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Good Fire Fist Ace Figure or Anime Ring

Dark Ariel7

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ごきげんようしょくん。I am about to graduate HS Valedictorian so I want to see if I can get a Figure out of my parents. Ace was one of the first to come to mind. I can't seem to find a decent figure of Ace though. He is my favorite one piece character so I will give him my first time. Getting a figurine. So I would love a place to buy a good figure or some advice in general about looking for a figurine.

Alternatively in lieu of my class ring I would also like to get an cool anime ring. Like one of the Vongola rings in actual silver or platinum. Does anyone know a cool Anime themed ring made of valuable materials and not just steel or the like?


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Oh yea! I forgot to mention but I am actually really anal about detail. The articles need to look Exactly like the original or at least as close as humanly possible. Like this Sengoku figure. I mean if that figure looked anymore like the original I would suspect that they used some form of secret Japanese magic that westerners don't know about. Same applies to the ring. If it is the Vongola ring it can't look like this.

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I may have some things of your interest. I'll start with the figure. While it's not the original Ace outfit, it still looks very well made. I found two sources of it. I think there may be some differences but I'm not to sure. Check here and here. As for the jewelry, unfortunately I was not able to find everything you were looking for. There are some Vongola rings on ebay but they are not silver. There are some Ace rings that I found that are sterling silver. I found sizes 15 and 25. Then there is also an Ace pendent that is sterling silver. And finally there are several One Piece rings, pendents, and mini-pendents found on the three pages here. Hope these help somewhat.

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