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Hoshizora no Memoria completion question


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Do you mean Wish upon a shooting star?

There shouldn't be missing CGs after you finish Mare's route :o/>

which CGs are they so I can see what scene it is (like tell me row and number etc)

Yeah, it's Wish upon a shooting star. Well, it's Chinami's 2nd row, the 3rd and 4th ones (After she met Ren and before the ending CG of the route). Looks like it's the one when she woke You up and I forgot the other one.....Seems like a glitch.

Might be a glitch: I have missing CG's from a completed route too. (I'm guessing Chinami's) It's a pretty rubbish game in terms of polish. If you have a save, try going over the route again.

Guess I'll try going over the route again sometime.

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Hm yes it seems like a bug with the English patch. If you didn't use 1.2, that might be it but it can also be just a bug, there are already some errors caused by the English patch as the game is tricky to hack.

Since you remember the scenes, you probably didn't miss anything but it just forgot to save the progress or something. I guess skip through will make it 100% complete.

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May I ask what version of Hoshimemo you are running. If you don't have 1.2, that might be the problem.

Hm yes it seems like a bug with the English patch. If you didn't use 1.2, that might be it but it can also be just a bug, there are already some errors caused by the English patch as the game is tricky to hack.

Since you remember the scenes, you probably didn't miss anything but it just forgot to save the progress or something. I guess skip through will make it 100% complete.

Apparently, I'm using the 1.2 one. Well, looks like it's a bug and skipping through might be the solution here....Thank you for all the responses :)

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