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Everything posted by phoenixfyre2552

  1. Finally got my sr honoka (goodbye weird looking unidolized form)... I just noticed that there isn't a new chapter or new member added yet. I wonder why?
  2. Ooooh. Sorry about that, I can be rather slow when it comes to puns and jokes... Maybe they'll add those three after this one is done. I mean, the current draw is shorter compared to others (it's only for 6 days if I'm not mistaken instead of the usual 10 days or more)....
  3. Wow. Where did you get this picture from? And isn't this picture giving a bad impression on nico (since its nicotine)? Can't wait to get my prize from the rankings so that I can sacrifice all of these lv 11 normal girls that I have right now.
  4. Final event rank for me is 872. Cutoff for 1000 is 24132. My rank for event song is 3633. All in all, I did a pretty good job. 2 UR, one maki and nico (JKR's avatar). Also theres smile Eli, cool rin and honoka, and finally pure umi.
  5. Well, we'll just have to wait for more or less 30 more minutes until we can find out the results. Have faith, maki~chan.
  6. Current rank is 756. Before I used another love gem before, I had done a 5 lp song. I realize now that if I had done a 6 lp song, I could have done a 15 lp version of love marginal. -_- yeah... I so can't wait for this event to be over with already.
  7. No, not really. It still irks me though since I know I could have gained more tokens from it. I probably won't suffer from this mistake, hopefully....
  8. I accidentally miscalculated what time this event would end. I used up 15 lp, only to find out that I could have waited 1 more hour, play the 25 lp song and then use another love gem. The stress of knowing that this event is about to end is getting to me. This event ends 1 hour and more or less 30 minutes more right?
  9. We have a few hours left until the event is finished. So far only used 12 gems here. How's everybody doing? Good luck everyone and may you not fall lower than the necessary cutoff for whatever range you're trying to enter.
  10. I just reached my current amount of points after they updated the leaderboards, so I have to wait for the next update to know my current ranking.
  11. My ranking is currently 8xx (hasn't been updated yet). My total event points is currently 20591. I've spent only 8 love gems so far, but I'll probably end up spending either 2 or 4 tomorrow (not sure yet). Ugh, it's going to be such a pain to keep my ranking.
  12. Congrats IceD! Although you'll still have to play this song to get the event points so... Just used another love gem. Now I've used a total of 8. Might end up using 4 more, just to be safe. Still can't FC or S-rank Soldier Game (although usually I am very close to S-ranking it even without FC-ing it).
  13. Finally managed to get an S-rank for the score for natsuiro Egao on expert. All is right in the world again. Now all that's left is just to S-S soldier game. So far only spent 7 love gems total, might spend 3 or 4 more to stay in the 200-1000 ranking.
  14. Well, Nosebleed, that's exactly why my signature states that I'm #theunluckyplayer. Lol. I know how to FC the song, but whenever I reach the middle, where after a double hold slider a series of single taps would appear, I would fail. My fingers just can't be fast enough for it.
  15. So far I've only used 6 gems. Might end up using a few more to maintain my rank. Don't want to end up outside the 1-1000 rank... I think I'm going to try changing the game's timing to help me with doing Natsuiro Egao. The amount of times that I've failed to FC it again is just way too ridiculous for me. -_-
  16. It seems that no matter what I do I can't FC natsuiro egao again It's a shame since I know that if I can FC it I can finally gain S-rank for the score. Boo. Event point rank is currently 7xx I believe while score rank is somewhere between 2000-4000 (haven't checked again). Once these expert songs disappear, would they ever appear again in the game? Or are they gone for good?
  17. I'm going to have to wait 1 month or maybe more until I can do my next 10+1 guaranteed draw. This is because due to circumstances, I can only play 3 times a day during weekdays, which would make it significantly harder to reach the milestone for the SR cards (right now its holiday so there's no problem). Because of that I am saving up my love gems so that I can use them once an event starts during school day. Oh yeah, we only have 2 days left until the event is finished. How's your progress with the event everyone?
  18. Accidentally wasted 10 energy. So disappointed. So far only used 2 love gems. Will use more later. Also, finally FC-ed snow halation on expert. Al that's left for me is to just FC soldier game. I have kodoku no heaven on my laptop. Yeah, it's a good song. Was surprised to hear it at first.
  19. Hmmmm..... I think I might just end up using love gems for this event. Couldn't handle seeing the new SR honokas face when playing a song (she looked so weird). I'll probably have to use 5 gems (so glad my current points is 12k)....
  20. Guys! I finally did it! I finally FC'ed Natsuiro Egao! I feel so happy! I'll have to wait until I get the event Honoka (which I would be getting tomorrow) to help me get the S rank for score (I was so close T-T). Oh, and I also got A-A for Snow Halation. When I played Snow Halation, it didn't feel like as if it was as fast as it used to be (I guess I had adjusted to the song). Also, I decided to turn on the settings for the pop-up, you know, where the pictures of the girls would appear if their skill activate (don't ask me why, I was in a weird mood after FC-ing Natsuiro Egao). Played Love Marginal on Hard with it. Still got pretty good scores though Never going to use that function again though, and I am forever grateful that they have a feature to turn it off. In celebration of my success, below here are some more quotes that I got from Nico.
  21. For me, I find that playing my tablet anywhere else other than on my lap gives me a harder time... Also, I just noticed that this forum is the only one (so far I know) that discusses about a game that isn't for pc. Wow......
  22. LL: SIF is slowly consuming my life xD

  23. Ceris, how about you guys use a tag that I had proposed a dozen pages ago for your club? It's called #theunluckyplayer (where the meaning of unlucky is very broad in this context). Still have to wait one more hour for next attempt at 25 lp song, then I can finally sleep for the rest of the night. Might as well do Snow Halation again (I'm sick and tired of Natsuiro Egao for today).
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