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Posts posted by Rackshen

  1. Can't read Jap :/

    Though I've read the same from many people, about AINSS's VN being better.

    Ok, drama will do.

    Either can I, but ATLAS was my best friend back then.

    Lolz it's soooo hard to find one.... >.<

    How about Canvas 2? I haven't read this one, but the art caught my eyes. It's also has a Fuwanovel Torrent link if I remembered correctly.

  2. Light. I mean not so serious story. Length doesn't matter.

    Hmmm now that's a difficult one! :D I have a thing for VNs with serious plot so I'm not so familiar with lighthearted ones.

    I'd suggest playing Akane Iro Ni Somaru Saka. The Anime did the worst job it could have done. Though the ending girl is the one I like the most. However, the VN is in a much higher level. Hope you enjoy!

  3. Hey there Lithglir! Welcome to Fuwaforum!!! >.<

    I don't know any Russian VN community, but I heard that they are really into Animes and they are really good at making AMVs.

    Anyways, hope we get along, comrade! Enjoy your stay! :lol:

  4. It's my own Invention is my most hated one~ many crazy denpa stuffs + crazy H-scenes.

    It is only because of ultra cute Kimika that I am able to finish it.

    For me Subahibi = Kimika :wub:

    First of all, CONGRATS man for finishing this VN. You have any plans for the next one?

    Sex with desk lolz :lol:. I thought he was just mstrbting I kinda got spoiled beforehand that the futanari actually touch upon:

    The idea that within a person can coexist many souls, be those souls male or female.

    Hmmm, of all the four chapters that I have read, I like It's my own Invention the most. I'm just interested in Takuji and his mind, and after July 18th NOW I'm interested in Tomosane too. I'm not into Ayana though. I think she is there just to explain things to the readers and then confuse them more.

    Anyways, if you don't have any VNs that you want to read, I'll suggest trying the one I'm reading now - ShuprEmo Kyanndi :lol: (Supreme Candy). It's also written by Sca-ji, but it is not as twisted as SubaHibi. You'll die of MOEness~ and epicness!! Damn Sca-ji did a really good job in writing that plot!

  5. Finally, I finally finished Supreme Candy's Jako Route! I must say, this route brings the visual novel to a totally different level. It was an exciting and worthy experience. I have read few reviews beforehand and knew what to expect, but Jako Route still intrigued and surprised me. The most interesting part is the origin of the Supreme Candy itself, which I thought was a lousy plot device. Then there is our protagonist Tonami Yuu a.k.a The Bad-ass: his bad-assery level raised to 100 in this route, though his weakness in a particular scene made me really angry and disappointed (if any of you had read the VN, you'd probably knew what I mean). The last scene (the scene before the epilogue I mean) almost moved me to tears, and I have to praise Sca-ji for creating such a wonderful and dramatic love story. Not sure how he handled SubaHibi, but after Supreme Candy's Jako Route I'm pretty confident in his writing ability. Some scenes are a little bit dry, but everything is logical and emotional (a weird combination :lol:/> ).

    Well, what's left is the the Final Scenario. I hope that this route will explain everything that I didn't figured out, because I have so many questions after going this far into the main plot of Supreme Candy. If the Final Scenario manage to entertain and move me without screwing the main plot, I'll probably consider it as the best visual novel I have ever read, defeating the legendary Ever 17 and Cross Channel. However, I'll have to put off reading it for awhile, coz my exams are coming up really soon. :(/>

  6. Hey Metaler, glad to hear you have taken on the supah challenge. It's a surprise to know that you actually love grammar! >.< That is the one thing I can't stand in linguistics.

    Now, as for the number of kanji I learn per day, I started out with 50/day, which was a lot. I managed to keep this up for at least a week or so, due to my initial burst of motivation, but as I realized that I really didn't need to rush things, I decided to slowly reduce the number to 20/day; that way, I feel that I can pay attention to each kanji with proper care, without needing to overload my mind with information. As I always say: run too fast and you won't admire the beautiful scenery around you. After all, it is best to take things slowly, savor them, admire them as much as you want. Doing so will make the images in your mind more beautiful, and more vivid....

    Yeah, your way of learning is a logical one. Just need to keep it slowly but steady, coz we have all the time in this world! >.<

    Anyways, good luck on that! I know that learning Japanese is a pain in the ass but with motivation and the love for the moe~ bishoujos you can easily master the language. So yeah, it's time to DUEL!!!! >.< Look forward to hearing more of your process.

    Oh, and if you ever decide to learn Russian, feel free to ask me for advice anytime. I suck at grammar but I'm quite confident in my vocabulary and speaking ability.

  7. Hi there! I have a Indonesian friend who lives in Madrid and talks English like crazy >.< I want to go to Spain. >.<

    Yeah, Little Busters! is an awesome VN in many ways than one, so it's really worth reading.

    I hope we'll get along well >.<

  8. Heyoo Miku-chan! Welcome to Fuwaforum! >.<

    You have the courage to open a new topic and introduce yourself so I don't think you are socially awkward at all.

    Hope we'll get along. Good luck with your Japanese btw!

  9. Hmmm I think the best VN to start with would be Planetarian. It's not too long like Hoshimemo, and you don't have your brain out like you have to in Ever 17 (and it's really long too). Planetarian's storyline is suitable for most people, and it can be inspiring in many ways. After Planetarian you'll get use to how the VN system works, and can decide for yourself which VN is likable to you. Good luck!

  10. Okay. Finished SubaHibi, It's my Own Invention route.


    Really glad that I still retain my sanity after going through all those crazy stuffs.

    SubaHibi, the most craziest and messed up VN I have ever seen, period.

    And kimika is the sole reason I am able to retain my sanity.

    She is so cuteeeeeeeeeee, make me feel like I went through all those crazy stuffs just to see her end.

    And thus, she became my waifuu~xD kimika FTW!!!!!

    Congrats, man! Feeling good flying with Kimika and the cows? :P Wow, you're really fast you know, not to mention you read it in Japanese. I could only finish it in 2 weeks.

    For me this chapter brings more fear than insanity. Though the Kimika IF ending totally redeemed Takuji's character. This chapter also opens many secrets and brings in more mysteries.

    Tomosane has a much more important role than I expected. Damn that final confrontation was such a big twist!!!

    As for Kimika, I only have one thing to say: Read the next chapter. Enter IF route again. Wow!

    Still stuck on Supreme Candy's Jako route. I don't really have the time to read anything now at all. Still, why you so cute Jako?!?!?! Kono! Kono! Kono! Kono! Kono! Kono! Kono! Kono!

  11. Wow, you're really good at this you know! After reading your story and looking back at the picture of the moe~ Chitanda, my back froze for a second :P. That rarely happens, coz I watch ghost movies all the time >.<

    I should also think of something when I have the time...

    By the way, +1 from me Mouse!

  12. It's never too late, coz friends will wait for you forever ;)Or they'll just call your mobile and shout at you if you make them wait for too long at the school gate.

    Well, we're not actually friends yet, but after this post I hope we will.

    It's good to hear that you're learning Japanese. Only with a strong sense of responsibility plus enthusiasm can an individual master that foreign language, so keep up the good work!

    I also really hope that we'll get along, because maybe I'll need your guidance to translation. :D However, my questions will come in... say 2 more years, because right now I am very very busy!

    And last but not least, welcome to Fuwaforum! >.<

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