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About moichispa

  • Birthday 10/21/1989

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  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Welcome. Narcisuu is a classic one. I love it.
  3. The one I would like to see translated is Akaka from Haccaworks* It seems it is quite short and it has a translated manga on Mangafox and it seems popular. Also It is nice to have more shorts stories translated. not everybody has the time or want to start reading very long works. Here goes the opening it is quite good. I would like too to see Queen of darkness translated. The second reproduction got popular because it was rather different of more generic otomes with cute and silly heroines. Queen of Darkness goes way more far away. It can be interesting even for male players. (better the first moon edition, 1st game graphics are kinda bad)
  4. Yes, I study Japanese. But my level is not too high yet.(I'm neither a native English speaker) I'm near Noken 4 or starting B1 level deppending of how you want to measure it. I read slowly and always with my Kanji book besides me (it took me about 2 or 3 days to finish every sona nyl chapter in comparation with 2 or 3 hours with Inganock in English) and I can't understand everything but I can get the global idea of it. I'm always a bit lost at the first but when you start getting used you can understand most part of easy voiced VN. It also helps improving reading comprehension in Japanese a lot. About future readings I have mmm I plan to play Next steampunk series VN when it gets released in December. I also plan to read Little busters because I haven't played any Key novels yet and it is all ages (I prefer not ero novels or ones with light ero scenes better). And I also want to play more novels from the all together project there are some good works there. I like both male and female oriented novels so I have a lot of titles to choose.
  5. Hello here. I'm moichispa. I'm one of these who entered the fandom with umineko translation. I think we are a few right? Technically speaking my fist VN was Tsukihime but my inability to patch the music and my ability to get almost all bad endings possible made me close it after Arcued true endings and forget about the media until umineko. I plan to play it with the remake. and I should play Fate someday (I have watched 2 KNK movies and the whole Fate/Zero so...) I haven't played too much VN's yet. List here if you want to know. My current favourite saga is Liar soft steampunk series. And the title Sona-nyl. I love Sakurai world settings. I may not be very active but I was curious about this place. Feel free to ask anything.
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