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Posts posted by Secchan

  1. Just gotta get some quality practice and watch your replays carefully. That is, if you know how to watch your replays for mistakes.

    For me... Clearly I can improve pretty quickly if I played more considering my promotions. Oh well, I've got a good summer to get good before college hehe

    Still at the point where i can tell what i'm doing wrong as im playing, replays help yeah. It's ok i'll get there soon :P/>

    I don't want to do low master -> high master climb though lol

  2. Isn't that Baka to Test to Shokanjuu?Kinda reminds me of a scene in the op/ed


    There are so many anime with that kind of similar art style that it's confusing lol

    I believe in you? Theres a character + uniform :3 if its too abstract for others as well ill post something else.

  3. Just curious how many people actually use the full screen option that comes in the game. Since it exist i guess some people out there might use it. I personally find it useless cause most of the games are 800x600.

    Recently there have games that are increasing in res but i could just be spoiled with 1920x1080 so full screening just makes it worse.

  4. For people who don't understand, Metaler said:

    Hello Everyone! How are you doing?

    While I was browsing the forums I thought "Ah, there isn't a topic for Japanese!", so I decided to make this topic for practice and for other people to practice.

    There are a lot of members here that are studying Japanese right? So lets talk! Any topic will do.

    I added extra things in the translation.

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