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Status Updates posted by zhurai

  1. https://t.co/romAGEcgxK -____-; why do these things pop up every 2-3... http://t.co/PoYPaVYVsc
  2. ... apparently facebook keeps reconnecting and disconnecting my bitlbee for some reason -_-

  3. ......Why the fuck does @Skype allow people to see the IP of someone just by knowing their username? wtf.

  4. "so if you have any insight then you can find the topic somewhere on the forum and share your insight " (about the streaming)

    o.o ummm... I can't find the topic about that XD (although I put what I thought about a fuwa stream would be like in that topic tho...) /shrug

  5. (too bad I don't have the email to get into the beta yet --)

  6. a random account tried to add me... apparently it was made at the start of this month, and then just yesterday so... http://t.co/TgPgCzc6cs

  7. actually, intel should probably try to improve their graphics card lineup for better 3D support for all systems... http://t.co/2AM4JlwD

  8. Aiura's opening song................... is um... wtf

  9. akb0048 18; plot updates: oshi-, character development: yep :o, and has actually some life lessons there~

  10. akb0048 21: wow... just wow.... also yuuko = so cool

  11. akb0048: wow, I knew that Sono Chieri's father sounded familiar, the seiyuu also did Fate/Zero's Tohsaka Tokiomi (Tohsaka Rin's father)

  12. another annoying part of timezones.... you might experience april fools day.... twice a year

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