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Status Updates posted by melo4496

  1. I'll try NTR soon ^_^

  2. Yozora ni Kirameku hoshi...

  3. "People’s lives are repetitions of actions hurting each other. It’s understandable to doubt others. But being unable to trust anything is the same as being unable to sense other people’s love." - Yoshino

  4. "Shutting up and listening is what friendship is all about" -ef: a fairy tale of two

  5. [ .........ッ !!?]

  6. [ さあ!もっと私を羨みなさい!!この罪なほどの美しさを網膜にやきつけることを特別に許可してあげますわ!!] ~藍子

  7. 「笑う 門には 福 来たる」

  8. ☜(:♛ฺ;益;♛ฺ;)

  9. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

  10. 1st beat was fun. Looking forward to 2nd beat.

  11. Being able to work hard is the best talent of all.

  12. can't get maji suki. っくそ。

  13. Choosing the next VN

  14. Chuuning Lover is on my mind.

  15. Congratulations for the promotion.

    1. Mr Poltroon

      Mr Poltroon

      Thank you very much. Though I've only just now noticed what I got myself into... D:

    2. melo4496


      I wish you good luck. Your name in blue fits perfectly well.

  16. Currently playing Hoshizora no Memoria and I'm loving it: Asuho>Mare>Komomo>Kosame>Chinami>>Spoilers>Shrimps>Isuzu

  17. Finally got a copy of Steins;Gate (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

  18. Full throttle ┗(`Д゚┗(`゚Д゚´)┛゚Д´)┛

  19. Fuwanovel is getting more and more awesome.

  20. Going back to reality

  21. Got new headphones! Now I can... play.. safely.

  22. Hoshi ori yume mirai. Expects this game to be very long. Might took me 2-3 months to finish.

  23. I am going to watch Atashinchi no Danshi.

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