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Are there free Jp textbook ebooks?

Dark Ariel7

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This is more about my curiosity than really usefulness. I have yet to ever hear mention of a free JP textbook. I just found it really odd with all the people that make free stuff and all the people that love japanese stuff and the huge overlap of the two.

Are there, or is there a, free japanese texbook in ebook format? i.e. natively a pdf and not scanned.

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No need to be so rude man -_-

The things you pointed  at where not Japanese texbooks. They were books written in japanese. The ability to look something up in google does not meant that there will be a satisfying answer. If you can formulate a question of coarse you can look it up on google. that does NOT mean google will have an answer for you.

I know I should not reply to deleted posts but damn that was rude.

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There are other skills involved, though.  Just because you know Japanese doesn't necessarily mean you can translate well.  By the same token, but I think even more emphatically, just because you know Japanese doesn't necessarily mean you can write a good textbook.  And I think that those translators you mention are mainly busy...translating.  Making a textbook would be a full-time endeavor.


I have thought about it, because I think it would be nice if there were another guide to Japanese that doesn't teach it with mangled "English" the way Tae Kim's guide does.  But I figured that interested people would simply seek out a real textbook.  Is there something you have against actual books?  If you get them used, you don't have to pay that much...and then if you need help/clarification you can still get that for free from the community...

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