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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/24 in Posts

  1. For Astral Air, even without info from Discord it's still easy to figure out that Nekonyan still have the translated script, moreso if we follow them ever since they have the name Shinku Translation way back in 2015 to 2016 (Or just search VNDB). So yeah, unless they're very careless so much they lost the script, obviously they should still have Astral Air script. That said, to turned Astral Air translated script into English release took a lot of effort and patience, one of which is definitely can't be helped if they get a random reviewer in the review process who then randomly decide to ban the VN. Another thing to note is the programming, in which they also need to wait because Favorite engine force the user to change the language to Japan (On date and time display) just to play their VN properly, in which its also happen with Sakuramoyu here.
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