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Posts posted by zhurai

  1. Getting started with game development doesn't need to be all that hard, zhurai.


    It really depends on what your goals are and what you're interested in. If it's getting to know how AAA development works, then it can be a big mouthful with throwing yourself into an engine such as Unreal without prior knowledge, but if you're looking to start out small and build yourself up, then there's plenty of opportunities for beginners.


    An extremely easy engine for quick and dirty prototyping is Stencyl, which both offers you an opportunity to code, but also a very flexible drag and drop option. Stencyl's both free and just fine if you aim to make say a simple flash or mobile game. A great place to start.


    Other than that there's slightly more complicated alternatives such as the popular Unity engine. Unity has a large and in general helpful community and it enables you to release on a ton of platforms - consoles included. But, all in all it really depends on what you're setting out to do and your level of dedication.


    yes I know.

    and yes I'm going to do unity, watching a lot of the videos atm, and brainstorming some ideas that I thought of myself anywho

    ... I just need to actually set up my main pc which is also taking up a lot of my time atm (with the main other problem other than time as of atm is that I'm shit with graphics, but I could technically use the asset store...)


    btw what I was referring to above was I don't think my current knowledge of unity is able to make an RTS type game that might require networking, and various other things.... although I guess that could be done via using the asset store


    (ok, I'm going to derailing this topic, which is about making game concepts/ideas :/, not about game dev)

  2. on that note, your idea actually might be interesting but currently out of the area of things I can currently make atm :D


    (the "Player controls the protagonist and gives order to his unit" part makes it sound like it's an RTS similar to WC3 where you have heroes... as compared to say SC2/BW where you don't use hero ones)

    (ofc you maybe referring to the single player version or something though)




    But yeah, your requests seem reasonable at least to me, although I haven't started anywhere. I'm just watching craploads of videos about game development, and trying to set up my new computer personally so... yeah ;o

  3. the question I have about this topic/to this topic's participants:


    If a game developer (especially indie I mean here) comes around, is it okay with you guys (the participants of this thread) if they  copied the idea, or copied the idea and changed stuff here and there?


    Are you guys interested or like the idea of a game dev utilizing the game concept/ideas?


    (it'll probably be ok if they added their own ideas to that idea so it'll be also original...)


    (I'm asking cause I'm thinking of learning game development... and in my case, if I made anything I'd try to post in here quoting the idea... but hey might as well ask if people are ok with it)

  4. When I actually get to play... although that's more like if atm.... I really need to set up my computer first alsjdflkjasldkfjklsadf



    Main username: zhuraitsuki       (I think...)

    Random other nickname I made but probably will play with first for awhile solo when I'm actually learning the game...: raizhu

  5. I used to RP on some random stuff (also had several topic based one that I lead/made... but all dead atm)

    Yeah sure, but dunno time constraints

    dunno, but I'll only join stuff that I like (subject/etc)



    I know Naomi would probably love it lol o; (?)


    I wouldn't change the setting mid topic though like how you're referring (just have multiple topics and different RP games imo)

    also since you're doing this topic based (instead of obviously forum based..lol), I'd advise you to have 1 topic for signup, 1 topic for the actual RPing


    first strike is a keyword. the ability would remove that keyword. double strike is a separate keyword. nothing would happen.


    it's also a common. derp.


    what delver deck didn't build around him? also, how is that even an argument?


    what deck didn't build around him? again, how do you even consider that an argument? it's a common that turns into a 3/2 flyer. a 3/2, with evasion, in a control deck, from turn one.


    this is exactly my point though. you can say that you have to build around him, but the fact that a deck based around a common is doing this well in that many formats is kind of ridiculous.




    I was also talking strictly about limited, I even said that, where a 3/3 flyer dropped on turn 3, even if you're just bouncing a land and losing your fourth turn drop, can win you games. when you also have good etb effects she is amazing, and is far more common in limited than a rare would be.


    her first strike removal may as well not exist because it's completely irrelevant in theros standard, the 2w in her cost keeps her out of most multi-color decks, she gets outraced by red deck wins which can pretty much completely ignore her and still win turn 5-6, and control just laughs at her. pushing her to 4 cost would have her see play as often as seraph of the sword, which might as well remove first strike because it doesn't do dick to her.


    no multi-color deck could run her if she cost 3 white, no deck period would run her if she cost 4 especially with 3 white, dropping her toughness only makes her weaker against a deck that already wouldn't care that she exists, and dropping her power would make her completely unplayable. she would barely effect limited and even then no more than any other good rare.


    I challenge you to name one deck where her ability to remove first strike is more relevant than the fact that she has first strike, because she's not blocking if she's in an aggro deck and she's not being played early enough to do anything useful in anything but an aggro deck. the only creature that can have first strike that I can think of that's actually competitive is boros reckoner, which kills her regardless of either of them having first strike.


    she's good, but I think you think she's far far better than she actually is. she's no baneslayer.

