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Everything posted by RedgraveXD13

  1. I've been having problems in regards to reading Front Wing's visual novel Pure Girl. There are areas where the game just suddenly stops working and crashes the entire program, saying that "cs2 has suddenly stopped working." This error can be bypassed if I reinstall the game, but I only end up encountering this problem again at a different area of the game, to which I have to reinstall once again. But when I go load my previous save files and continue reading them there, this error box once again pops up and crashes the game. From what I can tell, at random areas each time I reinstall the game the visual novel ends up crashing, resulting in me having to consistently uninstall and reinstall the game and potentially fragment my hard drive due to the number of times I have to repeat this process in order to get past the error message. Yes, my computer is running with the Japanese locale. My operating system is Windows 7, 32 bit. Uninstalling only temprorarily fixes the problem, causing the game to end up having a different location to crash at when I read to that part. Is there a way to fix this problem? Having to uninstall and reinstall makes the reading experience frustrating.
  2. Never mind; I ended up just uninstalling the programs and reinstalling them before actually setting up ATLAS so that the translations would work. After testing out the new program and finally seeing it work, hopefully I won't end up running to the same problem again. Sorry for causing trouble.
  3. "Even when Death embraces us all with his icy grasp, life goes on in the world."

  4. I'm currently having a problem using my Translation Aggregator with the program ITH. Normally when I'm reading visual novels I just attach the game to the ITH and have the machine translate the script into the translation aggregator via Google and Honyaku as listed in the windows tab on said program. However, just recently it started to give out odd script errors such as this: ~ Unrecognized response received: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <!-- SpaceID=0 robot --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <title>Yahoo!翻訳</title> <meta name="description" content="無料の翻訳サイト。翻訳できる言語は9カ国語(日本語/英語/中国語/韓国語/フランス語/ドイツ語/スペイン語/ポルトガル語/イタリア語)。自動言語判定で便利にご利用いただけます。"> <meta name="keywords" content="翻訳,Yahoo!翻訳,ヤフー翻訳,英語翻訳,韓国語翻訳,中国語翻訳,和英翻訳,英和翻訳" /> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" /> <meta content="235345649908455" property="fb:app_id" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:locale" content="ja_JP" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Yahoo!翻訳" /> <meta property="og:image" content="http://i.yimg.jp/c/icon/s/bsc/2.0/honyaku180.jpg" /> <meta property="og:description" content="無料の翻訳サイト。翻訳できる言語は9カ国語(日本語/英語/中国語/韓国語/フランス語/ドイツ語/スペイン語/ポルトガル語/イタリア語)。自動言語判定で便利にご利用いただけます。" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Yahoo!翻訳" /> <meta property="og:url" content="http://honyaku.yahoo.co.jp/" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOODP" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://i.yimg.jp/images/honyaku/css/honyaku_120111.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://i.yimg.jp/images/css/yj2.css" type="text/css" media="all"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://i.yimg.jp/images/top/js/yFav_1.0.1.js" charset="UTF-8"></script> <script language='javaScript' src="http://i.yimg.jp/images/commerce/js/libs/jquery/core/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <!-- header --> <div id="header"> <!-- SpaceID=0 robot --> <!--EMG--> <!-- SpaceID=0 robot --> <!-- SpaceID=0 robot --> <!-- SpaceID=0 robot --> <!--/EMG--> </div><!-- /#header --> <!-- /header --> <iframe id='fccall' width='0' height='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' frameborder='0'></iframe> <!-- #contents --> <div id="contents"> <div id="g-navi"> <ul class="cf"> <li class="navi1"><a href="/transtext/">テキスト翻訳</a></li> <li class="navi2"><a href="/url/">ウェブ翻訳</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- /#g-navi --> <div id="guide-bar"> <ul class="cf"> <li class="guide1"><a href="/guide">使い方ガイド</a><span>|</span><a href="/settings?.done=http%3A%2F%2Fhonyaku.yahoo.co.jp%2Ftranstext">設定</a></li> <li class="guide2">日本語/英語/中国語/韓国語/フランス語/ドイツ語/スペイン語/ポルトガル語/イタリア語の9か国の言葉に翻訳できます。</li> <li class="guide3"><a href="http://transer.com/" title="Cross Language">Cross Language</a></li> </ul> </div><!-- /#guide-bar --> <!-- #main-contents --> <div id="main-contents"> <div class="noRes"> <p>通信エラーが発生しました。しばらく時間をおいてから再度お試しください。</p> <p><a href="/">Yahoo!翻訳トップページへ</a></p> </div><!-- /.noRes --> </div><!-- /#main-contents --> </div> <!-- /#contents --> <div id="footer"> <!-- SqA --> <div id="SqA" class="space-d"> <a href="http://docs.yahoo.co.jp/info/advertising/">広告掲載について</a> - <a href="http://docs.yahoo.co.jp/docs/info/terms/">利用規約</a> - <a href="http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/honyaku/honyaku-20.html">免責事項</a> - <a href="http://help.yahoo.co.jp/help/jp/honyaku/">ヘルプ・お問い合わせ</a> </div><!-- /#SqA --> <!-- /SqA --> <!-- SqB --> <address id="SqB">Copyright © 2014 Cross Language Inc. All Rights Reserved.<br> Copyright © 2014 Yahoo Japan Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</address><!-- /#SqB --> <!-- /SqB --> </div><!-- /#footer --> </div><!-- /#wrapper --> </body> </html> <!-- fe113.trans.ref.ssk.ynwp.yahoo.co.jp Thu Nov 6 01:36:23 JST 2014 --> ~ Is there a way to fix this problem so that I can return back to reading my visual novels?
  5. Hello people on the interwebs, I'm Redgrave, though some call me Domo-kun for various reasons unknown even to me to the point that it got stuck. I'm a gamer who usually plays MMO's like Phantasy Star Online 2 and Elsword, but recently I got hooked to reading visual novels. After the whole experience of reading amazing stories such as Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, and Hoshizora no Memoria, I then discovered this website and the vast wide variety of other stories that I could enjoy. I hope that we can get along, as fellow visual novel readers. ^^
  6. Yeah, it's rather unfortunate that groups are translating visual novels only to encounter problems, both digitally and in life, that causes the entire process to go to shambles. I don't mind using a machine translator, seeing how I can somewhat pick out what they're generally trying to say, but yeah, sometimes I feel that I'm missing out on some important information that could be crucial to the story due to its vagueness. So yeah, hoping that a group would successfully finish the translations, but so far I'm just reading it to the best of my ability.
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