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The wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya


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So I am trying to buy all the Haruhi Suzumiya books in hardcover with the original art and as I was looking for them, I found that one, The wavering of Haruhi Suzumiya is very hard to find and the places I can find it at are ridiculously expensive. Does anyone know why this is? and can anyone tell me where I can get this book for a decent price? 

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Going on http://bookfinder.com might help you (hard cover ISBN: 978-0-3160-3891-1)

I found 2 versions that say they're hard cover for 13€ but when I go on the respective website's pages, they don't actually specify which version it is (the cover seems to be the soft cover).

The first result that actually spells out "hard cover" goes for roughly 60€.
Used ones on amazon go for roughly 50€ still.

I think if you really want a hard cover version of this, you're going to have to pay a lot of money. Soft cover brand new versions only cost like 10€ on Book Depository and you get free shipping.

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On 1/30/2016 at 3:50 AM, Nosebleed said:

Going on http://bookfinder.com might help you (hard cover ISBN: 978-0-3160-3891-1)

I found 2 versions that say they're hard cover for 13€ but when I go on the respective website's pages, they don't actually specify which version it is (the cover seems to be the soft cover).

The first result that actually spells out "hard cover" goes for roughly 60€.
Used ones on amazon go for roughly 50€ still.

I think if you really want a hard cover version of this, you're going to have to pay a lot of money. Soft cover brand new versions only cost like 10€ on Book Depository and you get free shipping.

I think I am just going to splurge and go for the hardcover thanks for the help.

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