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G-Senjou no Maou (completed)

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Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? (link to instructions): Yes

Game Name: G-Senjou no Maou

Description of Problem: After the window for the VN pops up, another window pops up and does this whole thing:



Your Operating SystemWindows 8.1 64-bit

64 or 32 bit: 64-Bit

What did you already try?: Reboot, Run as Admin, Antivirus turned off, Read Only is off

Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes


Sorry about the picture, I forgot to re-size it. Anyways, I'm very new to VN, although not so much to other Japanese things, but as I've just started downloading some stuff today, I'm not completely sure what this means. Basically, what happens is the game comes up, but immediately afterwards, this little window pops up. I have tried exiting out of the window and also pressing okay, but the game never loads. After about 25 minutes of waiting under both options, nothing happens. Is there something wrong with my computer or the game? If either, what can I do to solve it? Or do I just need to wait for the game to load.


Also, the game isn't frozen or anything. I can see the script history (albeit, no script or lines) and it also lets me exit out normally, it just won't play. Sorry if this is already an old topic, I couldn't seem to find anything on it. Anyways, if there is anything you can do or help with, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance! 

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It's called "system locale" quite often, I think. Anyway, first of all if you haven't rebooted after changing your unicode locale, that's required. Check that you followed the guide correctly if you have.


The reason I suspect locale is the many ?????s, which is a typical symptom of that.

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It's called "system locale" quite often, I think. Anyway, first of all if you haven't rebooted after changing your unicode locale, that's required. Check that you followed the guide correctly if you have.


The reason I suspect locale is the many ?????s, which is a typical symptom of that.

Apparently, I just changed the location, rather than the locale. I probably should have taken a screen shot, but after restarting my computer and opening it back up, the same message came up, however, the "???????" were replaced with Japanese characters. I've just uninstalled the game, and I'm going to redownload it with the locale and everything, and I'll get back to you guys. Hopefully it works. 

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I found this while searching for a solution but it says G-senjou works fine.


Anyway, you should change (again) the system locale to Japanese, restart your computer and reinstall the game.



It's called "system locale" quite often, I think. Anyway, first of all if you haven't rebooted after changing your unicode locale, that's required. Check that you followed the guide correctly if you have.


The reason I suspect locale is the many ?????s, which is a typical symptom of that.


Alright! So after changing the locale and redownloading the game, it has started right up with no problems! Thank you guys!

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