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Pure X Connect: A few thoughts before I play it



To be honest, if something more interesting is up before I start this, I'll probably play that... why? Simple, you can name the protagonist, which is enough of a downer for me that I seriously want to avoid this if I can.

Setting that aside... this looks to be a fairly standard charage, though the protagonist isn't - for once - a high school student (instead a college student). A big downside of what I read on the title was that it seemed like the protag is a total dimwit, even by VN standards... if a possibly amusing one. Another is that the list of settings for the heroines are all standard archetypical ones that make me want to scream because they are so familiar - in a bad way. The only positive thing about it is that it isn't in a high school, so there are no sudden transfer students, student council presidents, or class president heroines... which is nice.

Can you see how much I don't want to play it from what I said above? Or would you like me to elaborate? lol

God, I think I understand why most of the long-time VN bloggers have always been even more negative than I am about this kind of VN... which is sad, since I joined this site to get away from that type of person. Anyway, for all that bitterness above, rest assured moe fans that I'll at least give this VN a chance before I decide to drop it into the abyss of 'VNs not worth playing'.

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"God, I think I understand why most of the long-time VN bloggers have always been even more negative than I am about this kind of VN... which is sad, since I joined this site to get away from that type of person."

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