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Posts posted by Secchan

  1. Guys, If we throw out the translations for H-scenes and make everyone use they're imagination for those parts we'll be done even faster. Lets be honest, who actually reads that. If you're reading whats in the little box instead of looking at the screen you must be pretty dedicated to literature written by some random guy probably not exactly qualified for writing literature ( assuming you're reading it in English). WHOS WITH ME.


    Totally not saying this cause translating H scenes suck.


    P.S. To avoid putting lies in your heads, I don't translate, I just pretend I do. Just ask Fiddle and Keisuke.

  2. Well for one, I've cut anime out of my life. (no flame plz). I don't work so that helps. I don't play any games cause everyone I played with now lives on the other side of the world.

    Turn your otakuism in your study. Play games (VNs) only to realize that you really suck at the language and are only good at reading, but even then you still suck.


    long story short, life sucks and theres not enough time in the world. You will have to cut something to make time for others (for most of us thats probably sleep).

  3. Well I didn't read this game yet and also understanding the text is very different from being able to put it into English :(

    I'm sure if you understood what went on in irosekai then you can 辿り着く your way it into English ^_^. You dont need to read the game (this one specificly) to know that you'll finish it cause we all know you love the game ^_^

  4. No, they ARE my FAVORITE company, even over all-loli devs.

    After the rebrand from CROSS NET in 2009 they discovered what I call the "golden ratio" of Visual Novels while releasing Hoshimemo, they managed to replicate and even improve on it with Iroseka and we will see if they can continue it with Astralair.


    The golden ratio is a lovable main loli heroine (they managed to make 2 so far, we will see with yukiyuki) that is following you the whole game and teasing you with what expects you in the true route, and lovable side heroines that you don't feel forced to clear, rather you want to clear them because some information about the world or the main loli are hidden in those routes (so you know that the true route is locked for a reason).

    With that ratio you please lolicons who will do their best to unlock the loli, while at the same time pleasing non-lolicons with non-loli characters, giving them time to fall in love with the loli (Favorite heroines [Mare and Shinku] have the highest rate of success on turning non-lolicons into lolicons, because they are just so godly).


    On top of that mix it with awesome music, beautiful CGs and other elements of a VN and you got yourself a masterpiece and the best VN in the world.



    So even though I do like all-loli games, they are mostly only for the faps, because making more than 1 awesome loli character and polishing her personality to make everyone like her is nearly impossible. So even though the lolis in games like onii-chan sharing are awesome, compared to favo lolis they are nowhere near perfect - they are just your common lolis, where as Mare and Shinku are flawless goddesses.


    I don't know about them turning people into lolicons, unless we're using the definition liking 1 lolicharacter = lolicon. But yes favorite does do a good job in making a non retarded annoying loli character.

  5. do i need to be able to write hiragana and katakana, and where do you learn the meaning of japanese words?

    If your goal is to just read / play games you don't need to learn how to write anything. Dictionaries are your friends. For more subtle nuiansnces between words google is your friend. Friends are also your friends so ask your friends to be friendly.

  6. I think Dracu was ranked #2 in it's year falling behind Majikoi S(pretty sure but not 100% sure according to getchu, cant check right now). Without a doubt it's Yuzusoft's most sucessful but by no means does that mean the others were failures. Also the best girl's route is translated so what more could you guys want =P. We can live without girl #2.


    My thought on art

    Miu CG was terrible save like 3 or 4.

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