    @#1: true, but effect is still blue.


    @delver: Yes, and a fucking mistake.

    and stop saying turn one lol. Cause it's not.



    Ok, that's true, pauper is fucking ridiculous, Heard of T2-3 wins? (banned but... w/e)
    Also Cloud of Fae.
    @limited: Sure.
    - first strike: Yeah but I'm talking about multiple formats here yo.
    - I don't agree with the T4 part making the creature useless unless you mean Legacy or Modern. (also this changes based on what sets are in rotation)
    - since when were most rares in a set good? you want to make a set that's made out of rares that are too good? hoookay
    @the name one deck: Except that's not what I'm talking about lol. I'm just saying it purely from what the card costs, not the meta built around the format at the moment o0
    Also I never said she was extremely fucking good omg kind of thing. I'm mainly just saying I don't agree with where you put your costs.
    How about this:
    This is why we neither of us are actually balancing cards for MTG mmkay?
    ....................(then again this card isn't going to be played as it's not made/distributed in MTG/O, and this discussion about the balancing of the card isn't really relevant to this topic. more like for something in Games & Chatter or another MTG related topic than one based on the _actual_ game...)
    EDIT: I should note I'm on the fence about the WWW vs WW, but I still think it should be 4 cmc (2WW), but w/e I don't really need to design and balance a card like R&D anyways. (I'm more interested in playing the game and winning. >.>)
  7. 1409ith.png


    we'd be gaining +1/+2 for one more white mana symbol, jumping 2 rarities, and a unique ability that is almost never relevant.


    hell, delver of secrets was a 3/2 with flying that hit the table turn one. it was a common.

    with the power level of creatures in standard/modern right now, as is, she's actually kind of average.


    also yea, 3/3's for 3 with flying are pretty beastly in limited, I scooped up every emancipation angel when drafting avacyn block. I have a small army of them around here somewhere. those are uncommon, and their bounce ability can win you games if you have good enough etb effects.


    1) you put in the 'remove first strike' effect. which is ridiculous really (also what would happen in the interaction of first strike vs double strike)

    2) Delver of secrets is a powerhouse. and derp

    2a) also it's "possibly turn 2 if you build your deck around him"

    2b) it's actually "turn 1, he's a 1/1 with no ability really, but turn 2 if you built your whole deck around him, i.e. have over half your deck as spells then he can become a 3/2 flying on turn 2 but not as consistently"

    2c) the fact that he's probably a bad mistake... is further proved by UWx Delver in standard's dominance, and how powerful UWR/RUG/etc variants in Legacy, as well as Mono U delver in pauper, and certain delver variants in modern. (note RUG runs him along with Goyf)

    2d) the derp is because they put ISD right after SOM block


    also you're saying 3/3's with flying that in the case of emancipation angel, the 2nd effect (the bounce effect) is actually considered as a card with a worse effect (therefore 1WW for a 3/3 flying still works out because it's in a vacuum the 1WW for 3/3 flying  >  1WW 3/3 flying that bounces your creature) and yes this is considered bad _unless_ you have a deck built around etb effects.


    ...."with the power level of creatures in standard/modern right now, as is, she's actually kind of average."

    Yeah no, not with the creatures in standard. especially with THS



    also that voiceless spirit dies to a slight breeze in the air, and is only played as a common mainly so people can go UW flyers in limited... and it's shit everywhere else (in all other formats)



    EDIT: also the remove effects is more of a blue effect too.... (remove first strike)

  8. You need to review that, zaka can't do streams. But overall It's either Luch or Ryou #1

    I played with luch today too, he still beat me in most of the songs tho :(

    lol. I can do CERTAIN streams.


    then again really I haven't seen zaka play recently so /shrug


    also I can't do streams either very well, although I'm starting to be able to do certain ones with 2 click mouse style....

    limited however.

  9. I play magic. cards like this are the reason I should never design magic.




    that should honestly be something like ... 2WWW or at least 3WW


    at least the rarity seems ok too l0l


    for reference 3/3 for 3 mana is already pretty good in limited for example. if you put flying on it... should be ok...

    but then if you put like first strike AND something that removes first strike of other creatures then hrm ... lul.


    (1WWW lowest I'd say, and it'll be annoying..)


    not that I'm designing cards so maybe take everything I say with a grain of salt? lol

  10. I am unsure if I still have a MTGO account. Even if I did my cards will be out of date by 3 years. Also I hated the client. Which is a shame as I really enjoy the game.

    depending on which set/which cards, that might actually be a good thing lol.


    If it's by 3 years.... well, there's a new client (V4) that's in open beta though so /shrug. (looking at wiki, the current client, V3 was released in 2008...etc)

  11. Just a note


    I'm planning to come back to this eventually, but I'm still tied up in a bunch of projects... especially since my main computer is... kinda dead at the moment... and I have a bunch of other stuff I'm having to do/balance, so for now (as it has been for the past while), this topic is currently out of order >.<


    Once I get the time to do this again, I will be doing a major revamp of this topic, and add all the new ones, but for now, please be patient. Thanks.


