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Has anyone used Live2D before?


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Has anyone used Live2D before?


I would like to hire an artist that has experience with it for a huge English visual novel project, but it seems that it has been basically untouched by anyone that isn't Japanese. 

I'm not really sure if this question is in the right section so to mods, feel free to move it if it isn't. :) 

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Basicly you make "interactive 3d images out of 2d images".

using bone structure etc, you can rig movements/expressions etc.


i was in the beta of Live2D. but after they announced the prices i stopped. 


That's cool! How did your experience go with it? Was it hard to make all the individual parts, from an artistic perspective? (since most artists are used to drawing an entire image e.g. face or full body)


Live2D is still pretty new even in Japan, I doubt there will be any English artist experienced with it.


May I ask what is the huge English project? Live2D costs 1500$ so it would have to be really huge project.


The project is a visual novel to be released on iOS (and most likely Android/PC) called 'Tales of Tuesday'. The main heroine is a girl named Tuesday who can paint anything and it will come to life - but only for one hour. The main hero, Chae, is a genius and trickster who uses villainous methods to achieve pure-hearted goals. I'm heading the production of the visual novel and I want to make it one of the best in the Western world as a non-translated visual novel. 

Speaking of which, if anyone knows any phenomenal artists that makes their jaw drop, please let me know! :D (since I'll be hiring when the project starts)

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Thanks for your detailed reply Emi :D it makes sense to sketch it in SAI. Photoshop is better for drawing small details though? 


I'm also curious about how hard it is for an artist who has never drawn in parts before, to suddenly go and draw each individual part. I've also heard that you can draw the full image first, and then cut it into parts later?


And also about where you found the individual parts for MiraiClock3? :o 


So many questions to ask. 

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I see - thank you Emi. :D I'm having a chat with one of the guys from the Live2D production team on Tuesday. Might have to actually get them to produce the content (or alternatively hire a Japanese translator to help hire a Jap artist lol since the number of people who know how to use Live2D in the West is nearly zero). 


Clever idea about using iFunBox! I never thought of doing that before. 

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