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Everything posted by phoenixfyre2552

  1. Now for Rin herself! Once again I'm certain some of these had been featured before, but oh well. And.... It seems I went overboard hehehe.... I had way too many Rin pictures waiting to be shown.....
  2. Happy Birthday Rin! First off, let's have some wonderful RinPana (I think some of these have been posted before but whatever).
  3. The Hanayo UR looks so cute. Not going to scout for her though. Oh. Takaramonozu is the new song added? Great.
  4. Event is ending in a few more hours. It seems that I'll be getting 2 scouting tickets from this event. I'm in rank 2xxx for the event and 7xx for the event song. Random fact: It seems that out of the 9 idols, only Eli and Umi are missing a heavy fan in this forum.
  5. ROFL. This comment made my day. Don't think he'll be the sort of guy to like something like Love Live but who knows? He might be playing it as we speak with an alias. Lol.
  6. My SR collection (no UR): Nico: 1 Hanayo: 3 Nozomi: 2 Eli: 3 Rin: 1 Maki: 2 (1 awakened) Honoka: 2 (1 awakened) Umi: 1 Kotori: 1 So far I've gained all of the event SRs.
  7. All in one day. Cry Ceris. Cry. You deserve to cry. And all of that YASM.... Wow....
  8. Haha yeah. In the end though I don't mind if I get a healing skill as long as its not any of the second years. I just really dislike honoka, kotori and umi is all (although I'm starting to like honoka while season 1 ruined umi and kotori for me)....
  9. The only reason why I really want them so bad is because I'd rather get cards of the girls that I like instead of running into the risk of getting any of the second years (sorry, it's just that I like those three the least out of the 9 members) and also because I'm hoping that I would finally get a UR from doing the draw, so if I were to get a UR I would have no chance of getting a UR with healing ability (so far none of the third year URs have healing skill so yeah). Edit: Although worst to worst I'll just try my luck in getting a Hanayo UR. I don't mind doing the draw for her.
  10. A few more days to go until event is finished. Can't wait. After this would be a cool SR kotori event card. Currently have 40 gems saved up. Desperately hoping for the special recruitment boxes for the third years to be here already.
  11. FINALLY!!!!! Thanks to my 4 perfect lock cards, I finally did it. T-T
  12. Finally FC-Ed wonder zone but I still haven't reached s-rank on the score. Time to get back to working on getting an s-rank for score. And wow.... Cutie panther on expert is so HARD. The notes were flying in front of my eyes, that's how fast they were to me....
  13. Congrats on FC-ing Soldier Game maki~chan! Let's all try our best to FC wonder zone expert now. Still haven't managed to FC wonder zone but I'm getting close to doing so (I have 2 perfect lock idols on my pure team).
  14. I'm having difficulty FC-ing wonder zone because it's slower than other experts. I don't like slow songs, most of the time they make me accidentally press a note too early because I'm too eager to finish the song. -_- Also, 2 regular students were added.
  15. @Ceris Oops. Forgot about that. Lol. Still an impressive feat though. I can't even get less than 10 greats in a hard mode song. @iamanoob Yup. It's a once a day thing, one of the four songs on rotation.
  16. ... Can't stop looking at the live performance of Cutie Panther. O-O Wow...... Here's the link: www.dailymotion.com/video/x27voa8_cutie-panther-by-bibi-南條-愛乃-徳井-青空-pile-堀絵梨子-or-eriko-hori_music The expert mode for the event song will be added on 27 October. I'm already saving up my tokens for then.
  17. That rin is so cute but.... I'm planning on saving my gems for when Klab would implement the special recruitment box (which will hopefully be somewhere around november or december).....
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