacring peoples pokemon, I'm getting around him using a somewhat cheaty method, by delivering the letter blind (without flash) (I've played this game so many times that I can remember the exact layout), then going straight to slateport, training there, and coming back and destroying him

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