    EDIT: Locking topic until that time. Sorry !

  12. also I might as well post my lists huh (at least for MTGO here '-')


    Standard - Mono Red Blitz (Cause I don't have money atm wwwwwww)

    4 Legion Loyalist

    4 Foundry Street Denizen
    4 Ash Zealot
    4 Burning-Tree Emissary
    12 Mountain
    4 Madcap Skills
    1 Dynacharge
    4 Titan's Strength
    4 Firedrinker Satyr
    4 Rakdos Cackler
    4 Gore-House Chainwalker
    3 Rubblebelt Maaka
    4 Firefist Striker
    4 Mountain

    2 Act of Treason
    1 Pithing Needle
    4 Skullcrack
    1 Boros Reckoner
    2 Seismic Stomp
    1 Hammer of Purphoros
    4 Shock


    Deck basically goes well.. YOLO and tries to kill them with 1 drops.

    it's kinda funny that without distruption/lifegain/semi good hand, it goldfishes about Turn 4 wins...


    There's 2 variants of this though.. one that's like basically Mono Red Heroic Blitz, which just goes all-in on the heroic mechanic (Dragon Mantle + Akroan Crusader for example), this one I think would be better though (although meta dependent)


    Probably still sucks verses Mono U Devotion as it's... Mono U. Lol


    I'll probably switch to Mono U if I had enough money.


    Modern - 3 Color Burn

    2 Flames of the Blood Hand

    1 Blood Crypt
    2 Scalding Tarn
    5 Mountain
    4 Goblin Guide
    4 Magma Jet
    2 Grim Lavamancer
    4 Rift Bolt
    4 Lava Spike
    4 Lightning Bolt
    4 Boros Charm
    4 Sacred Foundry
    4 Vexing Devil
    4 Blackcleave Cliffs
    4 Bump in the Night
    4 Arid Mesa
    4 Skullcrack

    2 Flames of the Blood Hand
    2 Smash to Smithereens
    2 Rain of Gore
    3 Hide/Seek
    3 Rakdos Charm
    3 Shattering Spree


    So what I found is in modern, Mono Red, although seems like it's good, its actually hard countered by a single leyline of sanctity. White is splashed to deal with it (Hide/Seek)... and it's generally hilarious because of Boros Charm (one sided Flame Rift), while Black is good for Bump In the Night (another Lava Spike).

    Rain of Gore probably shouldn't be in the SB, Flames is split 2/2 because 3 cmc spells are kind of derpy to have in the beginning of the game... but useful in certain matchups. I should probably have 2-3 Ensnaring Bridge(s) in the SB because of certain matchups (also that card's good in Legacy... vs Show and Tell) but, those are quite expensive so yeah.


    once I make some bank (or just make more money) in Modern, probably switch to Tempo Twin or something


    Pauper I'm doing Burn but once DE's are back I'd probably switch back to White Weenies (cause... yeah)


    Legacy probably start with Burn and go for Delver and then maybe Show and Tell (or whatever deck is gud at that point. Maybe Combo/Natural Order Elves would be hilarious to play... dunno depends)


    (etc etc)


    Physical I have a bunch of old cards, should probably shift through them and maybe join modern or legacy at my LGS (and/or play drafts/sealed there)



    EDIT: LOL bam, my strategy post. I should make a more indepth version on my blog wwwwww...

  13. Thanks~ <3


    Don't mess with my.....wait I just realized I'm the worst player of the group ;-;




    Edit 30/11/2013:


    ohai <3 #41



    it's kinda funny how different groups = have different ranges of players


    ex like I said for the TL thread for osu, I'm probably one of the rock bottom guys


    in the other circle of friends I knew I was around the same level/mainly higher than the rest cause they were mainly guys more focused on SC2 (hi, one of my old teams before FXO l0l)


    and then in here, at least for awhile I was one of the top.... atm I think I'm more of mid tier though...   I could be horribly wrong here tho lol

  14. http://community.wizards.com/content/blog/3960471


    Modern Masters format is the flashback draft of the week.

    Personally 25 tix is a bit derpy for FB drafts imo though.  (current draft ones are like 24 tix of the same caliber iirc?)

    So I'll probably just try to learn M14 drafts and do 4-3-2-2's and/or 8-4's just cause those are better..


    On another note Daily Events should be coming back 12/11 ... supposedly

    which is nice as the main (real) +EV event is THS limited 6 booster drafts which you have to go at least 2-1 in to break even (... 2-1 _AND_ get 1 card in the pool that's > 2 tix)

    that said, I hate the THS limited, and overall set costs... M14 > THS atm.


    Constructed queues are so derpy seriously.

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