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Boku wa Tomodachi - I am not Sweetheart



This is the first of August's releases I'm playing, and to be honest, I didn't really have any hopes for this VN... in a good way, my belief that it would suck was betrayed, though this is a very problematic VN, in a number of ways.

1. It is LONG. This VN is way too long for a story that is almost entirely slice-of-life (though it is an extremely abnormal life) and considering how self-abusing the protagonist tends to be.

2. The music cuts out at irregular intervals, and frequently it doesn't make sense when it does.

Those are the obvious flaws, and I'll just leave it at that. For a doujin VN, the art is about as good as it gets (outside of a few miraculous works of art that pop up once or twice a year). The match of characterization to art is pretty good in this case (in other words, the characters' personalities are properly matched to the expressions and poses of the tachie), though there is very little in the way of pose variances in comparison to a commercial VN.

Most of the music in this VN is generic (though the opening and ending songs are decent unique ones), but it is used properly - where it doesn't cut out and leave you hanging - so there isn't a lot to complain about.

Story-wise... the concept is interesting. The basic idea of the protagonist is that he is cursed to be the 'idiot friend' (think Sunohara from Clannad) who exists entirely to help the protagonist get together with a heroine or to kick him out of his mood and save the heroine. The thing is... he has at least forty groups of such 'osananajimi' characters, each with a 'protagonist' of its own that he has to help. The basic impression is that it is like a full time job... a job he really, really hates.

To be honest, I was kind of amazed they went with a primarily serious story (yes, it is serious) despite the seemingly humor-focused idea of the story. Oh, there is indeed a ton of laughable points... in fact, it is impossible to avoid them even if you try. However, the baseline of the story is serious, to the point where you have to wonder just why they had to lay it on so heavy in the latter part of each heroine route. (incidentally, I'm half-sure there is a hidden heroine route in here somewhere, but because this is a doujin VN, there are no walkthroughs to help me find it, lol)

Well, my conclusion after having played the obvious heroine routes is that this is a decent VN... but only decent. It doesn't get beyond that, primarily because its flaws are glaring enough that they offset most of the good points. This VN could definitely have done with a bit of cutting the fat, especially when it came to the repetitious gags and constant foreshadowing with no progression (it took way too long to get to the point) in Nanami's route.


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The difficulty isn't that high...  I'd say it is slightly above the level of the average charage, varying between a 4 and a 6 on a scale of one to ten (with KKK and Chuushingura at the top around 9 and Norn's nukige down around 3)

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If you want huge emotes and cuteness, go for the loli (Mikoto).  If you want extreme tsundere (physical violence and insults, before and after fall in love) go for Rinko, the glasses girl.  If you want somewhat harder drama with a lot of ups and downs, go for Nanami.

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So I'm reading the novel and the intro was really long and tedious, he was complaining over and over again, you dont have to repeat the same thing 100 times to make a point, he likes to complain for the same things all the time non-stop, it's annoying after a while, I don't think I can bear with the MC for the whole novel. I was planning on playing the nanami's route but it  sounds more like a chore than something fun to do now...

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yep me bad for not listening to your review :P right now reading a vn is not an easy task and if it is something tedious and repetitive like this one it's even harder so I'm gonna pause it and leave it for the future.

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