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Dumbest thing you can think of?


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This is how I imagine Chewy right now;




And like that, this thread was born.

N-no >_<



Okay, but I'm only gonna go into my lighter stuff. I would probably die if I dived into one of my more embarrassing moments.

So yeah, I told my friend about this crush I had on a girl in our class. He was joking around saying I should tell her I love her, but I thought he was being serious. So, without having a lot of prior engagements, I go up to the girl and boldly declare my love for her. She's kinda the shy type, so her face explodes in a vibrant red color and is rendered speechless. Very shortly afterwards, she briskly walks off without saying anything back to me. I go back to my friend and ask "hey, did I do it wrong?" and he said "dude, I was just joking!". That bastard had the meanest grin on his face too. So yeah, after that I had gained the valuable wisdom of how not to get a girlfriend. :D

I see, so you became something of an anti-rabu guy a bit like Hymen HMN

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