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Macross [Series]


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I'm a big fan of Macross. I love the stories they come a long. At least from Macross Zero and onward. Macross Frontier is my favorite. I also watched Macross: Do You Remember Love? which was produced in 1970s and put up with how old it was. I couldn't put up with the others at all but I read few trivia and facts.


I haven't watched Macross Frontier TV for more than 2 years, after I put my NAS and transferred all of my anime on the NAS I decided to watch few clips of somethings. Damn everything is instant in comparison to having stuff on the slow externals (or the lowest type of HDDs, like the WD Greens). I watched like the first half hour of the first movie of Macross Frontier ~ The False Songstress ~ and decided to just watch like 5 minutes of the TV series. For a 2006/2007 TV anime, this is done so very well that it blows away its rivals in the same years and few more years ahead. Great action, the art was amazing during its time and now its still passable, and I just like the story a lot. Sucks that I don't get to learn a lot about the characters and the TV series felt short for 26 episodes. The two movies are mind-blowing in everything - like, everything. I'm very glad this quality anime will never be licensed to the West due to the fuck ups the West has done.


Anyways, a new Macross series was announced months ago and the reveal is yet to be determined. This is a whole different series so I'm expecting a new jump from Macross Frontier with different characters. All I want to say is bring another awesome character like Sheryl. Because she is the best. May'n <3!


I haven't purchased the TV or the movies, yet. Hmm ... !


Here is the AniDB link.


Who else is a Macross fan?

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Not too big of a fan but I do plan to watch some more entries in the series. I watched like 2/3rd of the original series (SDF Macross), there are some really good stuff but also a lot that I can't put up with (like the romance drama part, god) so it's been on hold for a while. Also despite having peaks of really awesome animation on some scenes (a lot of animators revealed themselves on this series, like Anno (or did he do Nausicaa before? can't remember) or Itano and his famous Itano circus), it also really looks like ass sometimes (80s budget and limitations I guess).

The movie is an eternal classic, I need to rewatch it.


Otherwise I'm really looking forward to watch Macross Plus (really need to do that some day), which is said to be the best entry. I think I'm just gonna do the movies for Frontier, and watch Zero. Don't feel like watching Seven.

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Not too big of a fan but I do plan to watch some more entries in the series. I watched like 2/3rd of the original series (SDF Macross), there are some really good stuff but also a lot that I can't put up with (like the romance drama part, god) so it's been on hold for a while. Also despite having peaks of really awesome animation on some scenes (a lot of animators revealed themselves on this series, like Anno (or did he do Nausicaa before? can't remember) or Itano and his famous Itano circus), it also really looks like ass sometimes (80s budget and limitations I guess).

The movie is an eternal classic, I need to rewatch it.


Otherwise I'm really looking forward to watch Macross Plus (really need to do that some day), which is said to be the best entry. I think I'm just gonna do the movies for Frontier, and watch Zero. Don't feel like watching Seven.

Macross Zero is pretty good. It's 2004 yet it's still really good. Also, just keep this in mind. Macross Frontier TV and Macross Frontier movies (both movies) have alternate routes and endings. The story changes as well drastically in some areas and in others it stays the same. I really like both. They present a very welcomed futuristic atmosphere.


I wanted to mention one other thing. Frontier has the 'best' songs across all of Macross and they sport some of the best songs across all the anime. I remember listening to these songs non-stop at work for like a year. I've rewatched the TV series so many times ... and now I remember nothing. I so can't recall when was the last time I rewatched the TV version ...

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Macross Zero is pretty good. It's 2004 yet it's still really good. Also, just keep this in mind. Macross Frontier TV and Macross Frontier movies (both movies) have alternate routes and endings. The story changes as well drastically in some areas and in others it stays the same. I really like both. They present a very welcomed futuristic atmosphere.

The fact that it's 2004 would on the contrary reassure me. I tend to really dislike modern robot anime, which is why I didn't want to watch the Frontier series to begin with... Maybe i'll still watch it if I find the time to >_>

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The fact that it's 2004 would on the contrary reassure me. I tend to really dislike modern robot anime, which is why I didn't want to watch the Frontier series to begin with... Maybe i'll still watch it if I find the time to >_>

Do you dislike modern stuff in general? Or just modern robots? I personally dislike things that are half-assed regardless of how new or old it is. Even Macross Frontier TV had limited animations in some respected areas (like just characters talking) but the action is superb. Macross Zero does have modern mecha if my memory recalls right. The character design is not as modern as where we're at now.

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Do you dislike modern stuff in general? Or just modern robots? I personally dislike things that are half-assed regardless of how new or old it is. Even Macross Frontier TV had limited animations in some respected areas (like just characters talking) but the action is superb. Macross Zero does have modern mecha if my memory recalls right. The character design is not as modern as where we're at now.

Modern robots. Main reason being the following trends (like 2007+):

*Most animate their robots in 3D. I hate 3D, even though I admit some series manage to pull out good things with it. Nothing like good ol' pornographically good 2D animation though.

*Plots are mostly similar. Some kind of Gundam/Macross pseudo-real robot rehash slightly revisited, with quirks in narration I just can't possibly like.

*Characters. Fuckin' high-schoolers all the time, bishounens and moe girls to cater to every possible audience. Draw a line and leave those characters in the settings where they're enjoyable, dammit. This is really a point that irritates me.


For those reasons, a run-of-the-mill show that does nothing original and doesn't particularly stand out like Majestic Prince is actually probably my favorite robot anime of those last years. (Despite having 3D robots)

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